Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

what would you do to prevent Hearthstone from being ruined. based on this situation.

based on this situastion

what would you do to prevent Hs from being ruined based on this news this now marks my first time using the quote feature…

I had near 3000 hours + of battlegrounds, the last thing from Blizzard that’s not P2W.
Making it pay to win with this, by loosing the 4 heroes choices is unethical. You’ve just lost a good client. I’ll never pay for this or play again. Shame, it was a good game while it lasted… Bye Blizzard. <|3


Oh, it’s bad and likely worse.

As I said, you don’t grasp what this means and why they have done it. It’s more psychological trickery to obscure true costs and monetary values, inducing more and larger purchases in unsuspecting people.

It’s a dirty, dirty trick and it’s horrible abuse of players to make a change like this in a game that has been out this long without it.



Blizz be like: We don’t want F2P players here, give use your money!


Have you considered not ruining the game with predatory monetization? At least stop advertising it as a free to play game.


So is this rewards track thing a brand new expense that is not included with the perks we get from pre-purchase? I’m very confused.

How is your profile hidden? I apologize if this is common knowledge and my question is stupid.

It’s a toggle switch on your profile.


idk. my profile is not hidden

make no mistake, blizzard does not care if people who don’t spend money play their games.


This is absolutely gunna destroy battlegrounds for f2p players thanks blizzard i stopped playing wow when you couldnt come up with an original idea for that and no thanks to your greed i guess ill stop playing hearthstone to.


pretense aside. why don;t we talk about the new quests and minions coming to BG

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i only stopped playing WOW because it was too impulsive to me At the time. I have AUtism and ADHD. if you are ok with me telling this. do not tell anyone and do not make fun of me

don;t forget the other modes too.

Its gunna feel great when all the payed players are getting offered new or op heros every match and i get offered the ping ur face lich chick for the 12th time in a row

Just for fairness’s sake, I don’t think that is correct. The patch notes say that the new Battleground MISSIONS don’t give normal rewards track XP. But the time spent in the battlegrounds still does. You probably still will get around 100xp for finishing in a battlegrounds game, but the new Battleground-track exclusive missions do not double dip into the normal track.

As far as I can tell, the “finish top 4 in battlegrounds” quests will be removed from weekly quest rotations for the normal track. There seems to be new weekly Battlegrounds exclusive track with exclusive quests that only apply to the Battlegrounds track, and not to the normal track. In effect, we are getting 3 NEW progression quests every week that are only in battlegrounds and have no bearing on the normal track.

If I am reading this correctly and not just jumping to conclusions based on the thread. you WILL still get regular XP from battleground games. You will NOT get the weekly quest to play battlegrounds in the normal track, you will NOT get normal track XP from completing the new battleground missions.

I am not worried about my xp income changing after this patch.
What I am a little annoyed about is the fact that you get NO (battlegrounds) xp from not getting top 4. That feels terrible, you could play for two hours and get 0 progress, and that is a terrible way to keep players engaged. I understand this is to prevent botting but give SOME XP for 5-8 like 5 or 4 just so you aren’t actively wasting time.


Baz’Hial you mean by that

in case you forgot how little blizzard cares about their players, they have now abandoned all pretense of caring about anything except for money. you pay or you lose. im done with battlegrounds