Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

Terms and conditions, for sure are making this to be fair.

And even outside of the law talk, this feels like a fair thing. They are making the game better, and they are not really taking our cards. Sorry for bringing the wild thing again (I know most of us dont play it), but as long as we have wild our cards are still there and can be plaayable. Any refund was a courtesy

My final points were around refunds…

Make the changes, evolve the game - fine. But treat your fanbase with respect and be transparent in future with your intentions - or at least don’t make promises you don’t think you can keep.

I think compensating players with the same amount of dust they invested into their golden collection (which they can no longer play in the format promised) seems fair and valid. Of course - this would then mean we would have enough dust to craft an entire expansion - and Activision/Blizzard would lose out on a lot of money.

Go watch some videos on YouTube from Hearthstone Mathematics. They work out what the cost of getting an entire expansion would cost you (e.g. how many packs you would have to buy/money you would spend) in order to get a complete set. It goes well beyond the cost of the bundles - and that is for a non-golden set.

So will Activision/Blizzard give a full dust refund to all of those players who have invested all of that money into their game to get a golden collection - at the expense of losing all that money those players would have spent on an expansion? No. I don’t think they will.

The irony is - the players who probably do buy the biggest bundles, and then buy extra packs - the ones Activision/Blizz make the most money from - are the very same players they are now shafting.

The best way of course to hit big companies is for these players withdraw their financial interest and input in the game - and watch the profit margins tumble. That is what I will be doing - and will be encouraging others who feel the same to do as well. Let’s all go free to play - and see how long the game stays at the top.


no need for me to quote them, you should know them as you read them before agreeing to them :slight_smile:

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Peverin all is good man. You do not agree with the original post, you do not want any compensation for yourself and I am pretty sure no one here is asking any compensation from you personally. No need to lose your sleep over this.


I don’t doubt that some of the changes will keep the game fresh - and yes there is a wild format - I am not denying that either. That doesn’t make it ok to totally make the investment lots of players have made worthless.

My cards were sold to me on the basis that they would be part of Standard forever. Please re-read that Frann as I am not sure you are understanding that.

Standard is the format I want to play. I have tried Wild for 2 months now… and whilst I am having some fun - it isn’t for me. I like to play Standard. I will likely try Classic format - like I have tried Duels and Battlegrounds - but I shouldn’t be forced into playing a format I never wanted to invest in.

And I would argue - if we have been mis-sold a product, refunding that product then becomes a right - not a courtesy.


“Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform or Accounts without notice or liability.”

you have agreed to this


They are not allowed to sell a product under false pretences though so consumers invest money into their product. I think you will find that is not legal.


good luck sueing them dude, they have an entire section removing any liability if the quoted section shouldnt be enough (which it is since you have agreed to it)


This is it. Compensate us for it is unaffordable, and wont happen. So is the end goal meaningful enough for that side effect to be passable? For the most people, YES

They might have said that one or two times a couple of years ago, but now a lot of time has pass and those packs werent sold to you in that way, you might have thought it, but the packs were sold as what they are. And as I said, legally this might be covered, just by reading a couple of lines in any of those user contracts you can tell that really nothing is ours.

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I disagree with this. I think golden Classic cards should be disenchantable for full value, but I don’t think you should get the full dust value and get to keep the card.

They didn’t say it one or two times - it has been written into Hearthstone since it began in 2014 up until these changes. Go look through all of the expansion announcements about which cards will remain in Standard etc.

For me - I have invested literally £1000s into this game and a lot of time. I have been a good customer… I have bought every expansion, every portrait… and I have a complete golden classic collection. So why wouldn’t I fight to keep that?

At the end of the day - we will just have to agree to disagree. We are all entitled to our opinions. The HS community will have its say - and Blizzard will listen or it won’t. Changes will happen… or they won’t… players will choose to stay - or they won’t.


Personally I am open to a debate to what form of compensation would be acceptable. The fact that Blizzard, at the moment, skips all kind of compensation is unacceptable for me.


They said it when standard and wild become a thing, and after that they might have never stated it ever again.

And what does this mean?:

Back in 2014 wild and standard were not even a thing and it isnt written anywere inside of HS, the description for classic packs have been the same that other packs that rotate, the only ones that have a diferent description are those that are already in wild, and the description for classic packs will change as well when it goes to wild.

And now they will announce that classic is going to wild… so whats the point.

Yeah, lets agree to disagree.

You are semi right. They should find some middle ground here, get some free dust, not all free dust. They could offer some free dust to everyone, or at least to some of us that have almost full classic set, calculated “somehow”.


Should they? Maybe?
As we know they don’t ““have”” to.

If they should or shouldn’t give us something, is a matter of what they want to get from us (trust, happines, people to not leave) and how much they are willing to give us in order to get that.

And as I have been saying, most players seem to be happy for it. Because there are good reasons to be happy about this. So there is not really a reason to compensate them. And most of those who complain might keep complaining if the compensation that they are willing to give us isnt good enought, so why even bother to do it?

Dont take me wrong, I would love free stuff. But we have to be realistics (our happines is not paying this game), and in this case we can actually be happy and possitive for what is comming.


If you pay attention to Youtube and Reddit comments linked with these changes, a serious amount of people seem happy because they think they are getting free cards they will disenchant in order to lower their game cost (as you said we all love free stuff). Once I explain to them that this is not the case, and break it down how the free copies will work (as announced), they are not that happy any more.


No one is asking for “free stuff.” Quite the opposite. They spent money on a product that can no longer be used even though it was supposed to be something they could continue to use (in Standard). So they want something like a refund. It’s not an unreasonable request.


I’ve been doing the exact same thing: Explaining to people that the Core set is not “free new cards.” It’s actually cards you’re being given to use for a year but you won’t have them anymore when the year is up.
The problem is that Blizzard used the terminology “provide for free,” which understandably confused some people who didn’t read more closely or think more critically.


It is free stuff. All the refunds regarding HOF have always been extra things that they didn’t had the obligation to give.


Maybe they didn’t have any legal obligation to refund HoF cards but if they wanted to continue selling packs (any kind of packs) they absolutely had to. If you know anything about trade it works under “good faith”. Classic cards were supposed to be “Standard permanent” because they said so. If they started removing them without any compensation why would people believe them and buy expansions that they said they would last 2 years in Standard. All trust from the consumers side would be lost and no seller can perform viable trades under this condition.