Battlegrounds lost balance with Elementals

Hello, dear hearthstone players! :upside_down_face:

I want to open the topic, which I, and probably many other players, think has become a serious issue over the last few days in Battlegrounds.

Elementals are to buffed. Through each game, the stats of elementals are becoming more and more unstable as players figure out how to play them.

The last game I have played made me open this topic. I had a golden Naomi kitchen master. Every Element starting HP in Bobā€™s Tavern was 60/60 stats and more! Imagine would happen if Reno gets itā€™s on turn 6?

Even without Naomi, what about little Ragnar? Not even dragons with a divine shield can compete with that anymore ( while dragons are much harder to buff, and they were considered to be OP before coming of elementals )
Demons? Not even 100/100 golden Wrath Weaver can put a scratch on Elementals.

Often happens that Elemental players have Almagadonā€¦That leads us to an Elemental build with divine shield and poisonous? That is insane!

And most of all, they are good starting build. They get easily buffed on mid-game, so its not a risk of playing Elementals at all. The late game? Think no need to mention the late game and how strong they can be. I saw such high stats that have never been seen in Battlegrounds before.

It is ripping the Battlegrounds out of balance. They need such nerfs and Naomi to be removed from the pool. :bangbang: :bangbang:

I urge everyone who shares this opinion to support this and to ask from our Heartstone leaders, to think a better way of representing this good minion type in our favorite mode, Battlegrounds. :pray:


There seems to be almost an over abundance of elementals which everyone can use to ramp, for instance the element you can sell and receive another is like coin ammo for the shop, plus the 0 cost refresh from the other and it adds milling buffs. So it seems now everyone will use them no matter the course, its changed the dynamic, but itā€™s also obvious some classes have a distinct advantage in BG from start to finish so really the balance is well out of wack

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yeah, itā€™s pretty awful right now. hero disparity (not just Rag. this also includes the likes of Jandice, Maiev, etc.) is bad enough, but now a broken tribe on top of it.


there are so many elementals it buffed raffam

you can build a nice wall with the taunt "gains hp when playing an elemental "

because everyoone else is running it

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Yes, I totally agree.

And what you think about Wildfire Elemental? In some situations, when elements get buffed, he can kill 3 big minions instantly from 1 kill. I think also that minion is to out of range!


same thing happen with pirates and dragons just wait they fix it in like 2-5 weeks


donā€™t forget that because Elementals are new and also not in the ban rotation you are seeing them picked a lot more often. Which is skewing the numbers some what from the normal feel of bgs

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How can BG lose something it never had in the first place?


But every time 2-5 weeks, it is not how it should be. Then players always have some period with non-balanced games.

Also, compared to all other minion types, Elements are buffed most. Games where they get easily x4 150/150 stats minions, that is no more normal games. Itā€™s out of every rule in the book of balance in game.

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remember when people said the same thing about pirate? and before that when they said it about dragons? some people just hate change

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Sorry, but 150/150 stats minion are not small change. Dragons and pirates are pretty balanced, as it is very risky to play with them, and hard to make perfect game. But Elementals, there is no mistake if you focus them. No matter early or late, they are best at it. And With Naomi, u can see minions with 60/60 starting stats in Bobā€™s Tavern, while playing whole 12 turns, you cant make minion 60/60 stats on your board. This time, its clearly to much. And they made big mistakes in calculating the balance.


you also get destroyed by poison murlocs, and the new poison is a great counter aswell

funny you complain about people hating ā€œchangeā€, but buffing/nerfing is exactly that lol.

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Actually Elementals can rek poison murlocs if you use the right elementals. I have done it more than once. 70+hp poison murlocs vs 100+ attack Elementals. RIP Murlocs.

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Besides, that pretty much means that if you donā€™t play Elementals, you have to play Murlocs for Poison, which still means Elementals are OP cause theyā€™re literally controlling the meta like this.

What if Murlocs are banned, btw?

Personally I think Elementals would be just fine without either Lilā€™ Rag or Nomi. But they just have way too many cards that blow up too fast. Nomi is just ****ing retarded if you get him early enough.

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Nomi and Lilā€™Rag are broken.

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Wut ??? I mean while Rag will be nerfed, iā€™m positive about that, i just won a lobby using Menagerie ā€¦ i mean Elementals are strong, but imo not that broken.

Come back after you run in to 7 elementals with 150+ attack and hp where 2-3 have DS and WF and 2-3 has Cleave on overkill and then 1 or 2 Taunts with 250+ attack and/or hp.


To try and tell me you dont think Elementals are that broken, you clearly need to open your eyes.

They have 0 bad cards. Zero. Every card has its use. Compare that to Demons:

Damaging yourself for health, very situational cards and even its top cards arenā€™t that great.

Pirates, so many cards that serve little purpose and arent until T5/6 do you see any real benefit. Goldgrubber probably the strongest part

Dragons, takes forever to get any real growth from these guys and if you donā€™t get good enough RNG youā€™re probably dead before you can get there.

Murlocs are very slow with great end-game potential but still requires some luck to pull it off.

Party Elem= Instant and sustainable gratifications.
Selemental= Works with Party Elem + Lilā€™Rag + Majordomo + Nomi. Only technically costs 2 mana
Lilā€™ Rag = Free 4/4, 5/5, 6/6 for pretty much free.
Majordomo = The only downside is he himself is not an Elemental but still an amazing card.
Molten Rock = An Above average Elemental, but quickly gets out of control when added with the never-ending buffs.
Stasis Elemental = Probably the only other mediocre card, however it nice if RNG isnt working and you need quick Elems.
Arcane Assistant = Free 1/1 for everyone. How can you go wrong especially when those 1/1 will be followed by more 1/1 and buffs.
Crackling Cyclone = Windfury and Divine Shield. On a class that out of control buffs. Oh and when its gold, turns into Mega-Windfury?
Wildfire Elemental = Oh and in case the Windfury doesnt finish the job, now you can just get a free snipe with your absurd attack with this guy. THIS mixed with Crackling was just so OP.
Tavern Tempest = Free Buffs guys! Free buffs!

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING. What part of this ISNT OP? Itā€™s so faceroll.


I believe is that blizzard is purposely flooding the tavern with elementals and purposely making them OP. Understandable since its a new patch minion they want people to play it and enjoy playing it.

Similar to what they did with the launch of demon hunters, make it so OP and everywhere on the tavern so 80% of the playing field plays it.

Expect the nerf hammer and reduction of elementals from tavern soon.

To add, I believe one positive is that its not auto win now Jandice with elementals around. Those pogos can actually be dealt with, without Murlocs