April 2024 Bot Ban Update

Hey everyone, we have another bot ban update to share with you.

Since our last post, we’ve continued our regular cadence of anti-bot detection and actions. In that time, we’ve actioned over 240,000 additional accounts.

In Patch 29.2, we also made an update to Arena matchmaking as a proactive step against extreme play patterns specific to that Mode, sometimes referred to as “barcode accounts.” Now, if you repeatedly retire runs early, you will be put into a separate matchmaking pool for your run. Being able to retire an Arena run early is an important feature for when you want to play a different deck. But, for a small percentage of players, it’s used to repeatedly draft new decks until they get one they consider extremely strong. This change preserves the ability for those players to find and play with those extremely strong decks if they want to, but they’ll have to play against each other if they do so, for a fairer overall play experience for all players.

Initial feedback on this change has been good, but it’s still early on in this experiment. We’ll continue to monitor the data and listen to your feedback on how our changes affect your experience in-game, and make whatever changes are needed to make Hearthstone better for all our players.

Thanks and we’ll see you in the Tavern!


I want to report a bug for Arena - my opponents all seem to be bringing semi constructed decks in it somehow and its impacting my play experience negatively. Can i please be allowed to play Arena again? Thank you.

Why would you ban the only demographic that can consistently complete your new weekly quests?


There are still a ton of bots on the ladders. Every time I spectate my friend who’s in gold most of her opponents are bots. I also still run into them as well, granted not as much, but still plenty around.

That sounds like skill issue.

This response sounds like an uninformed troll. You do know arena is littered with asian barcode accounts right?

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Are you talking to your mirror? To claim they LITERALLY HACK THE BLIZZARD SERVERS you’d need very good evidence proving it.

Skill issue is more likely the cause there and not that someone literally hacked the game server-side.

Never once claimed anything about hacking, you should learn to read before responding. The guy you replied to is being sarcastic about asian bar code accounts. They basically bot to farm gold, use all the gold to purchase perfect arena run decks and destroy the majority of arena players with them, then delete the account.

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Citation needed.

So, still banning players and calling it bots…while not actually banning bots.

Cool that you can create an entire separate mode for bots…but couldn’t keep duels running. I’d ask how much maintenance this requires…but as usual, the devs’ design process is as transparent as onyx.

Hey quick question - what prevents those bot wranglers from changing their MO by simply playing and throwing 3 games instead of retiring?
Hence, completely bypassing the anti-bot heuristics you planned for them?

Anti-bot is a constant cat & mouse game, and you just gave the mice your action plan.

thats what you claim

keep trying to gaslight everyone on. There’s been a massive amount of threads and posts on this issue. Did they adjust your settings to only be able to read certain forum posts again?

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I have been banned today but i never botting!


massive ? 2-3 no more than 5

i know false positive are a posibility but why are you claimning they didnt ban bots ?

oh and try to focus on what you are writting you started rambling off topic on your last sentence

you goalpost shifted from

denying it was taking place to “muh no more than five”

Let’shope they ban forum bots with equal zeal.

Come one microsoft, there’s blatant bot posting on the forums! Time to deal with them too!

I’m not an attorney, so I’m not sure what you’re on about there. I didn’t even mention anything related to writs there.

I need assistance with a false ban for being an alleged bot due to being reported by toxic players i have never once used any bot and have invested quite a bit of money into my account as well as having it for a deckade


For the past 24 hours I’ve been only matched against bots, in wild. They all have the same logic. They have random names but are easy to detect- mainly, they ALWAYS attack my hero with their minions and never attack my minions directly except for Taunt minions.

No, no you didn’t. Stop BSing :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop: us. When bots like sdfaag#3532 and other SD bot tags are still going strong; it proves that this company doesn’t ban bots.

I will continue to post this clip on every one of these type of BS posts. Stop the BS. :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

Blizzard bans thousands of accounts for botting leading to hundreds of innocent players who haven’t botted getting locked out of their accounts forever. The irony to all of this is that botting is as bad as ever.