Battlegrounds is Now Pay to Win

With the new change to battlegrounds, that is, only getting 2 hero choices unless you spend real life currency, the game is now unquestionably pay to win. It does not matter how balanced the heroes get or how balanced the tribes get, there will always be a competitive advantage for the people who spend money to get the 2 extra hero choices. Ask any top tier or professional player and they will tell you the exact same thing. In games with a battle pass, it is supposed to be cosmetic ONLY so that the actual free to play game is FREE TO PLAY at a level playing field for everyone. This new change is undoubtedly just a cash grab that is ruining the competitive integrity of the game.


Enough of the local pay-to-post suck ups. All the gold I ever earned was deleted the day they made this mistake.

The other system I would spend money, but until my gold is actually made useful again, I will not play again.


But ask the devs…and they’ll tell you more options isn’t P2W…because, uh…you know, the thing.

But apparently we need to for the scummy multibillion dollar company.

Short term, the mods could actually deal with the pro company birgade trolling and harassing posters on the forums non stop.

Hey mods, does the coc apply to people who support the company? Because this week, there have been: outright profanities used, direct insults, trolling, and numerous other vilations of the coc.

Now, if you swear at team 5 (which I am against, btw), you mods will swoop in and action the post and poster so fast it makes everyone’s head spin. But how about you show the coc applies equally, and address some of these flagrant violations of the coc from the pro company posters?

At least pretend the coc is enforced equally.


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Someone just can’t get in, they don’t accept my country’s card, and this is a problem for me. I am sure that you live in a country where there is a good salary and the opportunity to donate.
And $ 15 is a lot even for a resident of Europe or America. For this amount, you can buy a game for 100 hours of play.

Watching lobby legends now, it illustrates nicely how much pay to win it is. Even casters admitted several times many heroes are competitively unplayable.

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I to agre its pay to win now, yea for some people 15€ may not be much but this leads the complete Company into a money grubing direction, now it is 15 than it will come o we released a new hero to get him you need to pay 20 or you wont get him in your selection and so on.
for me i wont pay any money to support this.

And it is thievery becasue i had bought the tavern pass which had sayed as long as it is runing i have 4 heroes now they split it and say hey pay again. … thats thievery!!!


Something else never addressed by the company (at least as far as I’m aware) making people in other countries eat the difference in currency conversion costs. This is outright racism on actiblizz’s part, when other (and smaller) companies take the hit themselves and don’t pass that on to their customers. A $15 dollar game is a $15 dollar game for everyone, not just the people in the first world.

But, typical actiblizz: treating women as lower tier in games (see dragonflight) and in real life (in their workplace), and outright racism in their business practices.


This is one of the most nonsense things Ive ever read. Not every country uses the same currency, and their currencies arent worth the exact same 1:1 value to each other. That’s how exchange rates work with countries and their currencies. In your version of it should all be $15 in every currency, that would also mean it would be 15 bitcoins. Which as we know does not equal 1 bitcoin = 1 dollar. Just like 1 American dollar doesnt equal 1 Canadian dollar. Or 1 Euro. Or 1 Yen. Etc. Dont be obviously absurd.

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After playing without perks up up 4k MMR, I can tell ya that it doesn’t matter. With the current quest system any hero can pull a top 4 if they pull the right quest. I went AFK halfway through a game with 6 players left in the lobby and took first place with just passive scaling off a quest and minions - with zero hero power.


Something that goes through the mind of every normal person reading every pro company rant.

*the version where companies aren’t overtly racist and greedy


Like I said, some companies do this, where they don’t see games being for first world players only.

Remember how “play nice: play fair” is their stated motto, along with “think globally”

Everywhere on the planet there are people who play Blizzard Entertainment games. While respecting the cultural diversity that makes people unique, we strive to grow and support our global gaming community. We also seek the most passionate, talented people in the world to enrich our company and help us forge the future vision of Blizzard Entertainment.

…except you know, for not gouging people from other countries on prices for games. And making alternatives available in those countries where their failed HoTS currency system aren’t allowed. Because like everything else they claim to stand for, their “principles” are lip service.

big caveat there. Now do it with half the hero options consistently. Those numbers will consistently show it’s P2W.

if its pay to win, how do i keep winning without paying?


how dare a publicly traded company charge money for their product. they must be such bad people


I am doing it without the extra heroes, it really doesn’t matter. You get a selection of three quests, rarely are all three a dud. So if you get a bad hero and then offered a bad quest just concede and requeue. It’s as much RNG as refreshing the tavern is. Everyone has had games where they just can’t pull the right minions, this is exactly the same thing. At least now it is possible for every hero to place.

I still feel like they should allow the option for 4 heroes to be paid for with gold. If they want to have a reward track they can make that paid, maybe they could offer a cross reward track XP boost or something to drive sales.

follow the replies. Because if you believe the propaganda, the company making billions a year (especially during the pandemic, where people are going homeless, starving, and now have to decide between which bills to pay and being able to put gas into their car to drive to work) is still raking in billions…is on the verge of financial ruin.

I’d post the timeline of actiblizz scandals involving their business practices, workplace harassment (including how it led to one of their employees taking their own life, the campaign contributions to the governor who later interfered in the state investigation, getting bought out by microsoft- only to have the suit settled for less than half of what Weinstein paid for the same offenses with no jail time for anyone, etc), but it would mysteriously vanish…just like the UN Human Bill of Rights did during the Blitzchung situation.

Because, somehow…the UN Human Bill of Rights is bad, but the numerous coc violations by the pro company posters is still ok to leave up.

Ah, so less options doesn’t matter…except

Except in your scenario, a person with less options has a higher chance of that happening. That’s literal math.

Agreed on the gold part…as for the rest, well they could just not have implemented the failed multiple currency system from HoTS.


oh no someone disagrees with me. they need to be censored immediately!


You can obviously still win, you just statistically win less than if you get the extra hero slots.

Profanity, hate speech, harassment, and trolling are violations of the coc. Try reading it: you (and the pro company posters) agreed to it when you signed up here. But nice strawman.

follow the rules of the site they agreed to when they signed up. Simple as.

do you win less? i mean i havent noticed a difference, i win just as much with 2 as i did with 4

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where is the violation though. people have been stating opinions, I haven’t seen any of them use hate speech, or profanity. trolling is subjective. just because someone has a different opinion and makes you mad doesn’t mean he is trolling.


Literally the three areas I mentioned, among others. Did you even read the CoC?

“do we need to set up a go fund me page for the players who can’t afford $15 every four months?” is trolling. And there’s a lot worse. If you claim you didn’t see it, that one came from this verse thread, and I quoted it. Open your eyes.