Dev Insights—Upcoming Card Adjustments

Good luck, I hope you nail it. The game needs it.


Tell him we feel bad his system went down that so he couldn’t come here and interact with the playerbase in person!

In fact, please give the entire dev team the forum’s web address, since most of them seem to have lost it since before the pandemic.

And yes, this is sarcasm. Most of us know this was intentional, especially after you guys killed the “dev tracker” tab that showed how long it was since they bothered coming in here.

Nothing against you, gnome…it’s sad the devs have such open contempt for the playerbase.

Edit: and before the usual suspects begin their “NUH UH” defense of the devs…I’ll note they easily could have posted this themselves, but didn’t. The difference between personally delivering a message of such importance, and handing it off to someone like it’s one of the usual announcements speaks volumes.

You hit Paladin too hard last time, so I’m looking forward to some buffs.

I am happy that wild is getting some recognition. As a wild player, I would like to point out that decks like Naval mine rogue can kill you on turn 4 from 30 health. Miracle rogue is also putting a lot of stats on turn 3-4 and only counter is Razorscale. Highlander Quest mage is also problematic, after Renathal revert it became tier 1 and after Zarimi nerf it will dominate the meta even more. My recommentdation is to make Time warp once per game, or increasing its requirement to 10-12. For Rogue, card draw should be a bit slowed down, Secret passage at 2 mana and Snowfall Graveyard 5 mana should make Rogue decls a bit slower.

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as long as you do not touch time warp, do whatever you want.

Also a lot of cards should be unerfed in WILD which were increased mana cost cards.

Not really, if not stated you could poof your board minus one card then play an extra minion. It’s a way to nerf the card while making it possible to keep a valuable minion, location or dragons nest/sargeras portal. As someone who plays a lot of highlander with 1-2 duplicates, I’d much rather that change than the “if your deck started with no duplicates” one ppl have been suggesting.

Lol what? Why would they mention balance in Wild if they aren’t going to touch time warp? It is the number 1 complained about card and obviously a degenerate playstyle/deck which isn’t even fun for the person playing it (since half of players will simply concede turn 1 upon seeing the quest), let alone someone on the receiving end who actually tries to win


I love this, but why can’t he have his own account on the forums to post?

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while this is great to hear, it will boil down to how this plays out … and also, if you want to increase player agency how about addressing how the changes to rewards may push people from having any agency at all … how about the repeatedly reported bugs that never get fixed … how about not banning people who still play the game for false or weakly flagged reasons … it’s quite frustrating that so many things seem to be overlapping to paint a picture that you are just going to be blatantly turning up the abuse on your skinner box community … i’m not sure this is a big enough “food” pellet to demonstrate how much you “truly sincerely care”

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The Pegasus year card set was a lot of fun, and I was playing Hearthstone enthusiastically for the first time in a while.
However, this year’s nerfs are intense, and with each nerf, decks are destroyed, options are reduced, and the game becomes boring.
I’m worried that in the end we’ll end up with the same plagues as last year.

I think forge of wills and the tools that warlock possessed to stall game is the problem, not wheel.

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Wheel of death is probably my #1 most disliked card currently. Far worse than reno and shoppers and everything else commonly mentioned. All that other stuff I can deal with and it’s not a hopeless end of the game regardless of everything that came before and after. Best part about reaching legend is I now concede against every warlock because I can’t be bothered and don’t have to play against this crap anymore lol. The whole deck is just busted and super polarizing on whether you have answers or not.

I’m surprised we’re getting a new massive balance patch after the small patch to tone to DH. I thought that was going to be it for a while. I suppose this is good news and am looking forward to seeing what the adjustments are.


I am a warlock player generally, and have to agree. I really only use Wheel in situations wherein I know I won’t be able to deal enough damage to win (i.e. versus warrior (armor)).

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the message.

Indeed, some cards are overwhelmingly powerful that make the opponent feel completly defenseless.
I just want to pinpoint a small aspect I saw in previous expansions, which is having at least 1 card that could nullify the effect of each overwhelming card effect and so, not being obliged to annul an overwhelming card. To be more precise I was thinking on cards like “steam cleaner” or “rustrot viper” that were generally seen in ETC band manager to counterbalance decks excessively depending on weapons or cards shuffled into a deck during the game.

Well, just that. Maybe it’s easier to say than making it real, but I think it’s a relevant point.
In any case, no matter what, THANK YOU for the game and for your continuous improvements.

Good Game everyone! :slight_smile:

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thank you for these words of hope :pray:

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Blizzard I’m not optimistic, and I’m sure most of the community feels there same way. There needs to be MASSIVE card reworks, not just nerfs and buffs. There are so many fundamental problems with the game at the moment, it’s mind boggling it’s gotten to this state.
This patch absolutely needs to land. It has to restore the hope of the community. Talking to people on other forums, a LOT are fed up and have quit including myself. I’ve played basically since the game came out and would love to come back, but I feel like at this point you have to re-earn player engagement with good ideas and good design.
With that said, I hope I’m wrong in doubting, but history has shown some very ‘out of touch’ changes in the past.
Frankly, this needs to be the best patch you guys have ever released.

So glad you’re also reversing the quests to what they were before.

Even against warrior, you are not guaranteed to win after playing wheel, they could have played TNT to bomb some of your defensive tools off, playing Zilliax and Boomboss if you don’t have Reno on hand, or with Odyn and Ignis weapons OTK

I love the concept of Wheel of Death, and I don’t think it cannot be countered, it is just a combo you can pull off mid- to late- game, and I agree your point, I only play it when I know I might be out-valued and I have enough tools to defend myself

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TBH I would remove poof part too and make reno proc any deathrattles and send minions to “graveyard”. Cause Reno actively counters any rezz decks too. Also it could have plagues effect from warlock. Destroy all enemy minions and for each enemy minion destroyed destroy 1 friendly minion. Cause decks that fight for board have no chance ever coming back once opponent board is full and you are limited to 1 spot. Reno doesn’t feel AS BAD when opponent has no minions VS opponent board with 3 or 4 minions and you can’t even clear them for like 2 or 3 turns after that. Also it should be, as any other highlander card, if your deck started with no duplicates… Cause then plagues wouldn’t kill HL either, cause plagues DIDN’T start in his deck at the start of the game.

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hits the nail exactly on the head in terms of what’s wrong with current hearthstone, hopefully the balance patch (and future ones if necessary) will be enough to address these core issues, sometimes it wasn’t an issue with a specific card(s) but the overall design direction on a fundamental level