Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

i de a legendary one day cuz i thought it was useless. then my wife said it was actually useful. i created it the next day. moonfang. i have barely spent any money on things and got 6k dust from mass de and used it to recraft it. and then i made a bunch of other cards. from things i got from free packs. i use my gold to do duels. and get stuff from that. the most money i’ve spent on hearthstone period i cannot access any of those things because the expansion isn’t out yet. if i can just hit mass de and be able to do that without spending much money, or actively playing for most of of the time i’ve been playing HS, using duplicates that i got from opening free packs of cards. you’re not gonna get a lot of sympathy from me because you dusted something and are pretending it’s gone forever.

oh he’s an exploiter. i missed that. no point wasting time arguing with him if that’s the case. eventually warden will give him some love taps. and then he can cry on the forums then when his entire account is banned. lol

How is this even relevant? It’s throwing out an argument for the sake of arguing.

A loss of 1200 dust

I’ve already mentioned, I have plenty of friends and other players who I’ve helped try to get into the game. The problem is not the initial burst of resources, it’s the catching up and building a collection of past sets, missing cards. And dust is the main currency for that.

i don’t care about dust/gold/exp per hour. i am not a f2p player. i can mostly play for free though because HS gives people who don’t even pay at all free things just for doing things they’d do otherwise. that kind of thinking is f2p players. if i make a lot of dumb choices with what i de i can either wait a bit and open packs for free and try again, or spend $20 on 15 packs or whatever if i’m super impatient. i am not rich by any means but if you had any idea how much i’ve spent on wow over the years… and that HS is cheap as crap in comparison… you’d understand. you’re obviously a f2p player and your “logic” only applies in the context of your own self imposed restrictions. not to everyone who plays.

You have your answer to where the extra dust comes from.
The FREE core set covers it, but you can continue doing what you have been and earn even MORE free dust.

i wish there was a way for me to auto mute anyone who whines about f2p or p2w. just remove them all forever from my sight. they seem to actively hate blizz and HS and spend hours and hours whining. they’re not helping support the game and can hit legend without spending a dime. but all they seem to do is try to hold everyone else to their self imposed restrictions and verbally assault anyone who pays. as if we’re the bad guys. what do they think happens to HS if no one at all pays?

Both of you keep thinking that I’m only arguing for my own perspective.
My account is well off! I’ve spent plenty on HS (as in, I’m not F2P) and have 30k dust in the bank and more on the button!

Also scorched, weren’t you playing that new account that opened all those Warrior legendaries? I thought we were in agreement there.

I don’t see how this projection of a type of player is helping here now.

i gave up on that account specifically because i got that warrior golden legendary that i said i wouldn’t de. i hate it that much. i’d rather not play it at all than just de it and recraft it and have some random accuse me of lying. lol

it wasn’t directed at you when i said that. just in general. you can look at every post i’ve made ever (as its only 530) and see how many times i’ve responded to that type of player and the things i’ve gotten back from them. rigged this. p2w that. you’re a shill/whale/satan if you’ve ever paid even once. it gets tiring. i just wish i could just not be forced to see it.

Explain that please? You can buy gametime for WoW and thats that. You can play whatever you want… After the latest expansion is out, you get the battlechest INCL. 30 days gametime for less than 50% of the purchase price of a single copy of the latest expansion when it was released… the chest costs around 20 - 30 bucks… and you can play it for free because you can buy gametime with ingame gold that is relatively easy to make… so please, know what YOU are talking about before complaining others don’t!

the expansions are typically $60+ a piece plus +15 a month. to be able to play wow as a new account at be able to “compete” you have to spend at least $75. you get a max level boost paying that much. if you’re frugal or want to learn your class while leveling you can save $20. competitive play in HS you can do entirely for free. if you want to level and not get the boost you can spend $55 to be able to level and start the grind. once you reach max level you spend time doing dungeons to get gear to raid or do harder dungeons or pvp. lots of things are time gated. so you have to be subbed x amount of time to be able to unlock them. so say you want something and it takes 3 months to unlock it. thats $15 xs 3. so $45 you have to pay to do the quests to unlock whatever it is.

you can play entirely for free to level 20 without paying a dime, but that’s not what anyone here cares about.

to play wow competitively you have to spend at least $40 on an expansion + $15 a month indefinitely, as a new player.

and if you think a new player is going to have access right away to pay over 120k in gold every month to play, i have a bridge to sell you.

i know exactly what i’m talking about and you obviously don’t. anyone can look into wow and see what i am saying is true.

edit: you CANNOT do max level content and compete unless you are currently level 60. no one cares about anything below 60 so you’re essentially saying you can spend $30 to afk in the world and do nothing of use. to get content updates that you can get stuff that matters you HAVE to be max level and paying a monthly sub. and to do THAT you have to buy the newest expansion.

Ummm are you new here? When the rewards track was fully revealed I was very negative about it. I agree with the blizzard position in this case because the argument being put forward by the people criticizing them is moronic. They are not going to give you an entire set worth of dust when they are also giving a full set of free cards. Nobody worth listening to takes that complaint seriously.

Solem put together a pretty comprehensive guide as to what cards you should keep and what to craft to compete in wild with any remotely meta deck. He went through every class, every set, at every rarity and the sets with by far the most cards are the standard ones except rise of shadows. He aimed to be as generous as possible. The only older sets that even seems to remotely compare to stuff like Ashes of Outland, Descent of Dragons, and Scholomance Academy are Kobolds n Catacombs and Classic. Here’s his list Even if he missed a few cards in some of the older sets the lead most of the standard sets have is so large that it won’t matter.

That’s unfortunate but also a minuscule portion of the player base and they are not about to functionally give away the entirety of their next set to their entire player base because a few people suddenly spent a large amount of money on a set that likely doesn’t generate much revenue for them anymore.

No that’s not the case at all. Very often you’ll see on these people’s twitter profiles the line “tweets are my own opinions” or something similar to clearly indicate that anything you read from them is not the official position of the company as a whole.

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A single employee messing up a statement might be extremely misleading. Also, if people actually take their time to read the agreement they know Blizzard gets to explain what their promises and advertisements are.