Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

They arent obsolete, you choose not to use them.

Trust me, I have many beefs with Blizz, with a rap sheet just as long.

But, this is the fairest way for it to happen, all things considered.

We have known about the B&C overhaul for almost a year now.

Its not evergreen. Its a ROTATIONAL core set.

and you’re getting an entire set of cards for free that has cards better than the cards you said were purposely made weaker, that you don’t intend to use, that can also be used in wild. if blizz gave a set of 10k cards that were literally useless instead with the way your arguments have been tonight you’d see that as a net win. you just said they were weaker and you don’t use them at all in wild. so what exactly are you complaining about or expecting compensation for?

But you realize they are giving you 150 less cards right?? The rotating core set is much smaller and less significant.

yep. just as i thought.

Yes. I am well aware of the fine line.

Its not evergreen.

You can be upset about it, and have my condolences for so.

But this is the fairest way for a core set that isnt evergreen to be implemented, for BOTH parties.

Nice… So I’ll get a gold Tyrion and Al’akir… Sweet!

No it doesn’t?
That would be for the people asking for a full dust refund.

Realise we will get 0 dust this year as opposed to the last 4 years, we’d get HoF dust that we can use to craft some cards we want in the new year.

Now, that yearly dust has to come from elsewhere.

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no. if you dusted those cards they would be gone. what you’re asking for is even more greedy than i had assumed you meant then. if you want them to just give you a huge amount of dust for free and to keep the cards? :rofl:

Like the increased gold YOU have received by cheating the system, and afking in BG’s?

Dont bite the hand that feeds ya bud.
The core set is very fair, all things considered.

this is the hearthstone wiki link to every single card ever put in the HoF. even if you got to keep every single one and got the full dust value of it it would not be the same as getting a partial dust “refund” of every single card from the set that’s rotating now.

https ://hearthstone .gamepedia .com/Hall_of_Fame

oh google, bless you.

How about all your friends who stopped playing, see the Core Set releasing, get excited,
and then not continue playing because they don’t have that dust, that flexibility to craft a few cards they want in the new year, for the new expansion?

I tell ya, I don’t need the dust. But it’s not just for me.

they’ll have access to a top tier deck for free when they come back. they can choose to get the one with the most free legendaries and dust them to make the cards if they want to craft a bunch of rares for other decks or whatever.

We are already getting a full Dust Refund on Basic. Cost 0 dust so 0 dust refund.

The title is about the Classic cards, so…

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i’ve said several things to you that you’re dodging. is there a reason you’re not responding?

Bottom line is Blizzard screwed up when they said B&C would be evergreen.

They screwed up when they said “no formats” as well.

At least this time we gain access to replacements, unlike 5 years ago, when it was “too bad, so sad”.

That is the compensation, and its a good one imo, if it allows them more freedom to change things up.

HoF is for a few cards at a time. it’s not when an entire collection of cards rotates. when the grand tournament rotated to wild it didn’t get a full dust, or even partial dust, refund. what they’re asking for has never happened at any point. and comparing it to HoF cards makes zero sense at all.

My point being, Blizzard doesn’t change anything by us being complacent. So instead we are arguing against each other, while Blizzard gets better at making changes that don’t make us outrage.

Who says it has to be exactly the same?

I’ve crunched the numbers already, and this would be in the ballpark:

As in, Blizzard would be rewarding us for our past investment in the Classic set eg: A pop-up in game: “Because of cards you own in the Classic set, here’s a gift of xxxx dust!”

The Blizzard devs are already moving away from the idea of dusting your cards, and keeping them to grow your collection. Duels was just the start, using cards from Wild sets. There are going to be more ways in the future that will have you use more of your collection.

And if you make a mistake dusting a card? Especially an epic or legendary? Well you’re not getting that back in a pack, unless you’ve pretty much completed the set already, then you’re back to a random chance of opening it again. This is due to the duplicate protection.

Go exploit the system more. Youve openly confessed to doing it multiple times.
If not getting compensated for a GOOD move is truly that big of an issue to you, continue violating the EULA.