Auto squelch option

Auto squelch or might as well just enable us to emote “Fk You!!" or "That was total Bulit!!” and “You have a cookie cutter deck!!”

I played one random game today without the 3rd party app Hearthstone Deck tracker that includes an “Autosquelch” add-in. Of course my opponent BM emoted the whole game after they super skillfully had a pair of Secret Keepers and a Freezing Trap in their hand after the mulligan on the coin. I lost, nbd. I also reminded myself why I hate emotes.

I too would pay for this option. I just want to keep the games about the play and not how amazing my opponents BM and emote spamming game is.

Please, work one day as a software engineer and realize this never, ever happens.

99% of emote are BM and nobody cares about the 1%.

Well, I don’t think it’s 99%. I imagine you’re exaggerating a bit there. Maybe it’s 30% or 60% or 70%. The point is that it’s quite bothersome to many players. Those players choose to effectively “opt out” of the emotes by squelching their opponent at the start of every match. As such, a simple QoL improvement is being requested to either add a toggle in the options menu or the allow squelch status to be maintained from one match to the next.

I’ve never watched the tournaments, but do they ever emote?
I wonder if they can… Or if it’s… Auto squelched.

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A few years ago a player (I think it was Forsen) used emotes to trick the opponent into mis-reading Forsen’s hand. Other than that, I don’t specifically recall seeing emotes in pro tournaments.

However, when tournaments are held on site, the players always shake hands before the match, and after the match shake hands again and the loser congratulates the winner. No need to do that with a mouseclick if you are in the same room.

For online tournaments, they use the friendly challenge mechanism (opponents exchange battletag, add each other as friends and then challenge each other). A few players stream their tournaments (typically with delay to prevent their opponent sniping them). I almost always see the players use the chat interface to exchange “gl” (good luck) at the start of the match, and “gg,wp” (good game, well played) at the end. Again, no need for emotes when you can use chat.

That’s all well and good. I’m happy for those who enjoy the exchange ofpleasantries. But for me, I don’t feel I’m losing out by avoiding those pleasantries when playing with random strangers. It’s more important to me to ensure that I don’t encounter the obnoxious emotes during the match. So I squelch at the start of every match. It’d be nice if I could just turn it on and leave it on.

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LOL you poor sheltered soul. You can manage the effort to call people colonic muscles instead of a$$holes but you cant fire up the synaptic energy to right click a portrait and then click a floating word bubble?

Your the reason people BM, you get roped and trolled because your (probably net decking) easy to, as you put, gaslight. and no, id wow emote to if their brawl left them with their minion and killed all of mine, it is amazing… i try to say hello when i start, if someone auto-squelches me i consider them narcissists who think themselves above a simple hello, and frequently i rope them.

You act like this is the end of the world, if i encounter a whale (if you buy a set of cards for $80, yeah your a whale) i squelch them and leave, them saying well played or thanks in there fancy alt hero means nothing lol. admittedly i do have the zandalar shaman troll hero for $50, figured $1 per pack last thing i bought from this game, i used to buy, now strictly ftp, as i don’t care for blizzards stupid politics.

This community is garbage, and you acting like your in some magical 5% only proves that, if you were so great you wouldn’t be here. you are part of the community.


Sorry bud, but some things just are, you have no reason to be upset, especially sense you are quite capable of delivering retribution via roping. while i agree, games are for fun, calling him narrow-minded is absurd when hes right, if you are so easily upset, just turn off the volume, presto, autosquelch.

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What?! No! Sorry but I like a game state that’s better for everybody, and this also implying you do this is just scummy. Can we make the game a better place, please? I’d never rope anybody, the other person has feelings and possibly other things to do, you know.

Because it’s not like reading gives the same exact effect. Especially when the voiceline just plays in my head anyways.

Advocate for going forward, not backward. Make the game better for others, and most of all, stop wasting peoples’ time.

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Want me to stop roping? stop using cookie cutter netdecks. something that you cant just turn off. yeah, ill rope a big priest or jade druid if i feel the need, aggro in general. if i am in casual and i see someone playing a OTK or fully loaded with goldens, yeah im going to be rude, everyone is sick to death of whales in wild with alt hero portraits.

The whales are what keep the game free for people like you. If they didn’t spend $50-$130 dollars every expansion, Blizzard wouldn’t be making any money at all. I’m not telling you to stop roping, do what you like, but you should be thanking the whales for allowing you to play the game for free.

All we need to do for this is get China to make a law outlawing emotes. Auto-squelch will be implemented the next day.


LOL no kidding, im not for autosquelch but this is true.

Oh e-gadds it jumped back into relevancy this topic.

“From the void, I comeee…”

Okay really guys. All this bickering for a damn switch to turn it on or off. Can’t you people who don’t want it support it just to end the argument? We’re talking about a box that can be ticked in options and you fight over it? Jesus, support the game in an aspect that wouldn’t affect you because it’d make it better for others, for once.

We push for it, the box gets added, boom, done. And then you get to feel good you helped do something to make somebody else happy that doesn’t directly affect you.

Or you can keep bickering about people being soft or sensitive. That’s always fun, right guys??


Please can we have auto-squelch?

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Pretty please?

Also this:


talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth. " we dont want to have permanent squelch because there is already limited interaction". well add chat" we don’t want people to have to much communication".

but i agree 100% the emote system is garbage. its the way the lines are delivered. does the priest literally laugh " ha well played" that is WAY more insulting then a person typing insults. like why make characters purposely come off smug and arrogant. people are going to tilt, its part of competive gaming smug NPC aholes in the game dont help.


I’m just sick and tired of being insulted. Concede in a game and get a “wow!” or a “thank you!” from some bloody sub-human sack of pus. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of being insulted in each and every game that I forget to ignore my mulligan decision and focus instead on remembering to squelch, because Hearthstone – unlike literally every other online game in the history of forever – refuses to give me the ability to ignore the endless effluvia of humanity’s skidmarks that dominate the game.



This is not some revolutionary new feature being asked for.

Like I said many times: when the greatest man that ever piloted this game’s development went on record admitting that 19 of every 20 emotes is unwanted BM, most any development staffed by at least one human being who thinks like a human being thinks would realize there was a change that was needed.

The refusal to implement auto-squelch is deliberate. Surely it is clear by now.