Blizzard's Greed is disgusting

So Blizzard made billions in profits last year. And at a time like this they will only make more money. Everyone is giving at the moment and helping out in some way. Restaurants are giving free food to hospitals, game companies are doing discounts even mobile operators are offering FREE internet. But not Blizzard. No discount no free packs NOTHING.
These goods are DIGITAL they cost NOTHING to give out but that will not make money will it Blizzard? And before someone says I want free stuff no I don’t. I have payed for WoW for over a decade. I have bought EVERY Blizzard game most with collector’s editions, every expansion for Star Craft and Diablo, packs in Heartstone I even dropped money on Overwatch boxes that one time to “support” the game… what an IDIOT I am. In the end it comes down to a nice BIG five figure sum just from me alone. I don’t care about free things it’s the thought that counts.
I am sick of Blizzard’s greed. They take and they take and give nothing back. Yes they make a product but we PAY for it. They have NO shipping costs and the cards are DIGITAL so no production costs after the designers are done.
Blizzard is not the same and it’s disappointing.
EDIT: It is NOT ok to EDIT the title of someones post while having a HIDDEN PROFILE without even a WORD. Censorship is the name of the game is it Blizzard?


OK , you can start with self critics some likes that

You think that you do, but you don’t

Well, the rights of ownership stated in ToS and we are happy press “I Agree!” even we payed money well before that.
Shady business. Sponsored by kids.
Well it was always easy to steal a candy from a kid.
Now it just in MASSIVE SCALE , can you imagine ?
Milllions of kids are crying at once.

Don’t like their business? Don’t support it then. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to increase the price of packs, both in real money and in gold. This is the perfect time to do it.


Sounds like you’re using a global catastrophe as a way to try and get free stuff for yourself. Which, you know, isn’t a great look either.

Unless you’re suggesting Blizzard give away free packs specifically to healthcare workers? Grocery store employees? Unemployed folks?


To OP’s credit, there are far simpler things that can be done.

Like, giving out free packs in countries facing lockdown to help 1) put a smile on their faces, 2) make it just a little more bearable to stay at home and encourage them to do so, and 3) show that Blizzard is actually managed by humans.

These are things that can easily be done, provided the management gives the direction.

Which brings me to my next point for OP, I think we shouldn’t blame the devs since they are not the ones making such decisions.


as i am unemployed because of corona a free pack would be nice :stuck_out_tongue:
And pay my internet bill to blizzard otherwise the free pack is no use to me.


Last I checked they gave us all a free legendary last week, they’re giving us all a new class for free, and most likely free packs just for logging in on expansion day. Yep… they give nothing.


For the worlds most expensive card collection game, indeed that would be


Nothing done specifically to cheer and help lift the mood. Its as lifeless and mechanical as it’s forum is.

“These goods are DIGITAL they cost NOTHING to give out”. I know right!. i went to the Nintendo digital store and you never guess what, they’re charging for their games!!.. i thought the greedy nerve of it all!. So i went to xbox instead and my word… THEY TOO ARE CHARGING TO DOWNLOAD THESE GAMES!.. they cost nothing, they’re digital!. All the developers and coders and designers do is sti around for months and years away from family and friends creating what should be given to us!, the nerve of them all. I saw this guy who is one of the main developers for super smash bros, he was taken ill, tired, hadn’t hardly seen his family and suffering from fatigue because he was passionate and wanted to give the fans all these new characters and i thought, stop whining you have no right, finish the damn game and give us what we are entitled to slave… the cheek of these people honestly… it costs nothing, it’s digital, the fairies magically go poof that game is done, poof that art is done, poof poof poof all done easy no work needed at all… poof


They already done that in the past. The change it still in effect.

Oh when did they increase the pack price in gold? I must have missed that? Thought it has always been 100 gold? What was it before?


I think intolerability responses to Blizzard being the cartoon depiction of an immoral money bags carrying character should remain consistent in spite of current events. Just because Covid exists doesn’t make them suddenly unacceptable. Work with that.

technically the new class is for free and people are getting free decks if they decide to return to play after 4 months.

In other worlds. The game is getting cheaper and this isn’t just because of the virus but an real move towards consumer that happened far before it.


The next time it rains right after i wash my car, i demand blizzard give me free packs just because.


If you want a nice reminder of how greedy they are, just look at the preorder bundles, a few things…

  1. smaller bundle is 55 packs instead of 60
  2. smaller bundle doesn’t include the Tavern Pass
  3. the Tavern Pass doesn’t require packs to unlock perks, meaning you cant get the BG perks while also getting some packs for constructed. You have to pay more if you intend on playing both. They only care if you pay $100 for the mega bundle or only play BGs, if you like both game modes you pay extra.

Quited for truth ! :slight_smile: <3

Lmao, no they aren’t. Some places might , but definitely not all,most or even half. And Especially not gaming companies of all things. Any discounts are for their sake, not yours. THEY benefit. People suddenly have a bunch of free time on their hands. How do you get them to spend money when they have to compete with everyone else? Offer discounts, especially during times like these when money can become tight.

And I find this quite ironic considering they’re giving free decks to returning players. They already are giving away free stuff.

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A little bird told me, that without the pass, you won’t be offered the better BG heroes either. They will only appear in those otherwise locked 2 additional slots.

Right there is why they’re not obligated to do discounts on anything. This game is a luxury not a need. You don’t need this game to live.


This game is just a passing time because unless you work for blizzard, you say that they do not reciprocate what we give is something without philosophy, I do not know if this is about it so I’m just saying I don’t expect a free cookie, especially a paid one :wink: