New Patch notes

That’s the gist of it. If you play Priest, just play Undead Priest for a Tier 3 deck. It’s the same Undead Priest that’s been around forever. Nothing new at all.

Warlock is struggling to find its footing, excavate buffs might help it a tiny bit…but Priest doesn’t benefit from Excavate at all so there’s literally no buff to Priest here and small buffs to Excavate Warlock.

Paladin is extremely strong AND has 4 viable decks (2 at tier 1 and 2 at tier 2). Basically, same old Paladin privilege we’ve always known.

Most classes have viable decks at Tier 2 or above. Only Warlock/DH/Priest don’t have a Tier 2 deck or above, everyone else does. And we just saw slight buffs to DH and Warlock here…so yeah.

Overall, Meta looks diverse and isn’t terrible to play (imo) as long as you enjoy any of the other classes. I am enjoying Shaman right now, but absolutely shocked that Hollidae didn’t get nerfed. The mulligan win rate on Hollidae is so insane.

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