Blizzard's Greed is disgusting

And yet, here you are.

nope hes greedy because
Activision-Blizzard Donated $2 Million to Help Veterans Employment Impacted by Coronavirus

and TC is complaining about not getting free packs…

im pretty sure he wouldnt been called greedy if asked blizzard to donate more than 2 millions instead

It was a terrific thing, but a pittance compared to what others who have far less have done.

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thats true i read they donated 1 million a few weeks ago

the 2 millions one was done around the time the pandemy started

thats nothign to them

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How do people necro trash threads like this? Do they literally search for “blizzard greed”?

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Well Covid is ongoing so the thread isn’t as irrelevant as some.

Saying this and then demanding price slashes on luxury items (which this game very much is) is so contradictory I cannot even bring myself to be amused, because it just makes me sad.

“Stop being greedy and GIVE ME STUFF!!”

Never change, internet.


“I don’t want free stuff, I want people to give me things without my asking or paying for them to show that they are thinking about me.”


“Why are you all so greedy when you should be thinking of MEEEEEEEEE!!!”


lol i think activision profit 2 billion last year. that so nice of them to .1% of thier money to charity so benevolent of them.

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did you just admit to being asinine? lol

the CEO on blizzard is like the most selfish CEO around and people defending blizzard like its their dad. this whole post is great.

I don’t know that’s true. I have a LONG list of Corporate slugs I’d place ahead.

short of the pharmaceutical industry i really cant think of much worse. dude fired 900 employees while taking 30 million home.

Well; I don’t think it’s appropriate to go into here so I won’t list them, but there are predatory corporations in this Nation that make Blizzard look like the Salvation Army.

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Preachy and homophobic? :crazy_face:

Oh, you know them too? :grin:

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he must have a really big house then.


Beside the necromancer pack for d3 I have every game that Blizzard ever produced. Even the damn Vikings on a diskette that I cannot even play anymore, and yet since blizzard decided it’s all for the numbers I lost faith in them…They are in a serious pile of mud ( designer wise, I bet the money is flowing), lost all respect for games, lately the only thing they are good at is propaganda and scandals.

Really a shame for a once grate company…

For me ? I am just one person in a pile of opinions … I use to love and worship Blizz this is why I was a collector for most of my youth (even though I didn’t have much money), now I sure hope some other company much like GGG does goes above and beyond to just piss on the walls of a once mighty glory Blizz has become.

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I agree with you that Blizzard has slowly deteriorated since the Activision buyout.
i predict they will soon implement their stupid battle pass idea and when they do they are going to lose a heap of long time players.
After that they will certainly have their nerve calling this game F2P.
F2P about as much as this game is a CCG.