Bring polling to the game

i see the same names all the time here this forum is probably less than 1% of the playerbase

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I mean, at least for me. You’re not entirely wrong as much as I dislike certain things about hearthstone.
It’s still the TCG I enjoy the most after many pushed me away with the exception of Pokemon.

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Also they’ve split the forum in regions, making the communication here “clunky”. E.g. I first went to the EU forum and almost nobody posts there.

On the subreddit everyone is in the same place, even the Asian people.

I mean, I’m kind of new. I’ve been playing often on for years. I just finally decided to start posting on the forms occasionally since i’m playing more now.

Any guess on what the most popular Tavern Brawl of all time is?


I don’t think you want design by popularity.

I wouldn’t know, I only play brawls enough for the free packs and then I go back to standard or occasionally wild.

As I said above, just follow a similar thing Jagex does.
Where you need at least 70+ % of votes to have it pass an then obviously put things in place so you dont just have a bunch of free account bots mass voting.
Like account must have been active for X amount of time and also maybe something similar to runescapes you have to obtain 300 in skills.
Like say account must have hit diamond 10 In the previous season. That way, it’s not something too far out there.

It’s all just theorizing, though of one way we could potentially keep the game more in the right direction going forward.

So if we go by that example you would need 70 million+ players to agree on something. That’s being conservative that the number is 100 million players still. It’s likely far more than that now. Meaning you would need even more to agree. I’m not sure that would ever happen.

Is assuming Every person will vote let alone be eligible.

I get raked over the coals when I say this, but you’re correct.

There are a bunch of people wanting to play a game that doesn’t exist anymore and when you tell them that, they get mad.

Wut. Hearthstone is doubtful to have more than 3mil players within 1 month.

If you googled a third party “guessing”: don’t.

What’s to hear here, these forums being riddled with and mostly frequented by their resident ‘white knights’, defending the company, the game etc no matter what?

Yes, they would advocate even that, too.

Nope… They have you here doing the ‘white knight’ work for them voluntarily (or for packs), trolling all critics (you know the drill) and being a free shill for them, which is much more than just playing.

I have a hard time reconciling these two statements. The second part means that those players go to these forums, which appear to be the only ones graced by ‘blue’ posters at that, anyway, doesn’t it?

Or do you mean to say there are other forums, e.g. for some languages or the like, which are not effectively dead? I dunno about all of them, tbh.


Since when has reddit stopped being a ‘murican’ cloaca?

Heh, I wonder why that might be. :smirk:

The source of your ‘guessing’?

Oh, almost forgot one small thing.

And in practice, they’ve tried it once. They’ve voted for Sargeras.

Would you rely on dese playahs to hard-boil your eggs after that, let alone make design decisions? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Try harder. I call the Devs incompetent daily for their incompetence to fix game-breaking bugs within one week of discovery and their incompetence to balance the game and their bad philosophy to imbalance the game on purpose etc.

I usually get attacked by the sockpuppets of those who shout “rigged!” without evidence.

The Devs don’t have to try hard to make them lose.

LOL you cannot possibly believe what you just typed. Blizzard themselves only a few years ago reported 100 million players. That was BEFORE Battlegrounds was introduced. It is likely much higher now after China has been taken back into the fold.

Blizzard had 10mil subscribers of WoW at the peak of their entire history as a company.

I don’t believe in this case that they lied but it’s closer to that you misunderstood them.

You probably read somewhere about “Hearthstone ACCOUNTS since FOREVER”.

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No just what they post in their quarterly investment reports. BG’s itself has a far larger number of players.

They had leaked their BG player numbers once, because the site showed all the players on the leaderboard. A region had 1.2 mil.

I admit 1.2 mil is more than I thought, but that’s far away from 100mil.

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You’re not the only one here, and I was talking forums in general, really.

Looks like a skill issue and a case of fragility to the point of throwing a tantrum, you have a cOgNiTiVe BiAs and are just not as good at understanding the game design or as smart as you think, moreover, there’s nO eViDeNcE of anything being wrong with the game or the developers, so, in short, the only problem is you. Rings a bell?

See just above about that part. :grinning:

Actually, one could assume that ‘The Algorithm’ is out there to help dimwits intellectually diverse and equal players win more (in order to reach that magical ~ 50% or ‘rank 1 legend’), not the other way around, so, under this assumption, yes, they do (hmm, I think there used to be more topics there).

Care to provide a source? Just curious.

By the way, one ‘Old Guardian’ has been reporting some figures, namely monthly downloads and revenue, for mobile games (like Rumble and all that) from some source called ‘Sensor Towers’ or something like that. Of course, HS isn’t just a mobile game, but I wonder if that data is available — could tell something about at least the mobile market…

Do they even mention HS separately in those? Are you sure it’s not the total amount of players for the whole ABK conglomerate or whatever it’s called now? I haven’t really looked into it personally, just wanna specify that point.

Why are you citing YOURSELF? You are not an original source. Give an opinion on the game instead of linking your own posts.

I can’t decide if it’s selfishness, or misunderstanding about how arguments work.

Reno was an awesome card to defeat annoying aggro that never should have been able to get you close to zero by turn 6.
Blizzard isn’t even close to listening to what people want. They allow far too much OTK and huge boards out of nowhere.

The mobile players love it and that is their target market.

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