Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

Man, I agree with the post.

And, as a veteran player, I quite confused right now. Disenchant extras button is now disabled, collection looks like a mess ( we have 2 copies of each card, golden+regular, from core set + other set (wild or classic). The same card repeats up to 8 times!

So I’m really confused: can I dust wild cards from classic or other set, if core duplicate them? Probably not, as its going to rotate.

I have invested a lot to make my collection fully golden. I do realize I can still play it in Wild, and maybe its some sort of Wild promo, but I still prefer Standard as more balanced place. I say it as a guy who take legend in both ladders on a regular basis.

And I’m quite dissapointed. At the same time, Core set came fully free with goldens, so I should admit its also looks like a fair deal.

Yes, classics go away, but hey, instead of shuffling cards that limits new content creation in terms of balance, they put all basics and classica into wild and gave us a complete replacement for standard - free of charge.

Summary: I feel disappointed to spend a lot into classic. I feel happy we now have core set available to everyone so you dont beed to worry if youre new or missing some legendary you never crafted but wanted to. It looks like a fair deal to me.

But please - fix collection :slight_smile:


As a legacy player, I think that core should have been part of Classic. I only downloaded the game again because of Classic. I spent years leveling up in this game to get rewarded with gold versions of cards I’ll never use because I have no interest in any other game mode.

In addition, I now have core cards I cannot dust and more duplicates then I’ll ever need.

Blizzard, you don’t owe anything. The question of classic cards has been closed for a long time. This topic is not relevant. There will be no dust refund. Roll on your 2 feet straight!

Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose? Come play Classic! Just like in 2014! With a bunch of extra cards thrown in…

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Ya this is pretty sad. I have four copies of The same exact card. cards that people don’t need to purchase or craft like we did. Cards I spent lots of dust or money on. and now they are literally in every single collection regardless . as if what we were promised to be a commodity sold by them turned out to be a big gross ugly lie


Just a clarification for those who think the introduction of Core Set compensates for the rotation of classic cards:
Suppose you’re only playing Standard mode, not interested in Wild at all, and you’re so in love with a Malygos deck, say Malygos Druid, which includes cards like Alexstrasza, Moonfire, Swipe and of course Malygos himself. and also suppose this is the only reason you ever wanted to play Hearthstone. Now Blizzard abruptly decides to rotate out all these classic cards (which were supposed to be available to you forever) for the exchange of some new cards called Core Set which you don’t care about at all, cuz they’re not your desired cards! how does it feel now? Least you should expect is to get a refund with full dust of your desired cards so you can craft some of your new desired cards, and not the ones Blizzard has prescribed for you to own (Core Set cards) which by the way are given to everyone, no matter a new or an old player. Aside from the fact that you’ve spent a lot of time and money earning your Malygos Alexstrasza and the likes, so to be able to enjoy playing them in Standard, now that they’re being rotated out, you don’t even get any dust as refund so to be able to spend it on your 2nd favorite archetype at least. That’s a shame! if you get my point.
Also another thing worth noticing here is that by approving of Blizzard’s decision not to refund us for the rotated Classic cards on our behalf, we by implication have agreed upon a convention that grants Blizzard with a freedom of action to do whatever they wish in the future to any other card. Like for example you may wake up one day and see the entire Rogue class cards are rotated out and got replaced with some random new cards. Backstab, Shadowstep, Preparation, Deadly poison etc. aren’t available to you in standard anymore. " BOOM! all gone. What you gonna do about it huh? deal with it. it is what it is" so they say. I think the entire community should rise against this lack of adherence to the covenant Blizzard assured us of when it all began in 2014 and now is being violated, NOW that it’s rather embryonic than in the future when I’m afraid will be too late, if they choose to keep making sudden changes like this one.


Totally with you on this one. After pulling this stunt I simply opted to no longer give Blizzard my financial support and have not bought the expansion, tavern pass, battle pass, skins they have released etc. I think that is the only way to hit a company where it hurts. I know of a fair few players that have been around since the beginning who have done the same.

Blizzard opted to try and cash in on getting new players at the expense of their old customer-base. They have made the game overly complex by duplicating cards, and the last patch has made the game so bug-ridden the forums are full of people complaining. I think a lot of new players will just give up - especially as they are being matched against skilled players on ladder/in Wild/Classic. If their drive to get new players in flops - well - what goes around comes around.

Even if they did a 180 degree turn and suddenly offered dust refunds to appease their unhappy original fanbase - I am not coming back. They have shown their true colours - that they aren’t afraid to totally disregard their fan’s loyalty in favour of making extra cash. My advice - just go free to play.


You could say the same thing about the Death Knights, Galakrond or any other meta deck from the past few years. Also, if that’s the only deck you’re playing every set release, isn’t that a sign there’s something wrong with the deck? No deck should be that all-powerfull.

