Auto squelch option

Please, give a permanent option to not see these stupid emotions. After disconnect i must every time manually turn them off.
They are annoy more then defeat. Click squelch on every game looks like mockery.
I ready to buy in store this option, but add her, thanks.


FYI, the question of auto-squelch was brought up during the last Q&A, and the devs’ response was basically “we don’t plan on implementing such a feature,” mostly because of the already limited interactions between players in-game.

Link: Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019 - #312 by MeanBob-1146


lets be honest no one interacts with their opponent without the intent to BM. Its become muscle memory for me to squelch my op


I emote hello at the beginning of a match, and will use “Wow” or “Oops” if my opponent does. So no, not everyone emotes exclusively to BM.


I cant understand what was the purpose of the sorry emote before it was replaced apprently it was to interact with your op LUL



Can we get an Autosquelch? most ask for implementation since the game began. Either this or allow chat so people can BM properly.


I emote “Hello” at the start of the match.
I emote “Well Played” at the end of the match (regardless of whether I won or lost), except when I saw misplays so grave that it would be a lie. I also emote “Well Played” when I see my opponent make a very smart play.
I emote “Wow” when the RNG does something extremely lucky, unlucky, or unusual.
And I emote “Oops” if I made a stupid misplay myself.

How is any of that BM?


If you emote “well played” before killing your opponent, I find it obnoxious. I feel like you’re saying, “ha ha, I have lethal and there’s nothing you can do about it”.

If you Brawl away my whole board and your single minion is the one that survives, I’d find emoting “wow” to be obnoxious.


I can’t change how you interpret it.
If I enter my office and I say “good morning”, it is possible that some grumpy person is offended because they had a bad morning and now feel like I am rubbing it in. However, I am in reality just wishing everyone a good morning.

When I say “well played” (or, in other games, “good game” / “geegee”), I cannot change how you interpret it. But I say it because I enjoyed playing a game with you and I want to pay my respect for the plays you made. Even when I think they were not all optimal.
(And as I already said - if they were truly bad then I will not lie).

I wouldn’t not emote anything at all in such a case. My minion surviving is not rare enough an outcome to be worthy of a wow. Even in your scenario where the chance is 1 in 8. That is still over 10%!
A good example of a Wow! moment was in my previous game. My opponent played Golden Kobold (off their Heistbaron Togwaggle) with I think 5 or 6 cards in hand. The next turn, they played two copies of Whizbang the Wonderful. Getting one of those of Golden Kobold is unlucky. Getting two … THAT is a Wow moment to me.
(And for the record, if they had gotten two copies of Zilliax, or of whatever other superb legendary that carries the game for them, I would also have emoted Wow! It is not about it being good or bad for me, it is about the sheer rarity of Golden Monkey generating two copies of the same legendary)


Correct. My issue is not with those who emote.

I really have a problem with obnoxious emotes. So much so that I preemptively squelch my opponents. Sure I might miss a firendly pleasantry from an opponent. But the obnoxious emotes (even if it’s my own misinterpretation) are so bothersome that I’d rather just opt out entirely. So I squelch every match. It’s tedious, but I do it. Sometimes I have to do it multiple times if the squelch falls off (although it’s been reported that this may have been fixed). So given that I’m squelching every match anyway, I think a simple toggle would be a great improvement to the feature with minimal downside.

If you read back, you’ll see that I responded to someone else’e statement that (quoting but emphasis added by me) “no one interacts with their opponent without the intent to BM”
So when you responded to me I assumed you were disagreeing with my counter argument.

I understand that you are not alone in this desire. I personally think that if it takes Blizzard 8 hours to develop the code, change the UI on all platforms, test the change on all platforms, and then deploy the change (and I think that is a very optimistic estimate), those 8 hours are mostly wasted - true, they save you and several others a bunch of mouseclicks per day, but they could have been used to fix some of the actual bugs in the game that affect the gameplay.

PS: What you and I think is probably not even relevant anymore, in a very recent Q&A with Blizzard staff, one of the team members has essentially told the world that Blizzard has no intention to create an auto-squelch functionality. So the decision has already been made.

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For every honorable player who is respectful there is 1,000 little troll players. Unfortunately this is why nobody respects the gamer community.

I squelch everybody because I don’t have time for immaturity. I’m just here to enjoy the game along with all the characters I have come accustomed to over the last 12 years in the Blizzard universe.

The trolls are right here in this thread. Every word they type is a form of insult and they have no respect.

If there was a auto squelch I too would use that feature.

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It is a fallacy that implementing this feature would result in some lost work elsewhere. It just doesn’t work that way. All the work gets done. We’re not losing a solo content feature if they add autosquelch. We’re not losing a new card expansion if they add autosquelch. They’re still going to be fixing the bugs if they add autosquelch.

