Duels Runs Coming to an End

Dudes…unbelievable. Hearthstone is the only game I’ve played consistently for…I don’t the last TEN FRICKIN YEARS…Duels is so fun, to me it reps the whole RNG that makes Hearthstone entertaining to me…What tone deaf developers, f you Blizzard for doing this.


Could you like, not pull this crap? Who is being hurt by Duels existing? It’s the only placee right now where you can consistently play Dual Class. Arena only does it in Halloween, and there’s no main format for dual class. No Dual Class Constructed. Unless you plan to give us that as compensation; I don’t want Duels going anywhere. This is a fat L.


So much crying over a game made you all know you never played.

Mercenaries is staying because people bought packs and spent money on it. Same reason why Artifact still exists. They can’t delete it, they’ll get sued.

Duels won’t be the last meta to get cut. At least the paid solo content gets into murky waters if they try to delete it, but ya. Battlegrounds Duos is kind of neat, but relies on cooperation, which in fairness, is easy to do if you’re friends. The lack of staying power I fear is how we saw stuff like Fireside Gatherings end, it’s a lot harder to schedule stuff in Hearthstone than it is to just play a solo round, and I don’t see putting your fate in the hands of a stranger making Duos more fun than normal BGs. At least when Duos gets cut, aside from paid skins for heroes like Cho’gall, there won’t be anything lost. IDK, Duels was what kept me caring about the game, all the fun of solo wackiness while still getting to put it to the test and playing with new cards. That wave of Hearthstone ads during Dalaran Heist with people playing that was what got me into the game, and I play the game to relive that level of chaos and fun. I was the rare Anomaly fan, and it’s heartbreaking to see the kind of content that got me caring about the game be sniped out of existence.


Battlegrounds Duos will die within 6 months. What are the most frustrating Tavern Brawls? The one where you have to rely on a teammate who you cannot talk to. Why would I ever want to subject myself to that crap even more…?

Blizzard could you please keep only Battlegrounds mode, remove all other modes and make it a $49.99 monthly subscription fee. (Free players can still play but will lose 99% of the time.)

Make sure Battlegrounds is a High Stakes Casino mode where you sit and watch bob play for you random cards, you only get a button to start the match. Also you can cosmetically upgrade your button for $9.99 extra a platinum button, $19.99 for a gold button and $29.99 for a diamond button.


This part is already implemented lol

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There’s a lot of people that only played duels dude, presumably most of the people that were sick of the horrendous bot problem I. Wild.

Cutting modes is flat out stupid.


Remove unnecessary modes (garbage) so that devs can more easily balance other modes, good idea.

Maybe in another marvel universe, but in this reality dev take up to a year or more to fix a simple achievement. :smiley:


They need to just merge Duels and Arena into one mode.

Basically it would be Duels, but instead of starting with your own 15 card deck, you’d just start the game with 5 rounds of Duels card bucket selection… so a faster version of drafting an entire Arena deck up front. Blizz would curate a few different meta decks in the bucket options to get you going.

This would give Arena a much needed face lift, and get rid of “net decking” or the effort of creating a 15 card deck in Duels to make it a more casual break from ranked mode.


I like this game mode, always found game, could remove mercenaries and twist instead

When will hs end period ?


Oh gee you want to remove a fun game mode that A LOT of your players enjoy so you can make more money on other garbage. Classic greedy Blizzard. I wish it was possible to give your execs the middle finger. Do you people even play the game anymore? No, it’s just about money for you.

Goodbye hearthstone.

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I’m all for removing the bloat! Next up is to axe Arena!

these declarations of reducing modes with the excuse that so the team focuses on the others are only signs of an extreme decline of hearthstone and probably of the gradual end, there are no other explanations, there are thousands of players who only play duels, why disappoint them if Is the project in good health? Ask yourself this question when you buy something on hearthstone with real money…


The game is already in decline, if the game is not balanced, the game is dead.

Duels is my favorite game mode. Not very balanced and not the most popular but super fun to play especially when expansions get old. As there hasnt been any real changes since approx a year, even card buckets are created automatically, I cant buy the „we want to concentrate resources on more popular game modes“. As alternative, one could have locked it: no more updates, card sets stay put instead of removing it fully from the client.

The HS ecosystem gets poorer and I believe this is a real mistake that is pissing the rather small but die-hard duels community off!

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Do you think Microsoft would have left a trash mode?

Microsoft is known for having good, rather well-balanced games except that Hearthstone is a big garbage in terms of balancing.

No idea if Microsoft has started to clean up this game for balance (following the departure of the Kotick trash) but if that’s the case, I approve.

Duel is one of not many mode I can still have fun with
I basicly got all cards wild included because of duel
and I think i am not alone.
I would seriously hope hearthstone can keep it.
It merely take less than one person to maintain it,
just ban the imballance cards at starter deck like it is already doing

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