Hey everyone, I’m back again with another quick bot ban update.
Since our last update, we’ve actioned nearly 110,000 additional accounts. We’ll continue to take action against these abusive accounts to make the Tavern a fairer and more fun place for all our players. We’ll see you in the Tavern!
Whenever you’re done kicking every warrior that’s been reported this month in the chest we could use a coin skin bug fix.
How many actual bots in there? Because real players (and it sounds like more and more of them every time you guys do this instead of the deal bots) mean these pejoratives are just setting yourselves up for a libel suit on top of whatever you get hit with for banning non botting players in your kangaroo court.
At this rate im going to hit legend in wild for first ever with all these bots.
Thanks blizzard keep it up!
Almost every game I’ve played in the last 72 hours in Wild Ladder has been a bot with either an alphabet soup name or Chinese characters. All the same deck of basic cards that will only hit face (unless you have a taunt minion in the way).
This has been going on for months in Wild. The botting problem is not anywhere near fixed and real players are quitting because it’s boring af to play the same deck over and over. I may make it to Diamond this month because of all the bots but it’s a completely hollow victory.
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unplayable in this state. wild is 1 match in 20 v nonbots.
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Yeah… I was one of the nay-sayers before because I wasn’t seeing that many bots. (Better luck than others with my pairings?
) It’s weird that since the bans started, particularly this past month, I’m inundated with them.
And to be clear, I still don’t 100% buy into the username looks a certain way nonsense; though I get where people make that assumption. I do see some meta decks piloted by players who know where the concede button is (bots never concede), with those name formats. It’s the players running the identical neutral-only decks and taking a solid minute to decide their play every turn that sticks out to me.
Both of my accounts are playing Wild right now, and it doesn’t seem to matter where on the ladder I am or which deck I’m playing. Did something break in the matchmaking system, shotgun to all this?
Can you please use AI to ban bots, it’s easy to detect as a player, you see the common bot names that are random or a bot that literally highlights all cards every turn to counter them. as a player i know almost 98% of my games in standard are vs bots.
thanks for giving me a permanent ban after a 7 days suspension a few months ago and not replying what i did wrong during several tickets.
please feel free to share my game history here, but come on…
i only play with a colleague during lunchtime
i only use wild decks and play with Whizbang the Wonderful ( it is golden which makes my whole deck golden (is this the issue? do i habe too many golden cards during a game?))
would be great to have a better answer this time as the account will not be released after 7 days of discussion.
kind regards
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i also play other games on this account. why should i use an account with multiple games for botting instead of a throw away account?
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Don’t cheat bro, you know you cheated and got caught. haha thank you blizzard
it’s easy to accuse someone without knowledge of a specific case. that’s known in history. this post wasn’t meant for someone who just wants to put comments without facts.
i more hope that someone from blizzard is reading this as i had better experience for replies in the forum than with support tickets. (admitting that this is many years ago).
i would willingly share my game history if i could. i would be a really pathetic botter with only that few games a month.
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Yes, you’re not the only one
A guy from this forum, Aerthis, had his 2 accounts banned for botting.
I know for a fact he doesn’t bot, he no-lifes the game 12 hours a day, and he’s still not stopping, despite the 2 unfair bans
He’s now playing on a 3rd one.
There’s one thing consistent with both of his bans, though. Both of the times, just few days before he got banned, he went on tilt and started insta-conceding games one after another.
Did you do similar things?
no. as i said i only play with a colleague.
he is in my friendlist.
could be that we sometimes just closed the app because we had to get back to work. but this is not affecting anyone.
and as my friend is not affected by the ban waves, my best guess is, that i have a golden card of whizbang (only decks we both play), which makes my whole deck golden. This would mean a lot of grind if it would be real. But in my case it’s only one card which i crafted on purpose.
my best argument agains botting is, that i haven’t even finished the latest battle passes. as mentioned before. i would be a pathetic botter.
Same. I’ve never won this much (i’m a long time player but have never been very good
) but they all have the exact same deck (a number of generic murlocs and pirates, a couple of cards that boost attack and a couple of miniaturize ones), only hit face except when there is a taunt, play very poorly (one time boost on a minion that can’t play yet etc. )
I win every time, but not a lot of fun…
I know I have played a bot when the list of recent players gives you a battle tag number in the billions!
I don’t think Blizz has that many players, especially when a battle tag has 12 numbers (1 trillion is 13 numbers). Glad I remember to screen shot the list before I log especially when there are so many a day that I play.
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How about you ban the developer from making this game worse.
Dear blizzards helpdesk (Only bots )
First of all, thx for creating the games. Good job.
But now we kick this off with the real truth on th platform, and I AM GONNA TELL EM
the last of the real people im gonna meet on the customer service of blizzard… As you know, the customer service is according to 89% of players with all these ‘‘helpdesk bots’’ and ‘‘Appeal bots’’ responding with incomplete, standard known information always included like possiblity to appeal and then u get that same bot telling you the appeal is finsihed. read here in the rules. 20 differetn rule? WHICH DID I BREAK THEN FOR GOD SAKE??
For example, MY acount got banned email: martijnvdwijdeven@outlook.com
Please people check the games I Played on firestone, i was bad even at it. HOW CAN I BE NOT LEGALLY PLAYING? And when I ask for reasonable asnwer including the reason my 10 year old account god banned suddently??? NO !! ONLY AUTOMATED RESPONSE.
SOOOOOOOOO moral of the story: Stop chasing bots becuase your own system is full of them not complying or adding anything to the situation. Your cost rate and winmarge are hugely apart. why dont just make it good. so it will last, forover. New gams, new meta, new platforms. ALL FOR YOU !
Or point 2: which I wish you would do, is look into my appeals I did allready on martijnvdwijdeven@outlook.com in Heartstone. Please im not a cheater nor botter or bad lanaguage. They just perma banned me without explanation. I do NOT use software for hacks and I DO USE ‘’