Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

I don’t know if you noticed, but I pretty much have all of the decent commons and rares already

i was mostly talking about for the new set that hasn’t been released yet. which we all have literally 0 cards we can use from it right now as they haven’t even been released. you could make them without spending a dime or even buying a single new pack at all.

No it is far more efficient with gold, I’ll spend probably 2k then I’ll get the rest of the rares from ranked rewards.

except if you have tons of dust you wouldn’t need to spend gold at all. you could just use the dust you already have and craft them for free. you also are now saying you’ll buy packs of cards when you said you weren’t going to, earlier. the goal post has now been yeeted out of our galaxy.

Dust is rare and hard to come by, I have only ever crafted about 5 cards, so this is accumulation over 4 years. I also haven’t updated any decks lately, so I need to drop some dust on my wild decks but after the set reveal.

https: //eu. forums .blizzard .com/en/wow/t/one-of-the-best-guild-players-got-banned-for-wc3-refund/124208

this is an EU thing. i’m looking for stuff that isn’t just US stuff. this is one thing i’ve found that shows blizz banned someone overall for misusing “charge back” for WC3 that nuked his entire account, even his wow account.

Steam did the same thing to me, I purchased some software and my computer didn’t meet the specs so I charge backed it and they just flat out banned me haha. The power goes to their head.

the way to cover your behind is to call the company in question (within an appropriate window) and ask them how to fix it. with steam i think it’s 30 days. if you do it within that timeframe they won’t ban you and they’ll likely issue you a refund if they cannot figure out how to make whatever it is work. but you have to call within the window.

edit: the new WC is called WC3 refunded on the wow forums. lots of people called within the window and got a refund. the mental giants that did “charge backs” nuked their accounts. if you act like an adult you get your money back. if you rage “charge back” you get what’s coming to you. that’s all i’m saying.

these people are raging on the forums. they can put in a ticket and see what blizz can do. you’re telling them to commit fraud and nuke their accounts on top of it. lol

No, he doesnt. read the EULA.

At least youre getting something this time in the free core set.
They also said “no formats” when the game launched, and not eve golden ADVENTURE cards were offered refunds (only craftable).

The only thing dude can do is contact blizzard. Or he could charge back and nuke his entire account. There is no guarantee what blizz says is what he wants to hear. The opposite choice only has one outcome. I have far more than $200 invested in other blizzard games so it would be irrational to lose access to them forever over a poor decision I’ve made with HS. Lol

Would I like to get a boatload of basically free dust after rotation? Hell yes. Is it a realistic expectation? Hell no.

That said, I obviously support OP’s postulate and definitely want a full dust refund for classic cards.


i’m gonna like this because of course you support it, but aren’t trying to act like it’s warranted or likely. XD

There ought to be at least a partial dust refund along the lines of a HoF rotation.

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do you want to play classic or use the cards in duels or wild? cuz a partial dust refund would mean you lose access to all those cards for every single format not just standard. also it seems strange to me that people liked the cards enough to make them as golden cards but not enough to keep them in general.

There is.
It comes in the form of core cards.
Or would you like your partial refund and have to craft/open cards in the core set?

I would love more dust as much as the next guy, dont get me wrong, but if you/we were awarded compensation, we wouldnt get the core set cards for free.

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I actually would have preferred if they made classic II and then tavern brawl packs changed to that, then something fair like quarter dust back for all of the cards in classic but you get to keep them or something, I think keeping them is better for nostalgia purposes.

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why would you expect a dust refund when you just said you’d get to keep them? the entire argument you’re making comes down to “i got cards for free so let me keep them and give me free stuff on top of it”

Because I’m not the one choosing to make them obsolete, that is on them.

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plays wild, calls rotated cards obsolete. mmmkay.

No because standard is very different and cards of lesser quality are playable in standard all the time simply due to the small pool size, they purposely made this set weaker from the get go so it could be evergreen.