Apparently you didn’t get my point… but it’s fine
I brought Malygos Druid as an example of a long existing archetype, it’s not just the deck itself that matters, but the whole philosophy that’s being supported by the existence of such decks. I hope you understand that people mostly enjoy playing a card game like HS because of the existence of variety of archetypes. Nobody shall be allowed to prevent one from enjoying the archetype they love playing the most, by any means.
I love playing OTK decks and I play card games to challenge myself through the existing archetypes ( such as aggro, control heavy, Mid-range, mill decks, miracles etc.) to try to survive and eventually accomplish performing my combo and win the game.
The same thing applies to other archetypes as well, they’re also pursuing their own archetype’s purpose to be accomplished. All I’m trying to say is that Blizzard removed almost all of the essential cards from standard that used to fulfill my desire, and in return gave me some cards that don’t accomplish my purpose for playing the game anymore. The archetype “OTK in this example” still exists but I didn’t receive any dust as refund in order to be able to build a new OTK deck that gives me the identical satisfaction.
So if they intentionally removed Maly Alex etc. to exterminate the OTK archetype, then why OTK DH still exists, for example, or why are they printing new cards that supports this archetype still? ( e.g., OTK Leoroxx King Krush has received some support recently and now is a viable deck) so I assume this is not the case. nevertheless even if it was the case, I shall repeat myself once more “NOBODY SHALL BE ALLOWED TO PREVENT ONE FROM ENJOYING THE ARCHETYPE THEY LOVE PLAYING THE MOST, BY ANY MEANS.” so that would’ve been the wrong approach for the company.
All of the above being said, what Blizzard should have done instead, in my opinion, was to continue following the good proclivity of refunding us with full dust just like they used to be doing in the past years by sending cards to Hall of Fame and providing us with a compensation that way. which of course is an action violating their greedy temperament. but hey, Blizzard, look at you, what have you become, and what are you for real without maintaining your player base? Your marketing strategies already led so many people toward refraining from spending any more money on your games. Wake up and look around you before it’s too late!


Classic Mode is where we can play the decks we know and love from the past. Neither Wild nor Standard fill that role. I’m so glad we have Classic Mode now.

I totally get you. I loved old-school Control Warrior, Control Paladin, Face Hunter, Miracle Rogue, etc. Now we can play those decks in Classic.
Sure, there are many decks from later expansions that I love that are obsolete in Wild, that I had to delete and forget about (though I never truly forgot them).
Malygos could have been moved to Hall of Fame and your deck would have been gone from Standard, too.
Only those of us with the actual cards can play them in Classic Mode. Core set cards cannot be used there.
I guess Malygos Druid probably wasn’t that great in June 2014 but you could still play it in Classic or Wild. There is a viable Malygos Druid deck in Wild.

I was really unhappy when Standard was announced. I was so unhappy that I could no longer play some of my cards I loved and worked so hard to craft in Standard. So I started playing Wild. I played Reincarnate Kel’Thuzad Thaddius Shaman in Wild for many years, going up against all the popular meta Wild decks. There was 0 compensation when Standard was first announced.

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I did. Allow me to show you:

Like the Mech Mage Archetype from G&G. Or the Jade Druid archetype from MSoG.

But yeah, I didn’t get your point, because those archetypes were only there for as long as the set was in rotation (as many others did that didn’t rely so heavily on Classic). The archetypes you’re talking about go over rotations. Instead of rotating archetypes (as we should have), we had stagnant archetypes. People are complaining about netdecking, how we’re not “creative” with the cards, and here you are, advocating for a deck that can be used forever, with just switching out a few cards every rotation.

Agreed with OP.
They said it was forever in Standart and most players spent a lot of their gold and money on classic packs, which is now 1/4 ratio dust


Totally agree, great stuff.


It’s not necessarily about legally ‘owning’ the cards. It’s about the time and effort (and possibly money) that went into acquiring the cards, and what’s right and wrong.


Having fun is all well and good - but I want to see an investment for my time. The dust I spent on crafting classic cards is dust I can use for other cards - and I want it back.


Why not play in Classic Mode? I found Classic Mode to be so much fun and it made me really glad that I had crafted/collected so many of my favorite Classic cards.

I like the variety of cards in wild. I want many options so I can be creative in making decks, it keeps things interesting. New expansions (only in wild) provide this.


Maybe because few people want to play a endless Tavern brawl with only, like, 5 viable decks which will always be the same?

It’s fun for a couple of days, but why would you play it for more?

You can also play them in Wild or whenever, so what?
People paid for cards which will never leave Standart (or be fully compensated like when Hall of fame existed))


I mean, you can choose to only play the best of the best decks, or you can play a variety of decks.
Personally, I have Face Hunter, Midrange (Beast) Hunter, Cat Combo Druid, Regular Combo Druid, two versions of Control Warrior, two versions of Control Paladin, a faster Shaman deck and a midrange Shaman deck, Control Priest, three versions of Miracle Rogue and two versions of Freeze Mage.

I intend to keep playing it for months if not years. I enjoy games in Classic much more than games in Standard or Wild.

The Wild meta is very different, and not so enjoyable imo. Besides, many Classic cards are nerfed and not so good in Wild. Most (if not all) Classic Mode decks are completely obsolete in Wild.

Most Classic cards were a joke and not viable in Standard for years. The good cards were consistently nerfed or moved to Hall of Fame. Blizzard finally did the honest thing and just got rid of Classic entirely.
It would have been nice if there could have been some compensation for people who spent money to craft Classic cards but there wasn’t. So now people can decide to either enjoy their cards in Classic (or Wild) or dust them.

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Dude, you can play whatever you want for any amount of time.
I also play only Classic, because I could not care less for Standart or Wild, and I have petty nice Control Warrior which I enjoy (and his 70% WR). And I am not going to dust most of Classic cards even for a full refund.

But most of people don’t care much about Wild, much less care about Classic, and they would prefer their investments be returned in some way.

I mean, no one is asking refunds for expansions, since it is known from the start that you pay for 1.5-2 years in classic and unlimited time in some other mods.

But that is just false advertisment, when you write on the packs, that your classic collection will always be viable in Standart, and then you just take it away in one day.