Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

pfft they are asking refunds for cards they dont even use

if blizzard somehow could make it so only classic cards youve been running in your decks get refunded …im pretty sure they would get barely any dust !

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That brings up a whole different issue: powercreep has been on steroids during the last few years, which is has devalued so many Classic cards by making them irrelevant. Is anybody surprised to see that a card like Fireball no longer makes the cut in a Mage deck?

Back when Kibler started making anti-Classic statements he pointed out that Druid decks were 80 percent Classic cards. I wonder what the percent is these days.

My biggest issues with Hearthstone these days involve rampant powercreep, swing mechanics, RNG, and the introduction of so many designed and overtuned archetypes.

Important points in this quote: Ben Brode, who hasn’t worked for Blizzard since 2018. Shorlty after Standard and Wild were announced in 2016 and early FAQ. It’s my personal opinion they should have anounced this sooner, but the change must come.

You said it yourself, you saw it coming six months ago. So, why did you continue collecting Classic?

Was it in this thread or the other one that I made the comparisson to iPods and iPhones? They stop updating the OS for those and all those apps I was promised I could use, I suddenly can’t use anymore because my device is too old. I get no compensation for that either.

I absolutely despair at some of the posts on hear. It really isn’t rocket science you know.

  1. We are NOT saying or have ever said the Core Set is a bad thing. In many posts it has been cited that this will make the game more accessible to new players, and broaden the fan base. So let’s put the Core Set debate to bed - you can stop getting defensive over it.
  2. It has been repeatedly pointed out that companies marketing a product need to make terms and conditions both transparent and prominent - it is clearly stated in the law here in the UK anyway. As Blizzard trade with Consumers in the UK they would need to abide by those laws.
  3. Whether a card is good or not - sees play or not - is totally irrelevant to this argument. The whole point of building a collection is that you collect the cards - good and bad- hence many of us build up an entire Golden Collection on the premise we could play them in Standard.
  4. Saying we can still platy our cards in Wild or Classic is not what we bought into. I for one like using my Golden Cards alongside the Expansion cards as they release. Being forced to play Classic where I can only play Classic isn’t what I signed up for. I shouldn’t be forced to play Wild either - as a format it is nowhere near as popular - and to be honest - I have tried it the last 2 months and it isn’t for me. So whilst the cards still exist on the platform - they are no longer fit for the purpose for which they were sold (to play in Standard Format).
  5. Your opinions on whether we wasted our money, or you feel we were stupid to invest in a product etc are again - hugely irrelevant to the argument being put forward.
  6. We are asking for reimbursement because we believe we have been mis sold a product. Blizzard have been very happy letting us spend huge amounts of money into building our collections - and the very people who were the face of the game stated they’d be a permanent fixture in Standard. Maybe the decision to do away with Classic came several years after those announcements - that doesn’t make it ok to just back track on the original sale.

Even if after all of this - it turns out Blizzard have every right to do what they have done - it is really underhanded and just serves to ruin an already faltering reputation they have. Sure - the amazing changes [Battlegrounds, Duels, Reward Track (V.2) and the upcoming stuff like Mercenaries etc] they have brought in have gone some way to showing players they can listen to feedback - but that doesn’t mean the people who have invested heavily and who have now lost the majority of that investment should be happy or just accept it.


The aim would be to post on Reddit to link it on Twitter for the Devs to see. There is almost a direct line to them, if they see it, you’re not guaranteed a reply, but they will take action on it, if it’s in the right place at the right time.

From my experience, going through the traditional support channels, does not get anything meaningful done.

I went through Blizzard customer support, opening multiple tickets asking them to fix the description of Wild packs in the Web store. Unfixed for 5 months. Responses basically indicated they couldn’t/wouldn’t pass it on to Devs. I DM one of the devs on Twitter, fixed within a few days.

Then, there was the issue where returning players had a completely empty quest log, not fixed for a month. DM one of the devs on Twitter, noted announcement by “Blizzard” on Reddit, they were working on it the next day or 2, fixed in a week.

In both cases, I did not get a reply, so it may have been coincidence, but I wouldn’t think so, the timing seemed too convenient.

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Thank you - that is good to know. If I don’t get a response then maybe that will be the next way forward.

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But they are. I went to check on the EULA and found the part stating they have the right to change the game to balance it within minutes, and that was just from skimming it. If they really were less transparent, I never would have found it that easily.

If you go to a store and pull out a leaflet from several years ago and demand the outdated conditions, you won’t get it.

This, I agree with. If they had announced it a year before hand, things would have gone a lot better, but I do think it’s rather short notice.

I am not disputing this - I am simply saying that when we were sold Classic Packs/used up a tonne of dust/resources - we were led to believe we would be able to make use of those cards in Standard for years to come.

I think the ‘selling’ side of this debate is very separate from the ‘game-balance’ issues. I am not disputing the latter - just their dodgy sales and marketing tactics.


I may not be the best person to post out the Reddit post myself (as I tend to be fairly compromising), but I did say I was going to try.

It’s not like I haven’t seem some small form of success before (when I asked for a GvG bundle with Boomsday releasing, on Reddit a couple of years back, it got a couple 100 upvotes). Whether that means it got seen, I don’t know, but here we are, years later, and they released several bundles with Wild packs, and you can buy Wild packs with gold, since then.

