Blizzard's Greed is disgusting

Bbb…but…but my life is dependent on getting these packs for free!

Must…get…those…packs (ahhhh)…dead.


The amount of fanboys is disturbing. You can defend mama Blizzard all you want but a BILLION dollar company giving away DIGITAL content is nothing. The reason it’s not done is greed. And they can give money to hospitals as well but they don’t.

How do you know?

What’s actually disturbing is the amount of babying needed around here.

You care to put this in perspective? Our grandparents were either engaged in a war or fleeing one. They were struggling to find food, shelter, medicine. You know, they had actual issues. Meanwhile, you’re sitting in the comfort of your home, Internet and Netflix, complaining about not obtaining a few packs of a collectable DIGITAL card game. Oh, it must be terrible…


This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so disgusting. Its so entitled that I’m inclined to believe you’re trolling. To be offended that a business is not giving out free product is absolutely ridiculous and immature.


Dude, they just added in triplicate protection.

Cut them some slack, PLEASE. This is unwarranted.


This software product, digital - does not have actual issues?
You say it is a myth?
You say the peple who paid Billions of USD American dollars yearly to thier account has not done it and it not worth to solve an issue for this money ?

they can only make a promoting Battlegroud matches for 300,000 USD price between streamers. Sounds like a raffle between buddies.

If you actually understood my reply, you wouldn’t be asking those questions…

If the sh1t smells like flowers then…

In your world maybe…

In my world TRUMP rule the world and STOMP it as it likes.

I’ve seen crackheads, and I’ve seen babies, but I don’t think I’ve seen a crackhead baby before. This is new…

Time for your diaper change.

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Is this even appropriate to post?

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What’s disgusting is what Blizzard has become. But by all means fanboy away.

err i’m not sure i understand the complaint. let me bullet it out and you tell me after you’re done reading if you still think your post makes sense.

  • Blizzard are disgusting because they are not following suit like other companies in other industries are vis a vis giving away free stuff (false, plenty of companies are not giving anything away for free and are not being called monsters)

  • These goods are digital and therefore cost nothing to make or to give (false, there is a huge team that get paid by Activision to create and maintain this game, its servers, this forum, etc.)

  • You have played and paid for a lot of Blizzard content, so this isn’t about you wanting free stuff (debatable - it’s still about free stuff, though)

  • Blizzard is greedy because they take and give nothing back (false, they take our money and in return they make games we spend hundreds of waking hours playing)

  • They have no shipping costs and the cards are digital so no production costs exist after the designers are done (false, production costs continue to exist because team 5 are constantly creating two or three expansions ahead of whatever current expansion is ongoing hence the designers are never 'done’)

  • Blizzard is not the same (correct, they are an evolving company like every other one out there. if you owned a successful company, you would be exactly like Activision - trying to capitalize everywhere you can in the interests of making money. false, if by that statement you really meant that you are gazing back in time with rose colored glasses to a time when Blizzard were young upstarts and STILL not giving away free packs out of the goodness of their heart)

people who share the same opinion as OP often cite glaringly obvious and true rebuttals like mine above as, ‘white-knighting,’ for a company that doesn’t need it. false - i am merely pointing out the flaws in the post. blizzard aren’t inhuman monsters for not giving the (ironically) greedier people among us free packs because of the pandemic going on.


OP seems to be asking for free packs or stuff for everyone, which you guys are quick to bash him for that.

But we do know that they can give out free stuff just to help those lockdown countries make it a bit more bearable to stay at home (and if they do so I won’t even complaint that I don’t get any free stuff because my country is not under lockdown). And that’s a point that you people are quick to ignore while bashing OP.

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I was stating a fact and the point applies to ANY company selling digital products.

I feel ya OP. I think everybody does. But this isn’t the time to poop on a very f2p friendly service in gaming.

This is the wrong hill to die on atm(literally)

I can proove your are wrong in every word there

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I am no fan of current Blizzard, or Activision, leadership, but no, they are not greedy. They just prefer the profits above all else, while not intentionally and/or directly inflicting harm on anyone to achieve that. Which can’t be said about so many other big companies.

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