Battlegrounds is Now Pay to Win

Don’t lie. People were calling traditional Hearthstone pay to win. Not Battlegrounds.


This is true. Me too. Because half of the lobby always concede either at start, or by turn 4, when they see their quests.

It’s like the “free” version of Battlegrounds not onlay has 2 hero options instead of 4, but also only 4 players instead of 8 LOL.

those are from a 2 years old thread

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No, it isn’t. Not in any world of reasonable thought.

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Ok. 2 people are technically people. I give you that.
Also, most people “finally agreed” it wasn’t pay to win since the start. Sooo…

Next, tell us how your perfectly balanced coin lands on the edge 100% of the time.

Then I will tell you I know your account doesn’t line up with probability, and is so far outside the outlier, that I know it isn’t real.

interesting how it’s gone now. Clearly it was.

I have just quit out of 5 lobbies before they even started because of trash hero selection. The two game that I played out of the seven I queued had less than 6 people actually playing. This game is raging dumpster fire now.


I purchased the season pass… My win rate has dropped… I get the same heroes all the time, or I just get the garbage heroes… I did better and had more wins, without the ability to choose from 4 heroes. What I DID get however, were some pretty skins, and cool looking kill explosions… As well, I think I got a cpl of emotes? and a new Bob skin… Somehow NONE of that seems like a win to me. And now I am out 16 bux or whatever it cost me in Canadian currency… one less bottle of wine… :frowning:

heroes dont matter at all. quests do. many time i finished first and never used the hero power! its easier now more than ever to get a win with ANY HERO. i suggest you get familiar with which quests are good and which are bad. dont look at the hero selection too much

90% of stupid people think that 4 heroes are p2w, not realizing that the win rate will not grow and may even fall, but they do not understand when you explain it to them
those who can’t buy 4 heroes cry that they can’t play always lose because the opponent bought the victory, although they play with those who didn’t buy the same.Those who bought a pass understand that nothing has changed, maybe it has become a little more pleasant to play but not to win in any case, and a few more gifts from the tape

are you simped so much for blizzard that you truly think that 4 choices is the same as 2? maybe im not good at math but last i checked having the choice between 4 options and 2 options usually ends up better when you have more of a choice. if you think its really equal then why doesn’t blizzard just make it so everyone gets 4 choices then? fact of the matter is they took a product that was free for 3 years now. and suddenly locked it behind a paywall. not new features, not a new mode, not a new game. the same exact thing that has been free for 3 years is now cash only. i dont care if it caused you to win LESS i wouldn’t play off the principle of that slap in the face anyway. its insulting. ive said it many times before. i already uninstalled hearthstone, the day of the patch. and i LOVE hearthstone ive played since the alpha, i quit on principle. it will remain uninstalled untill the farce of a cash grab is gone


I have my favorite characters and not my favorite ones. According to statistics, I often win on unloved ones, I don’t know why, it’s a coincidence.It is more pleasant for me to play with a choice of 4. It offends me that it was made for a fee, I buy a pre-order that costs $ 80 and received a pass for it.But this time I paid the same amount of money for the pre-order, but I didn’t get a pass, it was simply stolen without reducing the value.
But if we are not talking about blizzard’s behavior and attitude to the players, but about the probability of winning, then now playing on 2 characters I win more often than before, well, not less often, that’s for sure.And I can bet with anyone who has 4 characters that we can play 4 games together and let him be higher all 4 times, he bought a victory and I didn’t, so show me how the p2w victory bought works beat me 4 times.

And this is the major BG issue right now.

If you pick what is traditionally a high quality hero, your quest will have an insanely high difficulty to complete and you will lose.

There’s a sweet spot of middling heros that have good quest completion levels that create imba boards fast and win hard in current meta.

If you are playing like you did before quests you will struggle to win.

Battlegrounds is elite only. Not P2W.

Except for the whole literally paying gets you double the hero choice over those who don’t.

In a game where there are clear tier lists for heroes, having a 50% advantage over your opponents by playing the credit card is literally p2w.


I’m over 5k MMR without perks and it’s definitely a huge advantage having a choice of 4 heroes. Often the two presented are not very playable and it’s a struggle just to get to 4th the higher ranked you go. So yeah, it’s now biased towards PTW.

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I’m casually playing with two choices and about to hit 5k. Four heroes (at least at this rank) isn’t a game changer.

Casually meaning I’m only playing maybe 5 games a day with concedes if heroes are particularly bad or boring depending on lobby.

the game is pay or don’t pay you lose the same, it’s all manipulated and written to always give you a feeling of being cheated by incompetent or cynical developers it’s up to you, if you want to answer something follow this

-Silents the opponent’s emoticons immediately so that he wastes time clicking without doing anything to him

  • Write here on the forum everything that seems to you to be manipulation by blizzard, manipulated matchmaking, even the slightest thing like the connection dropping when you were winning, you come back and you lost
  • Think carefully about what you need to spend your money on and if it’s a good choice, (what do you get in return?) Unfortunately I can’t advise you exactly what to do because it would go against the regulation but I can invite you to reflect
  • Make videos of matches to keep demonstrating situations that seem altered to you
  • When you have nothing to do you can make excellent profits simply by entering and “waiting” we understand each other eheh


Your exchange rate with the US is generally a result of your countries actions. think of It as a score card.

Ok I can buy 1.2 bobafetts for 1$ us. that’s a good deal, The bobafett goes down 0.0001 and the US goes up 0.0001.

Ok I can buy 1.2001 bobafetts for 1$ us. that’s a good deal, The bobafett goes down 0.0001 and the US goes up 0.0001.


ok I can buy 1.3 bobafetts for 1$ us that not a good deal so they stop buying bobafetts and stop selling US.

It can also work by announcement, bobafett country says our currency is now worth 70c US.

but the US does not go announcing our currency is worth 1.3 bobafetts.

The price is just based on the exchange rate and has nothing to do with racism.

If 30 of your currency is only worth $15Us then why would they sell it at 15 bobafetts and only make half the money?

Imagine treating people like they were pieces on a game board.

I guess that’s why it’s so easy for the us politicians to find people to willing to act like it’s a COD game to drone people from halfway around the world and “oopsie” when they take the wrong “pieces” off the map. I mean, when you don’t act like they aren’t people or anything…just like the scummy megacorps.

Just like your

example, because the scummy mega corps and their polticians treat people the same way.