Dev Insights—Upcoming Card Adjustments

Demon Hunter even after Nerf is still very strong, people complain a lot and for death knight and plague cards there is no card that can stop them, something has to be done

Worrier nerf has been LONG overdue. CW has been the biggest culprit of this un-interactive RNG based game play that plague this meta. Reno is just another card that fuel into the problem. CW that does not win on value should be a gimmick deck instead of competitive worthy.

Wow finally they saw the problem and planning to drop a major bomb on power level.

The power levels was the reason why I quit yugioh in the past and why it is not popular as much as in the past now. Because what is the point of playing a card game when you cannot create your own deck and make it work.

And meta is still problem tho the current ranked system is what encourages people to play meta decks.

will this included Zilliax components like Virus Module and Power Module and Magnetic
minons? That is incredibly broken and you can’t really counter it with out a strong aoe. you shouldn’t brought back magnetic.

Wrong. Aleco has the wrong idea. ‘Feeling that the game is over’ and ‘Feeling that actions (play) up to now have been meaningless’ are very different.

And this, ladies and gentleman is the key word here: FEELING of player agency. Not ACTUAL player agency, but the feeling (appearance) of it.

Like any card trick where you think you are picking which card pile is being removed, the person running the trick is controlling the entire thing and is directing you to the desired outcome.

Smoke and mirrors.

I’ve read only the announcement, not the comments, properly — sorry if I skipped something substantial.

In short: sounds great (looks like they have been paying attention to problems or feedback such as this), and at the very least it’s a good sign that the developers acknowledge the existence of the problems (fundamental design problems, not just balance issues), which is the first step to overcoming them, I suppose. As for the actual implementation — remains to be seen, so I don’t wanna jump to conclusions here.

ok, will look forward to it.

I like the nimbleness of gnome

But for the end, I was right so many times in the past when I called stuff out and what will happen. So for this I feel like my feeling will come true again.

This will be “BIG” tumbling of things, however, reading through comments and seeing people being “hopeful” and so on, I have to say that this will likely do nothing much to address issues, cause, here we are still dealing with blizzard as company behind the game, and all this will be executed poorly and in a wrong way, just like many other things.

I am saying all this not for other reason than to make some people lower expectations, cause all you hope for will not happen with this. They will not fix things, but also not sure if we should give them credit for “recognising” the issue either, cause these issues exist here for months, it is a bit to late to acknowledge they do something after months of ignorance of everything.

Maybe they will lay off 1900 commenters from the forum soon too, I wouldn’t be surprised. xD

Now if they fail and continue working on it actively it will be a good sign. But again we will see. Cause they will probably be like, oh Reno is a problem for that and that reason. OK just make it 9 mana call it a nerf. xD

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Its the ability to wipe your opponents board and only leaving them 1 spot open while you keep your ENTIRE BOARD…


Time warp is more than balanced. And must remain untouched.

Lol…idk what else to say…just lol

i dont mind some nerfs to board clears. but you need to make hierarchy of scaling.
1 mana 3/3 should be the cap. current offenders 1/2 after summon give stats. + the buffed timber wolf and cards like battlefiend/flustered librarian… options for these are similar to surging tempest/ vicious slitherspear, if you want to print possible stats above 3/3 it needs to be 1 or 2 attack and 1 Health with scaling health - 1 mana 1/1 crypt lord for instance

2 mana here you can go scaling with 1 stat permanently
but there is a problem - ideal statline for these minions would be 1/4 but these would be hard to remove at this mana bracket - lot of card do only 3 dmg so probably going for 2/3 is better.

at 3 mana we can scale with 1/1
this includes cards like security automaton, invento - matic
scavenging hyena moved here.

reaching 4 mana we have stats above 1/1 like astral automaton-
astral automaton scales himself + other copies currently, including those on board.
basically automaton could be 2 or 3 mana but it would have to be rogue card since priest is control class and rogue is not. both predecessors in jade and pogo were given to classes who can die to agro which for priest is unlikely due to many board clears and healing.

next wild needs a ban list - and its not about banning card from the format but banning neutral card from a class.
like Elwyn boar from priest.
naval mine and similar deathrattles + teron gorefiend from rogue
nzoth rogue - too consistent - you are getting 3/4 taunt reborn * 6
disruption in shaman.- mutanus,dirty rat(I assume loatheb and bully get changed to 1 per game effect)
denathrius in druid(and revert)
thaddius revert and ban in warlock,
yog saron in druid
you cannot run steamcleaner in highlander deck - your deck needs to have weakness
there may be community suggestions for more.

board clears to be removed
poison seeds, vanish, scabbs, + rogue loses single target bounce on enemy.
poison seeds after first minion dies each turn summon a 2/2 treant
vanish 5 mana give your hero stealth until next turn, next 3 cards cost 1 less
scabbs 6 mana battlecry cards from other classes cost 2 less, hero power add a random card from another class to your hand.
vallera 5 mana stealth for 1 turn, hero power discover a combo card and activate combo.

