Blizzard's Greed is disgusting

LOL yes it is… to assume people have problems with reading because they make a mistake is in fact a rude thing to do.

Making assumptions about one’s parents also seems pretty rude, but you don’t see me whining about it.

it’s possible to feel insulted by things that aren’t insults. So if you read something I said as an insult to you, your reaction would be understandable.

Who’s talking about insults? All I said was that something was rude, not insulting.

if its not insulting why is rude?

Farting in an elevator is rude, but just because I fart in an elevator it doesn’t mean I was insulting anyone.

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all insult are rude, not every rude thing is an insult. why is questioning someones up bringing rude?

Right, that’s what I said. Glad we agree.

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Speaking on the global pandemic would have been fine if you had advocated for Blizzard giving say; cash assistance to charities for the poor, or giving cash to food banks, etc. But; to say that Blizzard should be giving away free content to help out? That makes little to no sense.
It is true that Blizzard is a VERY greedy company, and they have not given much back to this Nation. But, I fail to see how giving away free packs or cards helps anyone during a health crisis. I’m usually on the plaintiff’s side, but in this case I think you’re on your own…

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so you agree all insults are rude?

This means a lot to you, doesn’t it.

that people are able to have a conversation with out insulting people. yes its pretty important.

Is it? It seems to me that if someone was concerned about people being able to have a conversation without insulting people, the first thing this someone should do is not begin a conversation by assuming the worst possible outcome out of someone.

you mean like you do?

If I had, I would’ve called you a troll from the get-go. But I didn’t, because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You’re welcome.


your very first comment on this thread was, to call the OP greedy for calling blizzard greedy…

Because they were being greedy. Not a lot of room for doubt there. Hell, even Mallenroh, hardly a Blizzard white knight, agreed. And there is not a lot he and I see eye-to-eye on.

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the OP is greedy because they are greedy great logic there.

Truth. 20 characters

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Sounds like you are whining about the topic of your parents, most people will ignore asinine statement or sentence. I guess in today’s society is full of dumb snowflakes.