Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

Because when faced with a game ending change, that will kill the player base, we do not care about the new quests or minions coming to BG’s. At all. As most wont be here to play them. Because the community cares about the game, if it’s fair for all, and what changes they’re ok with. You can see that in the last 100 odd posts. But, as you’ve proven, you didnt even read the patch notes. You’re just here to say they’re great. In your point of view. That has read only what they want to read, and glossed over what overwhelmingly people see as important. There’s no pretense here. And there’s no other conversation worth being had unless they adress this topic.


Ok. why don;t we move on to the new minions and the newly released heroes.

Pretty sure everyone here knows this. The XP for the main rewards isn’t the big issue. It’s the trying to extort the players bit most people are upset about.

no. the 24.2 patch notes were not released yet. so i couldn;t read them yet.

There is LITERALLY no way that 2 picks = 4 picks. The flexibility is nice, but there is still the opportunity cost on is there something else I could have picked that would have been better. Some heroes will always be marginally way better than other heroes.


Because no one cares about that. Why would people care about something they aren’t going to play anymore because it is being changed from F2P to P2W.


just be thankful you do not have to pay a fee to enter BG unlike arena and heroic duels

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This thread literally has the link to the article my dude/dudette. Read it there.


I appreciate the fact that you have to earn money from the game and the battleground by its nature does not have a lot of avenues for profit, so I don’t really mind what you’re doing.

I do think that it’s a shame to separate the regular game and BG XP and remove the quests that reward regular XP. One of the main things that often gets me back into BGs after a break from it is the fact that I have a weekly quest for it. So I do a couple of games to finish that and it reminds me how much fun the mode is, so I do a lot more.
If the modes become completely separate like this I fear people won’t have any reason to vary the modes they play and thus lose out on fun experiences.


i did. but we only saw 2 of the new minions. the rest will be revealed once the 24.2 patch notes are revealed

I will not be playing Hearthstone anymore. Battlegrounds is my favorite mode and I am free to play. 2 hero choices feels very bad. Like really bad.


I’ve been playing Hearthstone since it came out over 8 years ago. All his modes, even mercenaries. You can imagine the amount of money I’ve spent on it, but it’s ok for the many hours of fun it’s given me.

I read the whole article and I was shocked that they don’t understand the damage they will do to the game with these changes.

No matter what they think is going to happen, they’re not going to make any more money out of it. What’s more, if they put the runestones and a second paid track in the same game, I and many others will just uninstall and move on.

Blizzard, take a step back and think twice before destroying your company’s best game.


Why do you not care about how the game mode is being ruined? Why are you trying to gloss over it like it’s not a big deal? No one is gonna play the game anymore. People are not gonna watch hearthstone streamers, they will stop streaming, tournaments will go unwatched and eventually not happen anymore. Who cares about minions when no one is going to be playing it anymore?


did you forget the part that states that the Battlegrounds perks will be dissolved and will now be applied to all players. 4 hero choices, additional stats. emotes and all that.

Wrong. NEW heroes will be available to all players. Not 4 heroes. That is only if YOU PAY TO WIN.


You are wrong. 4 Heroes choices will be available only to the PAID TRACK. Free to play players will only have 2 hero choices. Read the announcement. As people have told you… several times already.


I completely get your take on things when I have this information.

I hope the rest of the posters can give you some grace.

There’s a separate thread about quests and you might get better replies there.

But as you can see, most of us are not excited about the changes because the economic change is potentially catastrophic.

But said another way: The new runestones are specifically a way to make people who don’t pay good attention and may not fully know exactly what they are buying spend money they don’t have.

They are a dirty trick, not a feature to help anyone out. Here is the link to blizzard’s info about the changes if you haven’t read it yet.

Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2! - Hearthstone (

It’s right now unclear if we will continue to earn HS reward track xp in BG sessions. I haven’t seen authoritative statement either way.

I wouldn’t put it past them to make it zero for the other track, then revert as a show of
“we’re listening to you!” to tame the backlash. Like intentionally planning to give concessions knowing the playerbase may take this whole change in economics as an insult.


For all those on this forum. the reason i am looking forward to this is because i like to be on the good side of things when all is going bad. it is my nature. unlike some of the posts here, i will not be uninstalling Hs once the patch goes live. i will take it all in and then make a decision from there. if everyone deletes HS because of this patch, shame on them. but nothing will make me delete HS forever, unless if HS2 is released…

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You still earn XP towards main rewards track, but not as much because it’s only based off play and not quest completion.

Really? Telling us to not come at you, but then you try to make us feel ashamed for not wanting to play a money grubbing game that is stabbing it’s players in the back? That’s completely messed up.