nefs to erchetypes:
big priest - shadow essence and blood of ghuun - draw a minion, summon a 5/5 copy of it.
xyrela - trigger each unique deathrattle of minions you summoned this game

druid: lets make one of most hated cards one of the most loved cards-
wildheart guff: battlecry set both players max mana to 20, both playersdraw a card and gain a mana crystal.,hero power - both players gain a mana crystal or draw a card.
innervate 0 mana both players gain a mana crystal
wild growth both players gain a mana crystal and choose one restore 5 health/deal 3 dmg
naturalize 0 mana destroy a minion its owner gains a mana crystal.

plague dk moved to rainbow.
plagues nerfed to dealing 1 dmg. and there can only be 1 copy of each plague in a deck.
instead you make the plagues stronger. unholy getting more 2/2 to opponent after 7 it upgrades stats with +1/+1 (like merrowgar)
blood increase the healing excess goes to increased health. frost now reduces cost of card in enemy hand by 1.

also cast when drawn cards should not be milled.

sludge changed back to 2 mana deal 3

quest mage- spend 20? mana on spells that did not start in deck.
zarimi 25 mana spend on dragons. or 20 and she is no longer dragon.

amanthul strike from history now only removes 1 minion

rework end the game effects -
stays - mechathun
4 horseman paladin - aura of taunt/rush/ lifesteal/ divine shield on other minions
if you summon all 4 at the same time your minions will have permanent +2/+2 and all of these.(1 per game)(divine shield is on summon
rivendare warrider:
does the same thing except for divine shield keywords given on deathrattle.
final 1 gives also 1 mana discount to your minions(this can stack)
wheel of death 10 mana, no longer destroys deck, choose an effect now and at the start of every turn in 5 turns get the effects chosen permanently.(and you will no longer be able to choose more)
effects should be able to stack - stats to minion, more to demons, keywords, generate cards, discounts
purified shard 5 mana restore your hero to max health, for rest of the game at the start of each turn gain 5 health and restore 10 health to your hero.
main idea with these should be to you no longer win game immediately but these make it hard to lose.

gen and baku rework:
now work like choggal but they are guaranteed to give you the anomaly. no longer deck building restricted. both lose stats tho - gen to 4 mana 2/5 taunt, baku to 3 mana 4/2 rush.

sir finley mrgglton : start of the game replace your hero power - duels, adventure hero powers, some may be excluded(magnetic mines?)

houndmaster shaw battlecry your minions have rush this game
warsong commander battlecry ALL minions have rush this game
Mr smite 5 mana 6/4 battlecry ALL minions have rush this game
curator 5 mana 3/6 battlecry your minions have taunt this game.

bloodlust, savage roar your minions have rush, they gain +1 attack when they are summoned, 3 mana.
totemic might/surge 2 mana your totems will be summoned with +1 health/+1 attack
healing stream totem now heals your hero as welll.

grave strength 5 mana your undead gain rush taunt and lifesteal, spend 5 corpses and they gain +1/+1 when they are summoned permanently(+1/+1 stacks)
now doesn’t require runes

survival of the fittest - 10 mana your minions have taunt and rush, summoned minions gain +2/+4

other board buffs go in similar fashion

murlocks - stats nerfed across board but effects are permanent and changed to battlecries. underbelly angler gives you random murloc for rest of the game along with underlight angling rod.

nat pagle gives random cards related to fishing - 4 mana 2/4, can give some powerful items too but he also has a chance to not trigger at all.
like you can get ashbringer - buffed to deal 2 dmg to enemies and immune while attacking)


I don’t love Time Warp either, but unfortunately Mage is in such a spot that they can’t play anything but Time Warp decks. Kabal Lackey becoming unplayable made their only other deck worthless. Mage needs serious help to play in Wild as it stands today to play anything other than quest mage.

I mean I’m not much of a mage player so idk but when I do play mage it’s like Even Excavate/Hero Power mage or Odd Mage and they seem to perform well, I don’t believe that Time Warp is “the only way to play mage” or whatever, when one door closes, another opens


Let’s at least be honest: ignore the community by not having a beta test. If have a beta test the input is ignored. Only reason we are here “The outcry was that immense”. Could’ve prevented it by listening but too busy printing money. Now the money is in jeopardy. So here we are in damage control mode.
glgl HS fans. Especially the ones saying they are so happy about this. They literally had no choice it wasn’t for your benefit.

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Yea, fixing the problems they caused by letting the current design team have any sort of control.

well, good thing this is about STANDARD and not the SS that is wild.

“I play aggro most of the time” so when my board gets cleared you should lose health, huh?