Elelmentals killing battlegrounds

This. Poison/divine shield is unreliable, the stats that elementals are able to rack up simply make trying to counter with posion/divine shield not worth it, especially with crackling cyclone with mega windfury. Those 2 cards need some serious down tuning.

Have to agree. elementals I think are too gud but its overshadowed by whoever gets 2 amals with divine poison wins everygame. Amal needs to be removed from BG.

I see too many 8/1 taunters become x/200+, too many 4/1 DS winfury become 4 minionremoval, and I get it’s op as it’s new, but, c’mon.
If Amals keep them in check when murlocs are banned, so be it.

I love that I said in my opening post that my post was not about how overpowered elementals are but the scaling is the issue

And you guys talk about how op elementals are lol

We know they are op and we know how to beat them

It’s the scaling

If two players outscale everyone else by turn 8 and are hitting for a lot then poison murlocs won’t save you

By the time you get any number of Devine shield murlocs you are dead

It’s not the overpowered it’s the scaling

If you get lucky in bobs tavern you win

How many times since patch have you rolled and rolled to see not one elemental in bobs pool but other players are tripling up elementals and out scaling you so fast

That’s when you know what’s the point trying

It’s not about coming first

It’s about competing

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Literally every time Battlegrounds gets updated there’s some doomsayer threads like this claiming that it’s killing battlegrounds, and yet nothing ever really comes out of it.

Nothing comes out of it?

In what way? That battlegrounds is just the same when it was first released?

Let me see. Prior to the pirates patch which was the beginning of bgs being ruined you actually had fun

You could switch builds half way through

You could actually use strategy to play

You had time to try something different

So when you say nothing comes of it I assume you are the kind of player who likes mediocre

This minion is so bad, nobody who is going elemental wants it in the final build

without divine shield, windfury becomes irrelevant

this is true, reduce scaling is the answer to this problem

how would you fix it? “add life only the first time you play an elemental”?
I’m not an expert, so I don’t know if tier 6 should be a lot better than tier 5 minions, or just slightly better

Meh, this is pretty much the same argument people had when Pirates were first released and people were complaining because they felt Pirates were OP and scaled too quickly.

With a bit of time Pirates were fine and right now might even be on the weak end. Give it a bit of time.

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Really, the only thing I think is well and truly over tuned is Ragnaros, since free +8/+8 stats every turn is broken, and the statistics show that he’s a tier 0 hero pretty much. And Nomi should be pushed up a tier, to stop him from just being an early game auto-win.

What makes Ragnaros op is +8/+8 kinda becomes +16/+16 because he gets double use of it on divine shield minions.

It go on any type minion and stack with little rag to make anything good. I have 60/60 poison from neutral 1/1 with rag and little rag. Broken.

Check and support discussion for Elementals to get nerfed at the:

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Pirates don’t have DS with windfury on tier 3 and pirates aren’t able to scale hard before tier 4/5 with some luck. Elementals can start to scale has soon as tier 2 and have way more support unit to scale. Pirates were awful because they were able to deal a ton of dmg early but at least they tend to fall off late, elementals don’t. Pirates were fine because poisonous/ds murloc were still a huge thing when they were release. People complained about their damage in the midgame not because they were “op”. It was not a winning comp.

But let’s be honest the real issue is Amalgadon. No matter what you build, the winner is usually the one with two amalgadons.

Pirates are laughable now. I got 2 early hogger and pirateception going and it still wasnt enough to beat elementals. I had two pirates in 100s but it wasnt enough to even kill the one garr with 300 health at end.

The last 5 Lobbies i’ve won with Elemental includes 2 40ish/40ish Mega Windfury. While it is situational, i would compare it to a tech like Ghoul. If you can have it attack 3 times, its devastating.

Beasts get decimated by a 4 attacker. If you are about to go vs beast comp def keep the 6/6 give your windfury mega windfury.

All this hate on Nomi. I mean hes a slight worse / slightly better Mama Bear.

For reference watch the Kibler video. Jandice and early Nomi. Yes he blew his opponents out of the water, (double lil rag will do that) but the Nomi buffs at the end of the game are just there and he’s cycling through them just like anything else. Its the cards around him that make him nutty.

Sellemental - Token on steroids
Stasis Elemental - Forces another Elemental…
Tavern Tempest - 2 for 1

3 cards give 6 triggers which can then trigger themselves again. Last lobby, with Nomi on board, i dropped a Tempest, which spawned a stasis, which then spawned a sellemental.

Elemental s as a whole are just too efficient. Lobbies just swim in them. But its also what makes them fun. Its fun becasue each card you play impacts all the others. Only murlocs have that kind of synergy.

A good tier 2 can ride into tier 4-5 easy. Party elemental into Molten rock on turn 3 is god mode and carries so hard. From my limited experience however, that is elemental’s weakness. Mid game. Rag hasent hit enough targets yet, Nomi is just getting online, a non golden wildfire is weak, thats your chance.

Did they have mega windfury because they were golden or because you had the elemental that gives mega windfury to wind fury minions?

in the first case, yes it’s strong, it’s also not very uncommon to do once you start scaling; in the second case I still think you don’t want to keep the “give mega windfury” minion on your board, since it’s pretty useless once you golden your windfury minion (and before that, your windfury minion will probably die on his 2nd attack)

Oh and one last thing pirates cannot do. It’s wipe a whole board of highrolling beast (double macaw + hydra + triple goldrinn + amalgadon + triple baron) and another dragon malygos, amalgdon, etc, IN A SINGLE ATTACK. 90% of my board sucked in stats but no problem just give you windfury/ds/cleave minions 4 attacks and there is not even a contest. Yeah only al’akir can do this one but it’s not hard to buff the 4/1 ds windfury to a huge thing that can also survived at least 2 hits and kill 3/4 minions in a single attack.


Cool game skip to the last 5 minutes to see the transition into exactly what I was talking about with selfless and the 1/1 spores :wink:
Even though he scamazed Rag outa the win