Can we speed up the release of the doomkin nerf?

Projecting that you care more to personally attack others, only shows something about you and not me.

You could admit that you need some study on how Draw/Mulligan/Kept stats affect deck behavior.

I’m sorry, but I have to side with Dim on this one, because I feel the same as he does about you

I also have you on ignore most of the time, and from time to time I remove the ignore to give you a chance, it works for a while and then you, again, start just being contrarian and trying to correct people who know what they’re talking about

It’s infuriating, it’s confusing and it’s quite bizzarre.

And then when we tell you about it, you claim it’s a personal attack.

It’s not a personal attack, it’s a constructive criticism. You’re making a fool of yourself, and if you really wanna know who wishes you well, it’s US who tell you what you’re doing, and not the people who don’t.

They either don’t care or they enjoy watching you embarass yourself.

Then you are the same, writing half a book to go off topic against me,

instead of learning the impacts of draw/etc on how a deck plays.

PS I know it offends you, you are supposedly infallible against almost everyone that plays the game,

that’s the real problem here.

I guess you could say that, as an exaggaration, but

You can’t say that. I’m sorry, it’s just wrong. I’m not against you, I’m literally sacrificing peace to help you stop doing what you’re doing, because it won’t do you, or anyone else, any good.

I didn’t see what you two were arguing about, I just saw you had a similar conversation in two different threads so I decided to chime in to help speed things up

Nothing here offends me. You can’t offend me.

In order for someone to be able to offend me, I have to take them seriously. I can’t take you seriously until you stop clowning around and trying to “correct” people who know what they’re talking about.

Oh, also:

That’s literally you xD You’re the one getting offended, not me. I’m the bully, remember? That’s what you said, many times.

As I said you two were the same; going off topic to project your selfishness on me; the other person also started typing against me without saying anything on the topic just like you.

I’m not going to cave to bullying sorry. I said something on topic and if you don’t agree with it find arguments; off topic personal aphorisms are not arguments; just a waste of time.

:laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

That doesn’t work. You literally just left me speechless with absolute nonsense in the thread about number of players in legend across different servers. I described the whole dynamic of how things work and you tried to disprove me with yet ANOTHER argument which proves what I said.

I don’t know how to respond to someone disproving their own arguments while trying to disprove mine. So I just left it unanswered.

But I can’t keep opening threads one by one only to see you doing to same in each and every one of them. It’s time you choose to grow as a person or get ignored by half of the forum and enjoy talking to yourself.

You REALLY have to stop projecting. First of all you have absolutely just spammed yet another thread with COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC nonsense for the sole purpose to bully someone out of the forum entirely.

On the previous thread you were told that it’s absurd to claim it’s not easier to rank when the average opponent is worse; you have the audacity to call that nonsense; be convincing if you want acceptance.

Excuse me?

So if we all go to legend easier because our competition is easier, how in the world does the number of legend players NOT change (much)? It literally does. You literally posted a paradox. You countered your own argument.

And you did it again, somehow. I don’t even know how to respond to something which isn’t even wrong.

It’s like a machine was given two premises and forced to conclude the opposite of what logic says should be concluded.

It’s paradoxical, it’s nonsense.

I’ll just leave this for everyone to judge themselves. You’re going back on ignore.

You have the common problem of most gamers on internet forums: you like producing strawmen to “beat” others instead of respecting them; you should be creating “steelman” arguments instead; it’s in your best interest to assume someone is smart instead of stupid because you sharpen your argumentation that way.

Nobody told you in that context that I was talking about all players in the same region; I specifically talked in SINGULAR that if you put yourself or another player in the two regions and compare the results: they will rank better in the one with the worse players; that’s pretty obvious you might agree now.

If I didn’t mean that then it would make no sense what I said next; that the total percentage of those ranking to a certain rank stays more or less the same; and that was why the first thing I said in the thread was “asia more people = asia more legend”.

