Battlegrounds is Now Pay to Win

My win rate has been higher, but I attribute that to the quests and it still being a small sample size. Early in the season and all that.

I think thats funny and should stay. :slight_smile:


And your opinion is irrelevant: itā€™s trolling and violates coc.

yes you win less there are even statistiks if you search for them, B doesent look up to these cause they are thinking they are better but they arent ā€¦

i think it was like double so high chance to land in the top 4 with 4 heroes than with 2

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Maybe I am missing something? I donā€™t see how BG is pay to winā€¦ All you pay for are cosmeticsā€¦ you are not getting exclusive legendary heroes, or special skillsā€¦ Are you? You get fancy new looks, or emotesā€¦ And the chance to choose from 4 heroes, instead of 2ā€¦ If you canā€™t win with one of 2 heroes, how can you possibly win with one of 4? I think the runestones are purely about making moneyā€¦ If they implemented that with ALL of HS, then Iā€™d be upsetā€¦

Havenā€™t bought the season pass yet but I can tell you itā€™s not P2W. Really, the only advantage you get is you get to choose one of four heroes, not 2.

But I need to learn new tactics as iā€™m getting my butt kicked.

As long as your score is below 3000, i agree.
Getting above 5000 or 6000 itā€™s definitely p2w.
This combined with the totally unbalanced mix of quests reduces fun a lot.


Iā€™d be surprised if I hit 3000 the way itā€™s going.

Gating options behind a paywall is literally P2W. Thatā€™s not skill, as you imply itā€™s literally a probability factor favoring paying players.

Imagine someone telling you win a 4 card draw with only 2 cards, playing against people who get to draw 4 cards. Want two more cards? Now you have to pay for it. Thatā€™s the new system.


I hear youā€¦ but the heroes you get to choose from be they 2 or 4, are still going to be favored or crappyā€¦ For example, when I got to choose from 4, i got lich whatever the rest of her name is, or secrets guy, more often as well as mukla, and lich kingā€¦ I only choose from 2 now, I keep getting all the heroes I actually likeā€¦ Yup, I will sometimes get one I donā€™t care for, aside from the ones already mentioned. I also do not care for Elise, rat king, pyramad, queen wagtoggleā€¦ the list goes onā€¦ i almost NEVER see them when I chooseā€¦ also murloc and dragon heroesā€¦ those I do not see as often. I keep getting to choose Denathrius, or Nā€™zoth, tikatus, millificent, as well as ele and pirate heroesā€¦ The ones I likeā€¦ maybe itā€™s luck, but it is not pay to winā€¦ I donā€™t pay and still hit top 4 most of the timeā€¦ I am sorry, but it is just pay to look prettyā€¦

Do I need to point out basic probabilities here, again?

What youā€™re describing is a type of gamblerā€™s fallacy.


You have 1 post and it is this. Welcome to the forums, this has been discussed for months since it was revealed. I would suggest staying up to date on your games in the future. Things like this will be less shocking.

say what you likeā€¦ Show me proof it is ACTUALLY pay to win. Then I will back down. BG is NOT HEARTHSTONE. In HS, I can see the argumentā€¦ You cannot get the card you want to complete your deck, so you spend money or gold to buy packsā€¦ the card isnā€™t there? Then you dustā€¦ BG isnā€™t that at allā€¦ You only get 2 extra heroes to choose from, and a LOT of things to make your game experience look more prettyā€¦ Time to concede my friend, unless you can prove your argument.


Does paying player get more hero options?

Yes or no.

If yes, P2W.

If No, F2P.

Simple as.

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Those are not convincing answersā€¦ I already explained my experience. I choose from only 2 and still make top four, almost every gameā€¦ It isnā€™t getting extra heroes that help you winā€¦ It is knowing how to play the ones you getā€¦ and knowing how to use which quest, with which tribes are availableā€¦ BG, is by far my most favored format. Perhaps that is why I can actually work with what is given to me. Maybe BG isnā€™t your format?

Even if you flip a coin and get 10 tails in a row, the probability is still 50%, regardless of your experience saying it is 100%.

Whether you got lucky, or the game is rigged in your favor, fact remains 4 hero option is factually almost twice as good than 2 hero option.


That is not how Pay2win works.

If we play a 1 vs1 game and i can buy a 50% dmg boost and 50% more health for real money, than this game is Pay2win.

You can still beat me, because you are the better player, but i have an unfair advantage.

In HS that unfair advantage can be a hero, who has a stronger heropower than others.

And more choices mean i play stronger heroes more often.

I quote myself:

Lets assume we have 40 heroes. 20 good and 20 bad. (50% of heroes are good)

I get 2 choices
You get 4 choices

I have a chance of 75,00 % to get a good hero
You have chance of 93,75 % to get a good hero

And here let us assume we have 50 heroes and only 10 are good. (20% of heroes are good)

I get 2 choices
You get 4 choices

I have a chance of 36,00 % to get a good hero
You have chance of 59,04 % to get a good hero

You still can beat me, but i will win more games an avarage, than other players, who have the same skilllevel


Soā€¦you donā€™t understand probability, and what increased pool choice brings to someoneā€™s odds.

That is statistically impossible. There are heroes who are ranked at the bottom of the tier list, which means that even with perfect draws in minion pool, you are still at a disadvantage against better heroes. And thatā€™s before the quest RNG comes into play. Another factor thatā€™s impossible to say you got perfect draw in.

Plus, right now saying you get final four means almost nothingā€¦considering the lobbies are almost empty.



I should know my own win rateā€¦ it is not impossibleā€¦ It is a fact. I make top 4 almost every single timeā€¦ maybe 2 out of say 10 games, I will be bottom 4ā€¦

one little good thing about this

is to see people finally aggreeing it wasnt p2w before this change ā€¦(people been calling BG p2w for years )

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