Blizzards love affair with Paladin

Please, no more. I’m tired of a deck, hell an entire class, than can be played with zero thought, literally playing what’s on curve and only on curve, and effectively having better

Aoe, removal, board replinish, taunts, Card generation, tempo

Than all other classes combined.

Please, for the love of god actually nerf this class rather than tickle it with your nerf feather, while slamming every other class with a twenty pound sledge hammer.


Agree so much with ya here. Prismatic beam and keepers are so good that they would be auto includes in any other class. It’s ridiculous the power level of the cards in paladin that any archetypes you play in the class can be tier one or two


You could also title this thread “Forums love affair with Paladin” because from what I’ve seen on these forums in the last month, tons of people here play Paladin and will defend it to the death no matter how broken it is, even if the stats openly show how broken it is.

I’ve never seen anything like it. Most people on these forums will admit when their class is busted and are overall pretty reasonable. For whatever reason, that doesn’t apply to Paladin players.

There’s some huge gap of reality from what they experience in game and what is actually going on.

I imagine if heavy nerfs come after World’s, a lot of them are going to come on here and act as if it is unwarranted or somehow a surprise.

Even when I post actual data screen shots that show how overwhelmingly broken it is, it’s as if I didn’t post anything at all and the delusion continues.

I wish we could do polls and ask what everyone’s main class is. I think Paladin might actually be the top played class from posters here.


Does anyone even care about worlds more than how the majority of HS playerbase feel about Paladinstone?

I don’t know why blizz caters to HSesports they clearly don’t invest much into the pro scene it’s kind of just barely still a thing no?

This meta is one of the most bland metas I remember… I find anything else more fun and engaging than standard ladder right now.

I might even check out duels or bg if I log in at all.

Super low skill ceiling meta is the worst but I guess there’s a demographic of casual players that are having a blast…

You could always just play “Do Nothing Priest”. I mean they don’t really have a way to win but they can keep boards clear for the entire Paladin deck. At the very least the Paladin will lose form Fatigue every time. It still baffles me how deck like this are allowed to exist but control decks that win through fatigue are consider Taboo.

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If Blizzard nerfs paladin, they’ll have to nerf a lot of commons and rares, which is bad for business.

Dont play paladin but its nice to see a strong minion based deck. Its far more fun to play against paladin then the 70 iterations of BurnTK decks that exist in standard. I know paladin has massive minion buffs but I wouldnt consider that straight burn because it requires a minion for the damage to work out which at least adds a buffer of strategy over the oh look my opponent plays 40 damage from hand with an empty board.

Are you aware of that there is nothing else play able for Paladin right now only aggro and maybe Higlander… didn’t try to build one yet… but all of the other strategies are just too slow… blame the developers for so many aggro Paladins… not the class… because THEY ruined the game by aggro… not us… I play only Paladin since beta testing and have more than 7000 wins with it now… I chosed this class to master and it is really a shame how OP ALL the aggro became… The developers killed every other tactics of the Paladin… I say it again… BLAME the incompetent developers who are creating these nonsense cards not the class… I chosed Paladin not because it was OP or anything… I choosed it because like it’s concept, holy knight style, etc. Thank you and have a nice day!

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Blizzard doesn’t have a legendary to nerf away that holds Paladin together to maximize the dust drain when they render the deck unplayable so they need extra time to crunch the numbers to maximize the dust lost vs the dust return from nerfing to ensure they drained the maximum dust out of the economy.

Oops you let my 1/1 live on turn 3? does 17 damage face

fantastic gameplay


Nothing is stopping you from going through the forums and actually tabulate how many threads, posts, posters, etc are defending paladins (vs threads like this or other topics).

It’s not like that wasn’t done before looking through vs reports. Scrotie is doing his manifesto about skill.

The more data we have, the more chances you’ll see paladins deny them for the world to see. Or it might actually gasp convert them. Either way you can’t lose.

Stop wishing. Start doing.

I find paladin players so annoying.

When they don’t get atleast one tier 1 deck they cry rivers too.

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I don’t know. Thr fourms always seems honestly just as eager to burn it. Remember the fate splitter balance patch… Yeah. That was the long awaited pally balance patch…

I for example, don’t know how they justify the 3 point AOE Paladin has, which almost every game is cast for next to nothing, while rogue is not allowed to have a 3 point AOE in the form of prison breakers.

Baffles my mind how inconsistent they are with balance.


Not true paladin has plenty of broken decks and they all have one common denominator. Broken holy spells. Keepees strengh ( a board clear) is played in a single paladin deck even in wild. Same goes for gardens grace( also in wild) showdown snd prismatic beam. It’s time to nerf this holy spell nonsense.

Definitely like at least 3 cards need nerfing before we can finally be free from paladin smooth brains.


It’s complicated and i did tell this for years.

Paladin in general needs to abandon strategies based on pure status. They just don’t fit in modern hearthstone.

They either :

  1. Do absolutely nothing making the class a pile of junk.

  2. Win the game even with the worse pilots of the world using.

All of this based on the status of the cards, near 0 player agency. There is no between and you can’t design a between even if you try because the class itself forbids the use of more sophisticated design.

With that said not be naive to think blizzard isn’t trying new stuff to get out of it.
It’s exactly because blizzard is trying that the class got overpowered.

For now i would nerf showdown to summon 2 Minions on each side instead of 3 and crusaders aura to not give extra health.

It’s important to keep the class hitting hard but it’s probably more resilient than it needs to be.

Current paladin is the definition of brain dead, OP, face roll degeneracy. The devs are absolute trash, can’t and won’t balance, and do not care about any post here. This degenerate deck and the entire meta needs an enema to even start to be slightly fun and fair.


They should remove the holy tag from boogie down and keeper’s strength. Make prismatic go to 8 or 9 so kt can’t be played for zero.

Or boogie down to 4 mana.

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Disconnect between the developers (who love esports) and the money people (who don’t want to invest in it).

Prismatic to 8 or 9 makes sense.

Keeper’s Strength… I mean the holy tag enables the Garden’s Grace stuff, but the card’s an issue in of itself too. My thing is, even on a Silver Hand recruit it’s a 4 mana deal 3 to all minions. Which is a good clear. And it’s still a buff in that instance.

Mathematically it just makes no sense to me? I don’t think you can make it more expensive, because you need a minion on the board. So probably… cut the health buff for sure. That doesn’t really fit with the card’s design. That might be enough, but it’s still such a stellar board clear even.


I think you’re a little off the mark here. Specifically you’re confusing what is (reality) with what ought (ethics).

Let’s look at an actual Paladin defender post:

This doesn’t strike me as someone who is disconnected from reality. He directly says Paladins are better than other classes. What First is disconnected from is ethics. He’s saying that Paladins should be overpowered — he might not use the “over” part, because of the negative connotation, but this is a clear case of Paladin supremacist thinking.

It’s not that he’s seeing a different reality than you. It’s that he sees the carnage and smiles.

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