Auto squelch option

You turn off the sound. And guess what? In the next match, the sound remains off. It sure would be annoying if you had to keep turning off the sound every single match.

And thanks for the bump. :slight_smile:

Dude, you don’t need a bump.

You’re banging your head up against a wall. Me moving you a few inches closer to the wall isn’t changing anything.

And I knew you’d say “the volume”.

And I was ready.

I like the sounds the hero’s make though, and the music.

If they could just add a little toggle.

Now, you say, if that’s how you feel go make a thread about it.

Then I say, my point is everyone isn’t going to get what they want out of any game.

I’ve been playing WOW again after 8 years and reading their forums
 they are crying still, since 2004, about the same crap.

BTW, the game is going to die any day now (for the past 14 years)

Again, you know I don’t truly care if they add AS, I’m just hittin the ball around.

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Nuttin’ wrong wit dat. Just be nice.

You may be correct.

But you forget your majority doesn’t “Run Shi §”

Blizzard makes this game and makes all the decisions. They may not care what the majority wants.

You may be correct as well.

If it’s anything like my job/boss

It doesn’t matter how many tons of common sense I bring to the guy

“Not enough time”

“Not enough money”

“Good idea but

Decisions need to “pay off” unfortunately. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.

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You sound like a kid who trolls everybody he/ she meets.

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Emotes makes for a fun and sportmanlike experience so much that are forbidden in tournaments.

You sound like a cranky old lady who yells at every kid who makes noise in front of her house.

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Who made this game?

Who runs the tournaments?

Don’t get mad at us for things THEY do.

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Im sorry but if people get offended by prerecorded messages and they cant just right click and hit a button they are weak minded. What happened to the days of either letting stuff like that go or defending yourself? Stop complaining and take things into your own hands. You get nowhere in life by crying to someone else. Blizzard gave us the tools to quite someone so use it.


Personally I would make it so comments are disabled after concede has been pressed.

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This is a card game.

Where people can get away from stresses of the world and have fun for once.

That’s the purpose of games.

You need to stop being NARROW MINDED and realize not everybody is like you. Instead of being narrow-mined and hurtful, try opening up to new ideas that maybe aren’t entirely something you’d understand.

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I dont expect people to think like me nor do i want them to because that would be boring in life. Also would make for horrible matchs.

The fact still remain that you can do it on the other players turn which saves your time to think. On turn one of the game because either you are playing a 1 drop or your skipping your turn. Not much to think about there. Heck right after you hit the leave button you can quiet them. .5 of a second is all it takes. Its not detrimental to your health.

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.5 seconds. Over and over and over again.



Why would anybody be against making the game a little easier for players? Baffles me so many people just can’t understand that this is A SIMPLE THING that is a cute little upgrade. It’s unnecessary that this shouldn’t be a quality of life thing period.


Aren’t video games things you need to do over and over again?

Just saying.

Pac Man, that’s a lot of dots dude


100% got me there, not gonna lie.

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Ben Brode once said that the reason why they don’t do auto-squelch is because that would eliminate 95% of emote usage.

That is about as tacit an admission as it gets that 95% of emotes are BM and nothing more.

I’m sick and tired of BMing sacks of sub-human detritus trying to gaslight me, I’m sick and tired of the crusty filth on the bottom of the player base’s shoe giving the “wow if you get so upset at my explicit and objective attempts to be a dill-hole then that’s your fault that you get upset by my explicit and objective attempts to be a dill-hole” rigmarole.

I hate having to go through the “wait, first I have to do the mulligan decision, THEN I have to wait for the game start animation, THEN I have to squelch” routine that I’ve had to do for four thousand, maybe five thousand games. I’m sick of it.

Every other multi player game that ever existed under the sun has included the option to preemptively squelch communication. Every other one, no exceptions. So why not this one?

“Well, it would upset the part of our player base that are in the intersection of ‘whales’ and ‘sociopathic pieces of sub-human filth’”, okay, that would at least be honest.

I’m sick of it. I really am.

I’m sick and tired of how every time I forget the dance above, without exception, some festering colonic muscle will BM me at some point. Every time, without exception.

“WOW” when your Brawl wipes out my side nad keeps your 1/1 is BM

“Well played” when I take a desperation shot that doesn’t pan out is BM

“Thank you!” when I resign relatively early in a game is BM

“Well played” when you don’t have lethal on the board is BM

“Well played” during my turn while I am finishing my plays is BM

“Well played” when you have a secret or two in play that aren’t resolved in an effort to try and mind games me into a misplay is the window-shakin’, god-forsaken very definition of BM.

I’m sick of it. Sick and tired. And by the 190+ pages on the prior forums and all the posts on this one, it’s clear that every player that isn’t a sub-human piece of filth is sick of it to.

So do it, Blizzard. Hell, make it a pay-for-premium feature, I don’t care. I’m not paying $10 for a new hero skin but I’ll pay $20 one time for a feature that lets me chlorinate the player pool.

And I know I’m not the only one that’s sick to death of this madness.


 and let me be emphatic, to the 5% that have posted in this thread – I see you. I really do. I know that “Greetings” to start the game is NOT any sort of BM. I know that a “Well Played” when one player or the other has a visible forced win on the board is not BM. Heck, if you’re playing priest (does anyone do that these days?) and you have no play on turn two and you give me the “threaten” emote before healing me from 30 to 30, that’s clearly funny and clearly not BM.

You saw the examples I posted.

You know I don’t include you in my expression of the all-too-common, all-too-obnoxious behaviour in this game.

I wish the game had the means to sort people into “friends” and “strangers” lists, as so many other games did, so I could get a notification that you were one of the good folks.

Absent that, though, at the start of the game, you as an anonymous player are bucking 19:1 odds that you’re only going to use emotes to spew BM. And I just can’t take that chance.

But all the same, thank you for being the good 5% of human beings :slight_smile:

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99.9% of all percentages on the internet and forums are made up on the spot.