Utilize That Ignore Function


That’s practically a strawman; I said the bullies may also gravitate naturally to similar behavior without much coordination; they can also organize directly in shady channels outside the platform they abuse but it’s unlikely it happens here.

Fact of the matter is it didn’t take 4 seconds to see the same abuse; I was talking generally; someone jumped in to do a full blown personal attack.

I’ve seen the same story many times; low quality moderation bans people like me who analyze systemic abuse; then the forum remains low quality.

B) I have seen at least three better systems of moderation

C) Better systems of moderation

1 ) Almost no moderation; mainly ban the blatant spam and illegal stuff; that may be harsh for gaming fora but it’s at least fair

2 ) Pure-democratic hiding of unpopular posts and raising of the popular (reddit without heavy manual moderation)

3 ) ELITIST JERKS(never mentioned before here); this is basically extremely strict moderation but they’re always on top banning people who deviate in the slightest from the rules (EJ was a WoW forum and guild (Ion of WoW was the guild leader)); it’s harsh for most gaming forums but it’s also fair (similarly to the inverse of no moderation)