Azerite snake about to be nerfed

I am not fully understanding your irreverence to what one of the two data aggregates for HS, that are very popularly used and respected here and elsewhere (generally VS is respected more as they analyze the numbers differently and in a more useful way, but we don’t have their numbers because the expansion released two days ago). We ought to let the meta settle. I don’t understand why you won’t consider this, either. Two days ago (almost three now) the expansion released. Too many people, like yourself (forgive me for being blunt), are jumping to conclusions based on personal experience – that is not how people should be thinking and basing their beliefs on (in this case, that this card is both overpowered, and/or should be killed).

Now, what you’re mistaking me for is defending this card: I am not. You and others may be right. What I am trying to say is that we simply do not know yet.

If you can’t be reasonable, then sure, we must agree to disagree.

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Just make it so it can’t be a repeated effect. That’s the only way to balance this card without changing the effect completely or the mechanic. even if you have it, you can still bounce it 5 times i believe, maybe more with other copy effects/RNG. If they want to keep the idea of it. Make it non-repeatable.


life steal instead of steal

Same noobs cry about the card who used to cry about old school freeze mage, which was beaten outright by warlock and warrior and pretty much all the control decks at the time. Noobs in this thread too cry about the card and disegard everything I said to counter their arguments for the nerf. Instead of adapting to the meta, they cry. Nuff said.

This warlock doesnt even have the ability to deal with boards unless you sargeras at turn 9, by which time you will be dead or the enemy is dumb enough to line up their stuff for your defile. anubisath and forge along with reverbations does nothing when you suddenly go against a full board of 6/10 trees at turn 5 or all kinds of dragons every turn. The statue or brewmasters are no guarantee and even if you get them you did by sacrificing board and control power. Some of these decks even have reno now so you are boned even if you manage to get and keep board control. All in all the best snake decks had a 55% win rate. Which is far from broken

To summarize, warlock will suck now, mark my words. To all you priest, druid, warrior and paladin players congrats for crying so hard that blizzard heeded your words IN A SINGLE DAY, not even letting the meta settle or consider any counter arguments for a class breaking nerf. Shrieking like a 12 year old in 2005 whos WoW account got cancelled by his mom. This must be a new record in blizzard history. I hope microsoft will get rid of all the crappy card designers and community managers. Until then I’m off playing gwent, or skip some stones in the river.

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And we wonder why this game goes through bs nerfs because of players like you …

He’s back Mr. 3 post now !! Gratz

Another salty toxic player that has never played the deck in any manner that calls for the card to be nerfed into the ground GJ !!!

The toxic player here is you, relax let them say what they want


Don’t think so , again if I have something to say I will and I will call you or any other type that just cry’s or lies about the state of a card or deck . Its my opinion and I will say what I want.
Get over yourself.

The irony

If you are gonna disagree make up an argument, calling them toxic will only foresee you getting banned from the Forums

How about you get over yourself genius

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Do the same Genius…

I am not the one calling people toxic over having their own opinion

If you don’t think this whole thread was brought up by toxic players you solely have no clue on this topic and how much hate is going on here about the snake and the state of it being nerfed , weather you agree or not more players here just one post and leave cry more.

why don’t you hang onto the one thing i said and nothing of the whole entire thread , go away troll.

I am the one crying

look in the mirror

‘troll’ :joy:

Show your true colors and why these forums are full of trolls cry babies and the like , Gratz your da Winner …

“a clear sentiment outlier”

Nerfing for feelings again. Couldn’t even wait a week to analyze the card’s win rate once the meta settles. Well, congratulations to the whiners. You win again.


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i hate been so curious… when the notification came, i should have ignored it…

ok, karen! i have four posts now. 3 of then thx to you. how many more until i have a virtual **** big enough for your valitation ruler?

dude, i understand your need to vent your frustration! But none of us here are the manager. you can’t get anyone complaining to be fired from the game.

go play the game!

Hi auto i know you like combos i only have question.

Would you be fine if they changed stealing hp from enemy hero to lifesteal deal 10
I think the steal hp part is abit rough id leave the mana cost as is.

Me , maybe you should like “kewl” should go back and read the other posts .

I have said this card needs a nerf but unfortunately all you cry babies need to slap this card into the bowel of nerf hell .
I have said this time and again .Try it for yourself and see if its as bad as you say , the meta has answers to this deck and now that’s its on others radar it will be tech out too .

My frustrations are the complainers that destroy this game , but you and other come off telling me off or that I have nothing or should say nothing. I’m sorry I won’t back off and to all here like yourself or " Kewl’ that troll go back to where you came from you add nothing but the cry baby mentality .

Ohh I’ve been playing , much longer than you its called day 1 hearthstone and you just got here Mr.4 post