Blizzard's Greed is disgusting

we don’t need free cards that aren’t real.

they need to do real stuff to help their loyal customers in need.

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Pretty much this. Too bad nobody can accept this naked truth.

Search for Kotik and speculative action with the market that yeld 100 millions of pure profit

Different times. Immature leaders on twitter and all…

I wanted to reply to some comments from this thread but this thread is too much of a crapstorm. Is there’s anyone on this thread who isn’t a troll?

wave of black waters

This can’t be a real post. The world is in crisis and you want a free digital item in a game. I would much rather a gift pack of toilet paper so every time i wipe I think of blizzard’s generosity.

with inprint of your face in it

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Sigh, yet another kid crying over some video game.
Try beating cancer or something similar if you want to complaint.

And some kid reviving an 4 month old thread.


so because individuals are greedy that means blizzard can be too? what a weird way to think about things. i guess two wrong do make a right

Two questions:

  1. Why are you replying to a four month old thread?

  2. Are you trolling or just bad at reading?

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cause i want too and no you just make bad point that are not very clear. either way you assuming hte worse in people just like the OP assume the worse in blizzard. two wrong make a right. you think blizzard can be greedy cause the fans are greeedy.

Please point out where I said Blizzard’s greed can be excused by fans’ greed.

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the OP is complaining that blizzard is greedy, your reply is to call him greedy. i am sorry if you don’t know how implications work.

you are getting it backwards. you use fans greed to excuse blizzards greed.

Except that it’s possible to call OP greedy without excusing Blizzard’s greed. Which is why my post specifically says:

The final clause clearly states that both parties involved (OP and Blizzard) can be viewed as greedy without excusing the other. The only reason you could’ve missed such an obvious point is if you’re purposely trying to troll or if your reading comprehension is so poor as to cause you to miss such an obvious clause.

That being said, I no longer think you’re trolling. Because for someone to say this:

In response to this:

…suggests some sort of reading comprehension issue. Good to know we solved that riddle, at least.


i mean it is possible , its also possible the sun wont rise tomorrow. i mean anything is “possible”.

well its early i miss read that. but if somone calls blizzard greedy, your reply is to call them greedy, that is implying that blizzard greed is ok.

i dont know why you have to be so rude to people that disagree with you lol.

So, you admit that you misread it, and yet claim that I’m being rude by saying so? Weird, but OK.


bro you insulted me for miss reading something, LOL so rude of me to make a mistake LOL. man your parents must have been really harsh.

Well, no. “You read bad” is not an insult, is an objective assessment based on the available evidence. “You’re a whiny little loser who can’t leave well enough alone” is an insult. Had I called you a whiny little loser who can’t leave well enough alone, you’d be correct that I was insulting you.

Since I didn’t, claiming I did is incorrect.

EDIT: although, to your credit, it’s possible to feel insulted by things that aren’t insults. So if you read something I said as an insult to you, your reaction would be understandable.

It would also be entirely your responsibility, not mine.