Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

i understand this. but i felt it was a really great point. dude wants to double dip and is asking to play HS for free for years without any loss for himself at all. over poor judgement he used when crafting a full golden set.

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Scorched are you deliberately making inflammatory and insulting remarks to get a reaction? There is a name for people like you: Trolls.

Firstly - stop putting words into my mouth.

Where do you pull this BS from? I mean really? I never said I wanted to play the game for free for years without any loss to myself - you are manipulating my words and intentions. And stating I had poor judgement - WTF?

Blizzard marketed Standard as an Evergreen set that would be valid in Standard forever That was a statement from the Developers. Can you understand that??? Read it again.

How does taking a Developer at face value make my judgement poor? To me that is the Developer either giving misleading information - or at very best not ever saying to players but by the way - we can go back on our word at anytime. Look up the word transparency and see what it means.

It is not my judgement that is poor - but the sales and marketing pitch around the Classic Set that has been poor. It isn’t like it is just me in isolation that somehow misread the intentions for the Classic Packs.

How much a consumer spends on a product is again, like much of the arguments you keep posting, totally irrelevant to the points trying to be made. Rather than attacking/accusing me for ‘gambling’ or ‘wasting’ or ‘using poor judgement’ etc and making it personal - I refer you yet again back to the other trillion posts on here relating to the laws around marketing.

It isn’t the fact of ‘how much’ (although clearly those players stand to lose a lot more) but the fact they are having to lose out at all. For the last time:

Classic Packs were advertised and marketed up until this announcement as being a consistent part of Standard Format. Blizzard have reneged on that agreement making the Classic Format largely unplayable in the format for which it was sold. That is my argument. End of.


what would you do with the dust you got if you got it? would it just sit there indefinitely or would you spend it on cards? if you spend it on cards and not buy anything at any point until you run out of dust it would be multiple expansions where you were, you guessed it, playing for free. if you wouldn’t use it to craft cards then why do you care if you get it or not anyway? that isn’t me trolling. its connecting the dots logically about what you say you want vs what would happen if you got it.

And again: WTF?? Why should I have to use dust to craft cards for the Core Set because I dared to have asked for a refund on my Classic Packs??? The Core Set is a free set of cards for everyone. Just because Blizzard give the player community something for free - it doesn’t negate their previous poor behaviour around forcing long term players to lose out big time on their classic sets.

You are making comparisons that are not like-for-like. New players with no previous investment into HS get a full Core Set as do long term players like myself. That is a great innovation to increase the player base.

That doesn’t negate my argument that Blizzard have shafted long term players who have invested heavily into a Classic Collection. You are implying these players who are asking for a return on their lost cards - should now be punished and have to craft the Core Set each year. Seriously?


even at $3000 into hearthstone you haven’t spent nearly as much as us vanilla vets who have played wow the entire time. i’ve played wow for 16 years. i’ve bought pre orders and bundles and all sorts of other things. i’ve also been on the receiving end of much worse than what you’re going through. i haven’t made one post at all on the wow forums (and i can link you to every toon i post on the forums with) where i have whined the way you have. the thing is though i have read the EULA and i know what i signed up for. it doesn’t matter what “promises” they’ve made. i know they can and do change their minds. i choose to stay and play and give them money for multiple games despite that. and why? because they’re up front about things. if you accept the EULA you are bound by it. if you didn’t read it and then are angry that you’re bound do it i feel no sympathy. because you should’ve read really carefully what you were agreeing to before you dropped that kind of money.

A statement last made in 2016. Since 2017, they just said it would be in Standard. Not always, not forever, just that it would be in Standard.

And guess what, up until the next rotation, they still are a consistent part of Standard.

I’m not denying that Blizzard had poor timing and should have announced this last year or something, but what’s done is done. It’s a set that’s rotating and like all sets rotating out, you don’t get dust.

Yes - of course I would use the dust to craft cards. The point is - that mountain of dust is a resource that I would never have used to craft Golden Classic Cards had I known they would rotate out. So that dust would have been used over the years to craft new expansion cards etc. I am saying - as Blizzard have now made my Classic Set largely useless - I want that resource back so I can craft it on other cards. Yes - it would likely mean I could craft several expansions (which is why I believe Blizzard chose to create Classic Format in an effort to avoid having to refund millions of players worldwide and lose out substantially on sales of future expansions). That is not my issue. Blizzard should have considered this - they were happy enough to take our money over the last 6 years - and they know full well there are collectors out there who have invested heavily.

That doesn’t make my primary motive to be ‘that I want to play for free’ - If that were the case I would not have bought every expansion, adventure, portrait, mega bundle etc etc.

As a consequence of Blizzard’s decision to make my classic set useless - if they refunded me - I would by default become a free to play player for the next few expansions - because of the amount of dust a full Golden Classic Set cost to build in the first place.

There is a difference.


i have the WoD bundle on my account. it came with a flying mount. it was sold that way under an assumption it could be used in CURRENT content (the same as standard is, for you) in the same expansion they decided to try to remove flight completely after reassuring us flight would be enabled eventually. they didn’t post on the wow forums about it at all. that right there is deliberate deception. in the same time frame. the wording for you guys changed from always to usable in standard like at least 4 years ago. any time blizz changes wording like that you know, if you have previous experience with them, that something will change eventually. if you crafted even 1 of those cards past that point that was on you. if you only come to the HS forums and pretend like they sell no other products that is also not anyone’s fault but yours.

things change. if they didn’t no one would ever get a divorce. that type of “promise” is a lot different than some for profit company making your cards not work in the mode you wanted them to.