Just need a well-constructed argument that is honest and considers many perspectives and feelings.

Am writing it now.

the thing you’re not understanding is that things can and do change, and that life is not fair. the thing is i don’t know what your history is with blizz. but i’ve played wow since the beginning. so even if HS is your first game i have 10 years of dealing with them, over you. they will not do anything that will get them in trouble legally. they cover their butts. you can yell at the sky all you want but nothing will be done. the core set is how they covered their rears. you don’t have to like that but that’s what it is. i could mention tons of things that have made me angry. including in WoD when they said flight would be put in later to get people to buy the expansion and sub and then on some random european site on a weekend they announced it was removed forever. the backlash caused like 7 MILLION people to leave wow and was the point that they stopped releasing sub numbers for wow. if people hadn’t done that there would be no flight to this day. google “pathfinder” for their “compromise” which is essentially do everything in game and wait for over a year before you can fly. they decided to not like flight despite it being in the game since tbc and they realize they cannot remove it completely, despite wanting it gone, so they essentially make it so you only get it for old content. that’s something that was core to wow for most of it’s existence. but the only reason we even got the “compromise” is that the VAST MAJORITY of people unsubbed over it. something like that won’t happen with this golden set.

Blizzard HoFed the almost the whole classic set,and what is the compensation?New game mode which is gonna be popular for 1 or 2 months.All classic nerfs will be reverted,which means we are about to have the same balance problems.

No, seriously players just got tricked,and haven’t noticed that.THERE MUST BE DUST COMPENSATION, CLASSIC WON’T BE A PART OF STANDARD ANYMORE.

Besides players asked devs to REWORK classic set,but rotating classic set is the worst and laziest decision.


in WoD the collectors edition gave a FLYING MOUNT. at the same time they tried to remove flight forever. the reasoning for that? you can use it in old content. they also introduced several other mounts at the time that would’ve been $25 each per mount at that time that would’ve not been usable in current content at all. at least you guys get a heads up. we didn’t.

edit: no one got money compensation for that either. or a refund for the hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of dollars they put into their store mount collections.

Me? I had a complete Classic set before Standard was even created, which included a free Old Murk-eye that was obtained from the achievement.

An early marketing point for Classic packs (since the set was so large) and the early expansions was that these cards would always be usable in constructed.

Buyers never really own their cards, since they cannot sell them to other collectors. You can’t sell your collection for $20, 000 like it was a Magic the Gathering collection.

Promising that Classic cards would always be usable in Standard was a way of quelling a large outcry against the shift of many cards into Wild—away from the new Standard format, which was clearly the new “main mode” of Hearthstone.

Right from beginning, most players had little interest in Wild.

Before Standard existed, I crafted some Classic golden cards like Lord Jarraxus (for Handlock), Cenarius (for Taunt Druid), Sorcerer’s Apprentices (for Tempo Mage), and Flame Imps and Knife Jugglers (for Warlock Zoo).

I dusted a golden Malygos and Gruul.


did you spend a bunch of gold or dust to make an ENTIRE gold collection? because that’s what winter is whining about. he said he’s spend $3000 of his currency to craft that. again, you cannot sell it. so he dumped that money. what if HS hadn’t made it past a few expansions? that money would also be “down the drain” if you pay for something that isn’t physical, like cards in HS or mounts in wow, you’re paying to access them while the game is online. dumping that kind of money into something that volatile is a gamble. and anyone who does it knowing it can all disappear into smoke at any time.

He invested that much money into Classic golden cards because Hearthstone told him that he would always be able to play them in his favorite format (Standard), and now he feels lied to and cheated.

So basically your pouring salt on his situation because he trusted what was said. It’s not like he imagined being told that Classic cards would always be usable in Standard.


when you invest THAT MUCH money into a digital product it’s a gamble. he gambled and lost. if yall gonna cry about being “lied to” when it was entirely by choice and totally f2p, unlike other blizz related games where they literally string you along for a year or more at a time. with paying a $50 box cost (at least) and $15 a month. LOL.

if you feel “lied to” take the L and stop playing. don’t spend another dime. because this type of game changes all the time. nothing in it is static or forever.

The discussion on Reddit isn’t going well.
I don’t think this is something I can do myself, as in, I can only offer my own perspective the best, and not yours:

What I mean is, I could use your help.

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Thanks for the Reddit link, it was a good read.

I rarely read anything on Reddit, because I hate their layout, and I do not post anything there.

Certainly, the Classic rotation will result in a lost of like 3k to 6k dust that would have came from cards being moved to the HoF over the next year or two.

Really, as Hearthstone transitions to the Core set, they should have thanked Classic collectors by awarding some kind partial dust refund based on what players had in their Classic set. Even if it worked out to be 10 to 20k dust, most players would quickly squander it when next set is released.


i do wonder if winter would take the dust for it just this once and then have to keep spending dust indefinitely to have access to the core cards. that’s a really good point. because if HS is around for even 10 more years he’d spend significantly more to craft, or buy, cards he right now will get for free.

There is no point discussing a scenario where players would have to buy and/or craft Core cards, because it would undermine the goal of making Hearthstone more attractive and accessible to new players.

Also, if players were expected to buy Core cards in addition to all the other content that is being pumped out each year, players would leave Hearthstone in droves or abandon collecting cards.

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