Understood. I personally try to avoid making blanket statements like that. Obviously not every emote is BM.

For now. I’m still going to continue to make the case to persuade them to change their minds.

Breeden’s recent comments are, in my opinion, misguided and a bit ignorant.

He mentions that emotes are really the only form of limited “communication”. My response is so what? Those of us who would use autosquelch to “opt out” are already doing it anyway, so there’s no net change in the quantity of the communication going on.

Then he explains that he feels the emotes aren’t terribly toxic compared to other behaviors. That shows no empathy for those who are more affected by the emotes. I would have hoped that he would consider how other people feel, not just himself, when making a development decision.

While I understand the rest of your point, and see where you are coming from, I really do not understand this.
Blizzard, like any company, has a finite number of staff. And hence a finite number of hours their staff can work on games. So the simple truth is that when an engineer is assigned to work on one task, that engineer is NOT working on another task. Same for a UI designer, for a tester, etc etc. Deciding which task to work on and which to postpone or even never pick up at all, is called prioritizing.

The release schedule of expansions is pretty much fixed. That will always get enough priority to ensure they finish in time. The solo content, once announced, falls in the same category. All those are main features that cannot be jeopardized so they will get the resources needed.
Then the leftover resources are available for all other tasks. Fixing bugs. Making minor but interesting improvements. Designing and coding new brawls. Working on optional future work such as e.g. new game modes. And, indeed, making UI changes that make controlling the game easier, such as a button that relieves the player of having to manually squelch each game.

And before someone responds “Hey, Blizzard makes loads of money. Why not hire more staff so they can do it all?”. Yes, they could hire more staff. That results in a 100% sure increase in cost. Business want to make money. Business invest money for that. So they will try to hire people up to the spot where hiring more staff increases the cost more than the revenue.
If you want to convince Blizzard to implement this feature, you will have to convince them either that this is more important than their customer base than other things being worked on, or that this feature will be so popular that it will increase revenue by more than the cost of expanding staff.

I personally think that Hearthstone is far more likely to lose players because of gameplay bugs such as the examples below (all taken from Known Issues List 2019 - Updated Dec 12th - #6 by Aelathera) than it is to lose players because there is no autosquelch. But I may be wrong.

Examples of some actual gameplay bugs I would like to see fixed before Blizzard staff should even think about autosquelch:

  • Twilight’s Call can resurrect minions that gained Deathrattle during the match.
  • Attacking adjacent minions (Sweeping Strikes, Cave Hydra) will not trigger Lifesteal or Poisonous if the main target has Divine Shield.
  • Vendetta will not count itself for the Mana cost reduction when held by a non-rogue class.
  • Unseen Saboteur can cause Chameleos to remain stuck on the screen.
  • Twilight’s Call checks for minion that had an active Deathrattle effect at the time of death.
  • Waggle Pick does not reduce the cost of minion that was generated from a Deathrattle.
  • Da Undatakah does not return spells if it gains the Deathrattle from Test Subject.

Lets be honest. The only reason you post is to troll.
Anyone playing a rogue does so because they are trying to trigger their opponent.
Anyone who has under 10 posts clearly made the character exclusively to troll post because they are afraid to post on their main.

See? I can make random generalizations and speak for others too! It doesn’t matter if I am correct or not , it’s 2019 and people lose their jobs over false accusations!

Let’s continue to make things up because who is going to stop us!

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I disagree. There is always time. If they are up against a deadline, they’re going to work on the critical tasks, and that may even require overtime. But when there’s no looming deadline, they can add tasks to the workload.

Also, I don’t think the QA guys fixing bugs are the same guys creating the new content or adding new features.

Again, you are coming from a perception that they can’t do both. That is a fallacy.

No. The fallacy is pretending that it is possible to do more work without either paying additional staff or paying existing staff overtime (and risking burning them out).

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You’re wrong. You can frequently assign more work to your personnel and it can get done, often without added resources. There’s a limit, of course, and there are times when priorities and deadlines may result in some work being delayed, but the work gets done. If you’ve successfully managed personnel you should know this.
I’m not accepting the argument that autosquelch can’t happen because it’ll push big fixes off the table. That’s just ridiculous.

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If they aren’t going to put in an auto squelch they should put in an auto emote since even time you play a card the emote is
I will be your death!
and then I would have to say its
and then
Well Played

They should just put in an auto spam if we can’t chose auto squelch

When my opponent plays a card I hear the quotes performed by the voice actor.

Does this voice actor hate me? Is my opponent trying to tell me something?

How should I handle the fact that I can hear the scripted voice quotes when a card is played!!!