Azerite snake about to be nerfed

are you a card designer? i gave my opinion and a sugestion. if you are a card designer, please, do consider my feedback. If not, why botter? the card will be nerfed anyway.

i’m going back to the game. not a fan of endless threads

My resume to linkedln is that way …>

Why bother , I have just as much to say as you do. so I bother.

Ok MR. 2 post see ya have fun :slight_smile:

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That’s anecdotal. I appreciate your and others’ experiences, but that’s not scientific. We need actual data, which we need to wait for the meta to settle to truly have. Trust me, I have HSReplay premium, and there’s just not enough data yet.

Edited for corrections.

ok , from actual playing the deck its in need of a nerf and I have spend the last 8 hours playing it . I’m no expert or Game Designer :slight_smile: but there is real gripe to the card.
I just believe its not so easy to pull off with the current group of cards available to warlock . The meta can survive in the current state but Blizzard is nee jerk reacting to the flyby night players on the forums here seems to show other wise.

But thank for responding Killuminati , not sure how I can help the data but if you have a specific question on the deck I can try to answer what I know.

Damn i thought i was having fun this set guess after nerf i’ll quit again.

This is not to throw any shade at you. What rank do you play at?

thx to you, now i am Mr 3 posts!

seriusly, what kind of validation is that?

you are absolutely right.

our opinions weigths the same: something between zero and nothing.

i don’t like this kind of discussion. but if you really want to fight me, let’s play the game. i bet you will win every match against my aman tul priest because every warlock have used me as mop since yesterday

Yeah it is but i played it from bronze to legend was most fun i’ve had in since shudderwock. Ppl don’t realize how fragile these decks are and when they can’t beat them and trust me they are easy to beat. The glory of these decks is truly in the deck building trying to make it more consistent because when it fails oh it fails. So these type of decks truly give you the deck building experience as you refine it for consistency but the more ppl struggle to beat it the more they beg for nerfs when dragon druid and orge rogue run away with games more

No, it’s not. I wanted to make the point that you’re clearly a good player. Whereas you are having fun and excelling to legend and beyond, others are struggling at lower (often far lower) ranks. I am unsure what data we should look at. I’m unsure the absolute top players should determine decisions like the nerf to this card.

Furthermore, I have seen a lot of suggestions that (likely out of frustration) would kill the card. If the card is nerfed to a point that it’s still useful, I’m down. I worry that Team 5 will hit the card with a sledgehammer.

I do apologize if you thought I was insulting you.

(Yes, I am aware of the arguments for nerfing based on the top 1,000, or whatever.)


Either way like i said i’m done with this game at this point i bought packs to play this deck as is not nerfed like everyone else’s deck but forget it i’m done hoping blizzard has 1 game that is still good

If they are so easy to beat why are you using the deck? Its fun because its OP. You didnt “stumble” on the snake build, you prob read about it before release like the rest of us but not all of us enjoy OP , some do, to each their own enjoy before nerf

It’s not just “sentiment”. The card is broken.

It gives nearly all control decks essentially no chance of winning unless they specifically tech in a massive number of cards like Theodar, dirty rat x2, etc. Then you still lose most of those games to this card anyway. That’s not balance. That’s poor design.


you should edit for your odd use of the word “scientific”

Good. The snake was a terrible card to kill the game. You can’t outheal it because it takes your HP, you can’t armor it, you cant kill your opponent since they get the 10hp, at best you can use something like duke and dirty rat, but that is matter of sidelining 1-2 cards to focus on one deck, assuming you are even lucky to get the snake on the drop.


Amuse me please and elaborate on that response. Most people here are basing their conclusion on their experience, and other salty players. I am looking at HSReplay’s data as of Badlands’ release. Other decks are outperforming Mine Warlock, firstly (looking at D4 - D1 and top legend 1,000). Secondly, there’s really not enough data collected yet, so we shouldn’t be making conclusions, and suggesting such drastic changes. Some people want the card outright killed, and that’s not reasonable – that’s salt. Lastly, the meta has clearly not settled and is rapidly fluctuating. Give it time and this card may not seem so powerful, or maybe it’ll truly be overpowered. We do not know yet.

The plural of anecdote is not data. I don’t care what streamers and content creators say to appease and validate their audience. I certainly am not going to buy into the negative experience and consequent bitterness of people here and make conclusions based on that.

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Well, you used the term to imply that a scientific approach should be used, and I disagree. Data is not science, it’s just data. I don’t think Hearthstone hotfixes are scientific. I also don’t need an add-on to tell me something is broken, I have eyeballs. Once you play Blizzard games long enough you can see the Nerfs coming a mile away. This snake won’t last in its current form past next week. Almost every Blizzard release has something OP that is well known, people take advantage of it the first week then it gets nerfed to the ground, it’s almost seems by design. My theory is they are throwing a bone to the meta slaves who fancy themselves ahead of the curve in min/maxing.

If you want the huge advantage roll with the snake warlock this week and have fun, im not judging. Some of us enjoy a challenge though.

Data is data. The current information that we do have points to this card not being as overpowered as you think. That’s just the numbers, man. And you go back to personal experience, which I told you, is essentially (and not to be rude) irrelevant.

Make an observation. Formulate a hypothesis. Test that hypothesis. So far, that hypothesis is proving to be wrong. That’s all.

You are doing exactly what you are accusing me of. You are using your own personal data to make some judgment call. I am going by what I am hearing from others, what I have experienced myself, what I see on these forums, what has been reported from the devs, what was reported before release…

There is no hypothesis here what are you talking about? these are all known factors and could have been tested well before release, you dont think blizzard can sim matches before release?

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Data is not my personal experience. What do you mean? Maybe I should say numbers. Whatever term you prefer.

We can agree to disagree, I think you are putting too much weight on your “numbers” and it will be proven out by the nerfs coming next week. By your logic they wont nerf the card so we will see who is seeing this correctly soon enough.

Edit: Maintenance is scheduled Friday two guesses on what will be nerfed with a hotfix

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