Dev Insights—Upcoming Card Adjustments

Hi, big player of wild here.
I’m very happy to see that you are considering to change some card in wild and not only in standards. Many people maybe don’t know it, but wild is not a dumpster ! There is a meta, very interesting decks and combo, and a tons of deck buiding. However, combo that literally soft lock the game like quest mage, or rely on 2 card to Otk turn 5 (priest or mine rogue) should not be allowed espcially when it requires such a litlle effort to fix them. Wild is very hard to balance and I’m not shocked that very efficient deck and powerfull combo exists but sometimes it’s just no interactive. In my opinions, and like almost every other card game, some card should be ban of Wild like you already did in the past.

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totally agree. People tend to forgot that mage have extremely powerfull other deck like secret mage, hero power mage. Even fun deck are possible with all the random casting spells…

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It’s about the 2 formats, Mikey…
Many are waiting for the death of that deck…

and this is how you can easily identify that something is broken:
if it becomes a basic requirement for any deck out there, to run it’s only effective counter to be playable on the offchance of meeting it.
The fact, that every single deck would have to include Dirty Rat etc, regardless of it’s own playstyle, solely to be able to compete with this deck on any level whatsoever, already tells you, that the innate powerlevel of said deck is too high, likely as a result of not enough INTERACTABILITY.
A deck that can clear your board every single turn, while accumulating it’s own OTK pieces, while ignoring your very tempo, is inherently broken and unfun to play against.
And I play Sif decks myself, mind you!

Oh you used dirty rat and summoned Phantoem of the Opera for me 19 turns ahead of schedule? Thanks Mr. “Basic requirements”! Unseen sabotuer? Thanks you just triggered wheel of death like 4 turns into the round. What pathetic things you think are counters like Big Game Hunter are actually even more effective at giving your opponent the win than the original game thrower Millhouse Manastorm. And where it doesn’t win/help you in any form at all it’s a what in your deck? A BRICK a brick that you knew you couldn’t use unless under very specific circumstances. Yet you used them in every deck nonetheless because “Oh it counters strawberry flavored icecream specifically, surely the next opponents WONT be mint or chocolate flavored AGAIN” as a C’thun the shattered user I know the power of too many bricks in the deck which is why I either a. Don’t use brick moves like Reno Jackson. (Period cuz just him alone is a brick, bouncing him over and over is a mega brick.) then act like I have dignity for not using it. Or b. Use cards everyone calls useless like transfer student or lackeys and then straight up clown car them because they underestimated the 1/1 that turned into a 4/4 then into a 10/10 right before their eyes.

That’s the nature of card games like this. Some decks are always going to rise to the top and you have play certain cards to counter the popular decks. It will always be this way.

It’s why another little known card game, Magic the Gathering has a sideboard. Allows you to tweak your deck in between games based on what opponent playing. ETC is a helpful way to have said sideboard adding the extra cards needed for certain matchups.

Ultimately, changing the game to be so simple there’s only one style of play - I’m gonna drop my basic 2/2 creatures and you drop your 4/4 creature and we INTERACT - will cause me to quit. I like playing different style of decks, specifically ones that require a different tactic than just drop creatures and we trade.

When they make everything just 1/1 basic creatures and delete all spells, have fun! I won’t be there for it.

And yet Reno gets a buff, at least before you could add cards to your opponent’s deck and limit his board clear. I’ve played this game since its release, and am actually considering leaving now. I have lost any hope of Blizz actually trying to fix the issues prevalent in their IP.

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Still no bug fix for Sharp-eyed Seeker “NOT” drawing a “copy” of Floppy Hydra that didn’t start in your deck, eh?
What a waste of a card. ~ (Both of them)

good to see none of these changes willdoa damn thing to make decks less of a slog to play against or keep me from outright conceding against. Good job, *************** /s

I mean, oh no, Reno isnow 9 mana. Sanitize gives an additional armor now. WTF? who cares if it costs one more mana?

Also, you waste time changing card txt? Why?

Forge of willis STILL GOING TO BE A PROBLEM, even at 4 mana. Holy hell.

Who wasactuallyplaying Mes’Adune? The card is garbage. Still is at 5 mana.

Druid cards not getting nerfed. Fantastic. You really do want less people playing the game.

Who ok’d these changes? Do they even play teh *****ing game? I mean at all? Christ on a cracker, you devs are awful.

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They literally need to employ a handfull of Top ten players that excel in Deck crafting & know how every card can be combined. Their job would be play all day and make stupid deck combos pre expansion launch. Then nerf before it goes live. Im sure Ai would even tell them best card combos

This game is not fun anymore. The battlecry highlander were put in check by plagues but now they can no longer be controlled. Especially warrior. Unnerf DK so highlanders and other cancers can be put into check.

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Nerfing threads and The undead poison thing is a huge mistake. This stops any cancers from spreading. I love when the zilliax rogue is stopped but hunters need more nerf or rebuff threads or other early removals. Also the highlanders are broken.

Take a look at that if you wish: 29.2.2 Patch Notes - #57 by SparkyElf-2852 .

That doesnt change the fact. They can realiably reno the board without any counter play + Brann and shuffle 6 tnt that removes 6 cards in your hand and deck and board.

I prefer tnt also target other tnts and modify the condition where you need no duplicate at the starting AND the current deck. This slows highlander down by much.

Also increase jungle gym by 1 mana and saddle up by another 2 mana or make it summon 1 cost minons only.

Also plz buff demon seed so it becomes take 6 damange → take 8 damage → take 10 damage.

because that is way to slow and unreliable.

I hope this includes reinstating Duels mode.

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i think proably hunters care

It won’t change a thing. It will still be played and the power of the card is still the same.

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I loved the sound of this when I first read it but once again you guys missed the mark

I want all cards getting buffed, but they need new cards that does this:

Silence heroes so that effects that lasts the rest of the game shuts down. such as if if you played Blightborn Tamsin and cant wait to kill your opponent by taking damage only to getting silenced and having that effect removed.

Destroy all immune characters means discouraging people from being invulnerable.

  • Subsequently some cards that allows damaging immune characters to counters likes of Ice Block, Time Out and even Malganis

Add a card that makes both players immune and immortal (can only be killed by taking damage (overkill + honorable kill combined, so no OTK that destroyes enemy hero passing that) while controlling any minions. Heros can only take damage if they have no minions, permanent and dreadsteed includes too.

Destroy a card effect should remove permanent cards, like Boomboss Thogrunn TNT blowing up The Nether Portal.

While having the exciting effect removed doesn’t sound fun, BUT we also need a card that restores all that is lost for both players.