Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

Wow, this is so bad. Looks like the end of my hearthstone run.

BGs is so unbelievably unbalanced that picking between only two heroes is a definite game breaker. And not being able to earn gold by playing BGs killed off any interest I had in constructed. Thanks Blizzard, you successfully pushed away maybe half your player base in one patch announcement.


Did you not read the release notes?

Runestones will be replacing real money purchases for nearly every product in the Hearthstone shop. Some products, like Pre-Purchase Bundles, the Hearthstone Tavern Pass, and Packs (purchasing more than one at a time) will be able to be purchased with money or Runestones. A few other select products, like individual packs and cosmetics crafted in the Collection, will remain purchasable with only Gold.


yes. i saw that. but it only explain in the HS shop and BG shop. it did not mention the shop as well…

I started playing Hearthstone the moment it got released many years ago. Now that you decide to make the last free part of Hearthstone pay-to-win (yes, that’s what giving advantage 2 heroes to paying customers is), I am totally out of here. Thankfully, there are other good games just about to start near 30 Aug, so bye bye Hearthstone. When you bankrupt and make it free to play again - send me an email, i will give it a try, maybe.


No just most of them.

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Players who exclusively played BGs for years now have been earning gold rewards. Gold rewards which could be used to purchase things for BGs. In a limited capacity but they could still do it. But now what? The “rewards” you gave them for years are now completely invalidated with the introduction of Runestones. By awarding gold to players who play BGs, there is an implicit promise there that that currency will be fungible in the future. This isn’t just changing things going forward, all the gold BG players have earned in the past is now worthless! You’ve stolen back rewards you gave out for years! That is thievery.


well at least new heroes wont be for paying players only and the only difference wiill be 4 picks instead of 2

Who the hell uses to buy in game items? You buy them from the game. The point is they are taking purchases that could be made with cash and making them into runestone purchases that you still have to purchase with cash! Then making it so you over buy. They do this because if you have extra of the in game currency they figure you will spend more to use the left over currency to buy things. But that forces you to buy more in game currency. It is a money trap.


AT least I will quit playing Battlegrounds after I cannot get 4 heroes with gold. I dont care how much you need to money.


are you guys seriously that mindless and thickheaded? runestones, seriously?! very committed to killing your game, I see


I wish that when the next rewards track comes, they will add Runestones along with the other usual stuff. point being, everyuone can purchase the Bg pass if they so choose

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So Hearthstone is getting Diablo Immortal’d. Got it.


i am not mindless and thickheaded. i am just looking forward to the next patch and whatever comes along with it. besides. even though the BG update is the last major BG patch of 2022. there will be other stuff in the patch along with it

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Thievery indeed, just disgusting behavior from blizzard yet again


Im officially done the minute u monetize battlegrounds is the day i delete ur stupid app u pigs have enough revenue on standard and mercenaries to feed the whole continent of africa. Greedy Pigs!


well I guess I’m done playing battlegrounds and with that, hearthstone entirely. It was a good run


No, you’re not.

Young and naive, maybe, but it isn’t malicious at all.

I don’t think you fully understand what the move to runestones does to the ingame economy or who benefits from the changes.

Hint: not us. At all. Not. Us.


i disagree. i like to see the new currency and then we shall see who the greedy pig is then

thanks for the support. i am just trying to ease tension on other players in this forums to lighten up and wait it out so that they can adapt to the new currency and see it for themselves. it may not be as bad as they think it is.

putting the choice betwen 2 and 4 heros selection behind a paywall is the classic greedy Blizzard way of killing their own game with greed.
Good Job u keep on hitting the bullet of bad decisions to ruin your games