For the record I have played Wow since the very beginning - and still have the original boxes. I became disillusioned with the game long before you though. I stopped playing after MoP really although I did buy all but the most recent expansion, imagining I might give it another go at some point.

The issue around your mount may well be a valid one - but this is forum post about HS and Classic Set. If you feel that strongly about it - complain on the WoW forums. You are talking about one expansion. I am talking about 6 years worth of investment into a Format.

We clearly have very different views on this - so I think again we agree to disagree.


the thing is i have gone through my phases with being disillusioned with wow and blizz the same way you are. they are currently changing something about the way my class functions that will never be undone that i feel ruins it. and sylvanas is going to be a raid boss in the next raid. those two specific things (the exact things) are things i swore i’d never play wow again if they did them. but i had said if hearthstone got a hamuul runetotem hero portrait i’d play hearthstone seriously for years. and then they just said tbc classic will be a thing and i hated the idea of it because they’d never give alliance pallies access to seal of blood, which they just did. so i was super super upset but then also very happy with blizz. but i play more than one game. the thing is with blizz you’ll have your ups and downs. you will always be super angry when something happens that ruins something you’ve put a lot of love into. what am i doing though? i am changing mains in retail and not playing it for a while but spending my time playing hearthstone and classic to get ready for tbc classic to be released. i knew those two things could happen eventually and then they happened at the same time and i felt devastated. my thing though and why i didn’t just delete my account entirely is this. blizz can change whatever they’d like at any time. i knew this from the moment i read the EULA. and i was still upset when blizzcon happened. and i had more time invested in sylvnas and the character i told you about than anyone has even had time to have with anything related to hearthstone. but i am making the choice to continue playing because ultimately i was upset but there is no promise or guarantee that things will never ever change. that’s not how this stuff works.

edit: i try to not whine on the forums and just speak with my money/the thing you fill out when you unsub. i actually unsubbed when the class/slyv thing came out. i still have a free month cuz i bought the blizzcon thing though so i can stilldo stuff. i also downloaded and subbed to FF cuz i was about to just throw blizz in the trash forever. i usually don’t talk about this stuff. but i am telling you specifically because i am going through the same kind of feelings that you are right now. but my investment is 16 years vs 6 years. you know? you can still play hearthstone forever as whatever archetype you’d like. but missing a few cards here or there that you want to use. me? my entire character is bricked and i can’t even do world stuff with him anymore because of the nature of the change. he is bricked. dead. i can’t even play him anymore.

We obviously have 2 undercover troll Activi$ion employees on this thread fighting the money cause :rofl:


They are most likely passionate regular players.

Many of us love this game and sometime love is blind. Some personify HS, and it’s dev team and see spending money as conveying love and support to them. However in reality, HS is a game that already bring Blizzard more than a billion dollars a year in revenue while having a development cost in the tens of millions with only a fraction of that being the team’s cost. It’s what’s called a cash cow: a product that generate large sums of recurring revenue with minimal investment.

They don’t need your financial ‘‘support’’ more than any big streamers on twitch that already makes more than most ceo needs your $50 of ‘‘support’’ but people do it anyway because they think it conveys a message of friendship and loyalty, when on the receiving end it’s something done as a job.

Like any major company, they have a whole marketing team that whole purpose put it bluntly is to extract as much (monetary) value from you, using how you feel about their product to turns you into spending consumers. They aren’t any more your friend that the guy that sells you stuff at your local mall or that the car salesman that you meet when you want to buy a car. They have a commercial relationship with us -the players- which is something else.


We should gather at the Blizzard building in Los Angeles and hold a rally. Return the dust to the players. How many old dragons can be re-released? When Blizzard will cease to scoff at us.

The old dragons must be released and re-released! Too long have they been imprissoned, over and over again! No more injustice! Free the dragons!

The dragons must be destroyed. I’m tired of them. Instead of dragons. Orcs should be used instead of dragons. Big orcs. Strong orcs and replace all the HORDE, Thrall will be the leader of the horde.

So well said!

I was joking, ofc, but the well oiled marketing machine has to balance out the brand goodwill and greed, that is always the key… if they would blatantly offend majority of paying people, that would be simply bad business resulting in less spending and revenue.

On my own example - I’m currently thinking if I am going for prerelease 60 plus 20 track, or 20 only for the track. They did piss me off, I am for sure not paying 80 this expansion, maybe even skip 60 too! :rofl:

So, there is the market research thing - they obviously have calculated that even pissed off people will still spit out the money… considering I’m waging between these two, most probably I will go for a total 80 again, because I like spending :rofl:… so, our “friends” from your story are actually doing an awesome job, I’d hire them on the spot! (I work at a marketing division too :slightly_smiling_face:)

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I’m going to completely drop any mention of “full dust refund”.

It diluted the “partial/HoF dust” argument, that was my mistake.

Again, you are free to argue the full dust refund, just that for it to actually get anywhere, you usually need a callback to “this will earn Blizzard more money and keep players playing”, so you better have a good argument.

Blizzard is clearly not enough for white dust) they have some kind of crisis there…

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Personally, I crafted my Classic legendaries in Golden, because they are supposed to stay forever. This is what Blizzard claimed long ago. Now they are all going out of standard without any compensation?
Not gonna pre order the expansion this time.


Given that the Core set is going to be free, both for this year, and every year moving forward… I’d say they’re already compensating us.