Honestly if you’re on a bunch of gaming forums, you might be right about this. Because you’re certainly very problematic in every single thread you’ve ever posted in, at least on here.

Or you could answer my question:

Which decks get GOOD when they suffer mediocre draws?

Going off topic to attack my character and not talk on-topic is nothing I haven’t seen before either (talking about your previous reply).

On the quoted you did the typical error of making a loaded question (for the second time in this thread in the exact same way).

Nobody told you “something is good when it’s bad” (easy to “beat” others when you produce a strawman isn’t it?).

Here’s the entire post I was referring to of yours:

And here’s the part of that post that I was calling you out on:

And here’s the specific part of that specific statement that is literally “water is wet” levels obvious:

That, specifically, is what I’m calling you out on. And no, calling attention to you saying something that is stupid, is NOT the same as calling YOU stupid. Stephen Hawking said some very dumb things. YOU aren’t dumb, but your STATEMENT there, IS.

There doesn’t EXIST a deck that “gets better” if it has bad draws. You are correct, it is a loaded question to prove the point that you made a pointless statement. You added no nutritional value to this meal.

EVERY SINGLE DECK ever made in the entire existence of CCG’s, gets AT BEST, “net neutral” if it suffers mediocre draws. In other news, grass is GREEN. Shocker, I know.

You’re infuriating and I’m actually making a custom ad-block script to remind me never to interact with you again.

It’s not my problem you don’t get something I already said multiple times. The decks across the game differ on their Draw and Mulligan or Kept stats; if a Deck has very even stats on them then it’s not that crucial what it draws; the Ramp Druid is extremely defenseless against all fast and all medium-speed decks if for the first few draws it won’t develop a board (it’s not even an amazing board to begin with before it gets 10 mana so it’s already walking on thin ice anyway) (i.e. in case it’s still not clear: not all decks “become just BAD if their first few draws are bad” because their draw/mulligan impacts might be more even).

You seem to have the typical problem of most people bickering on internet forums; you like to create strawman arguments (imaginary people to attack because it’s easier to “beat” them); it’s in your best interest to create steelman arguments instead (assume someone is not stupid because it makes you struggle to create better arguments yourself.

Just give it up already xDD

I’ve tried for 6 months, used all tactics, to no avail

All he does is points to “typical errors” from everyone and when he gets called out, calls them “bullies who only know how to use strawman”

Basically, his only argument ever is “strawman” to the point where the original meaning of the word completely disappeared.

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Your post is kind of a comedy. You demonized me with the typical “gaming forum warrior” strawman, and then you end the post with “and he always says strawman”; no I don’t; I say it to YOU because that’s what you just did again.

The thing is, it’s you who constantly does it to others. Apparently, something about your reading comprehension or logic or associative memory isn’t working properly.

Anyway, here’s a brief history of you and strawman:


It’s basically a who’s who of the forum - and that’s only a first page!

Others were probably smarter than to attempt to talk to you at all.

Don’t even get me started on “cognitive dissonance” :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

You probably used that term (incorrectly) more times than it was mentioned in any psychological article together since it was invented

P.S. Not only am I not the only one, as you said above, but I’m not even the winner! That “honor” belongs to scrotie, the strawman king


You or others who support you on that have a selfishness issue. You just lied that I constantly or always call people on strawman or ad hominem or appeal to authority etc. errors.

Sorry but that’s what errors YOU do; you just have the impression what happens to you happens to all others; I didn’t say it to most others yesterday: I said it to you.

I did literally quote you saying the exact same thing to 10 others, and that’s just what’s visible on the 1st page of the search

But ofc you’re going to keep typing your delusions, and that’s why you’re ignored.

That fact you went on an seriously unhealthy witch-hunt and you STILL got it wrong (about 80% of my replies do not talk to others the way I call out you), means you have some serious cognitive dissonance going on.
You have to sort it out on your own.