Can we speed up the release of the doomkin nerf?

20% of the ladder is druid, both of the most popular decks are running this card. I’m honestly sick of it. Ramping is one thing, but ramping with my mana? What were you thinking? Please bury this card so it never sees play again.


Yeah, it’s because of the 2nd weekly quest, play 15 Marin treasures

Before last night, I barely saw any Druids, now it’s as you said, 20% of the ladder

Nah bro blizz gonna nerf its stats to 2/2 and thats it probably , called it.

The best way to nerf it is to change it to read

“Steal one of your opponents unused mana crystals”

that way there is counterplay, you have to try to use all your mana each turn, which you will probably be doing anyway

Has your event been up for more then a week(EU server)? For the second quest to be started it have to be week two… I swore mine said unlocks in 5 days after I finished pirates part this week

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Druid according to how I read daily stats at hsguru was the only one slightly better than the rest that emerged from the last major patch,

however it’s not overpowered at all; the priests are clearly the most overpowered right now; rogues are probably better too etc.

I.e. it goes without saying that the druid is DEAD after a minor nerf (the ramp one at least) since it’s already not even the best.

This low energy straight up whining makes me hope the nerf is minor lol


Not for me xD Idk

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We don’t have enough data yet to say but i am betting going to 7 isn’t going to be enough to make Druids NOT play the card. It’s still a huge swing that they can leverage very early on opponents.

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i willed the Doomkin nerf into being a minor one lol. :smiling_face:

As a Druid main, I am prepared to be brutally honest and offer my opinion in the form of two bullet points:

  • The cost increase is perhaps the only way to nerf the card that could possibly make me care. (other ways include replacing the card power with something else, or banning it entirely)

  • I don’t care about the cost increase. It’s not like I ever played it at-cost / on-non-druid-curve in the first place.

EDIT: if they increase it to 9, I might consider dropping the card.

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Thanks for proving my point!!!

I literally said twice it should cost 8, and even good Druid mains such as you consider it worth playing.

It should have been nerfed to 8 by every possible criteria.

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It’s not surprising to think that way if you play the deck. That’s because the deck becomes just BAD if your draws were mediocre and you only have doomkin to play on that curve and not the board dragons to support it; so waiting for a turn to play it might not be a disaster.

However that intuition we get might be a ruse; 1 mana might in reality translate to “6 mana or more”; that’s because you lose 1 mana to play it and you lose 1 mana next turn that you would have gotten and you lose the -1 opponent mana X 2 doomkins.

Whoa, now. Let’s not go crazy here: I never said I was GOOD. Though I appreciate the vote of confidence :wink:

Which decks become GOOD with mediocre draws?

You seem very confident but you lack understanding of how the decks work. E.g. some decks have very uniform Draw Impact and Mulligan Impact stats and hence they are not very sensitive to the draws of the first few rounds.

There are brutal opposites; e.g. the Pirate Demon Hunter has extremely uneven Draw Impact stats; basically it means if the first 3-4 draws and the mulligan are bad you will most likely lose.

I often am.

No I don’t.

Where did I talk about the first few rounds? Where did YOU talk about the first few rounds?

The statement I’m calling you out on, reads just as quoted:

And my question, just as quoted:

Which decks, when they get mediocre draws, become GOOD?

I never asked “which decks care about opening mulligans.”

I also never asked “which decks care about late game top-deck luck.”

I literally asked, “which decks become GOOD when they get mediocre draws?”

I think I know how to recognize a good player

I’d say top 1k, top 2, at worst

What’s your average rank?

I guess you lack some comprehension on card stats terminology. I already told you it depends on draw impact and mulligan/kept impact properties of a deck.

The ramp druid in particular was dying very easily to fast decks; it NEEDS to develop some dragons early on to survive those; 3-4 bad draws and it’s dead.

Usually between 10-20k. I don’t play Legend for rank. Though I could probably get rather close to 2k if I did. I just don’t care to invest the time or effort. I play “the good decks” when I want to get quests done or I start feeling tilted from losing, or if I’m grinding TO legend. But usually once there, I just kind of goof off a bit.

EDIT: I just checked, I’m 19,655 right now.

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What I lack is a notepad or something to remind me WHY I block people. Every once in a while I go through it and go “do I care about this person still being on ignore?” So I take them off and see how it goes.

If I’m wrong or incorrect on anything, it’s on the belief that you deserved a second chance.

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