Azerite snake about to be nerfed

Hey guys so i have a twitter link of Gallon seems azerite snake is being nerfed so the next question i ask if they nerf it what will they nerf.

Should they make the mana cost more.
Should they half the hp that is taken
Should they remove the hp taken and change it lifesteal or damage.

My third idea im not sure it could work because the other legendary excavations would stil be the same i was wondering if they could the excavation requirement for this one cost more.

I do feel my first two suggestions are probably what might happen.


maybe half the hp taken? idk though
i think the cost should stay the same all the animals should have the same cost in my opinion

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Good news yes… But we would not need these good news if the developers could make the effort, test it out and nerf before release… Every good players could see this card will be problematic like this… :roll_eyes: Make it steal only 2 HP, Warlock already have too many OP tools… Simphony of Sins, Stealing mana crystal, Reborn, Abysal curses, Sargeras… They do not need this card at all…


will the change the other cards on the same hotfix?

those are from the hearthstone library

Hi i am not sure isnt there a thread that you can report known issues to unless im wrong ?

how can “sentiment” be tested?

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They are normal in-game so I doubt they will update the website library at the same time they will update the game

thats why i though those changes may be comming along with the snake nerf

Ive played the deck and won lots of matches. Literally haven’t seen the snake a single time. What else are you going to blame for your losses after the uneefef nerf?

Its sad how easily and quickly blizzard folds to crybaby crying.

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Realistically the actual mana cost for the effect should be about 9 mana. The fact it was printed at 4 is insane, never seen a card printed that far off the mark in the lifetime of this game.

Even if they nerf it by one mana it will be much harder to drop two in one turn to do twenty unstoppable damage at turn ten.

But honestly I’d like to see this card at least at 8 mana. They can increase the body to a 7/7 or 8/8 or whatever, the body doesn’t matter here.


They are just going to kill it and it won’t be viable after they nerf it.


great. They will now kill the card that made warlock viable. i knew blizzard will give in to all the chaff. noobs cheer it on. it is a 3 turn kill combo. Run trash cards to get a card and run combo cards along with it, so maybe on turn 9-10 you will be able to do a 2 turn kill combo. you basically had to run 6-8 bad cards in your deck, plus 4 brewmasters, also trash cards to make this even possible. meanwhile druid plays the nest at 10 mana while you are at 5 and it is fine.

would a nerf to 9 mana really kill it ?

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obviously. you really think a 9 mana deal 10 heal 10 is a viable card to play? even if you could just include it outright, no one would play it, think about the scenario where you have to run sub par cards for no other reason than to acquire it. when there are cards in the game that clear the board and give you huge board presence at the same turn, for cheaper and they dont need you to run any chillwind yetis with taunt or 2 mana 1/1s- even if they nerf either by making it only a basic lifesteal or just not to hit through armor, it will still be bad, because of the insane amount of healing and armor present for most classes currently.

I love how all these players bash a card they have never played or have no idea how to play the deck, and we have a Priest class that can play their Titan 7 dam times in a game …

ok that’s fair right ?

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Honestly, I played it a bit, it s quite fun. But since it is a slow mechanism, it is quite hard to play against agressive deck. Most of the time you are dead before seing the snake. There are others decks way more powerful than this right now. There is no need to nerf it, Players just need to adapt, it will balance automatically once everyone will know how to counter it.

Just make it steal the opponent’s maximum Health.

Fair nerf that doesn’t completely kill the deck.

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that is exactly what it does right now

Not it’s not.

I am talking about, if you are on 20 HP because of minion or spell damage Azerite Snake will steal your maximum Health, therefore you’ll still be at 20 but won’t be allowed to heal above it.

That’s not what it does now.

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someone mentioned making it a quickplay effect so people will hve to be make sure they can play it the same turn they excavate for the 4th time

maybe that would work

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