Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

i would just roll with it. it may be a good idea to buy the pass depending on how much it is

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This is just straight BS. Bye bye Activision.


Team Fight Tactics, I think it’s a League of Legends answer to Hearthstone Battlegrounds.


smart move to put this in the battleground announcement like its nothing.


don;t leave. things will all be straighten out once you see the patch notes

I think you are missing the point. Some things will only be purchasable with runestones. They will make you buy a RS bundle of 1400 RS but have things priced at 1100 RS or 1600 RS. So you have to buy WAY more than needed.


“Runestones will be replacing real money purchases for nearly every product in the Hearthstone shop”

Straight from the article. A select few things wont require it, but most will.


Team Fight Tactics. It’s very fun

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A ver, soy jugador de ladder desde meses despues que saliera el juego y cuando salió campos De batalla empecé a jugar desde el primer día, jugando a los dos modos a la vez. Nunca me ha parecido Pay to win porque existía oro y porque podías desencantar cartas para craftear otras cartas, solo es cuestión de tiempo y esfuerzo el conseguir armar mazos decentes y aún así se queda corto muy corto si quieres hacer 3 mazos, además campos de batalla tiene el aliciente que todo el mundo puede jugar y se podía utilizar oro si querías las ventajas.
Yo no digo que se utilice oro para las ventajas porque sería mezclar los modos pero las ventajas tienen que estar en el mapa de recompensas gratuito si no, ya sea en nivel 100 o 10000, pero eso es lo que hace grande Hearthstone, que puedes rankear dedicando mil horas, no con dinero

i hope there is a way to get runestones whilst playing the game

Just imagine that in the normal HS, I have to pay to see my whole mulligan…
This is obviously a huge advantage.
And they say it’s not pay to win…


does blizz pay you to hype their bad stuff? cause it sure sounds like it.


I feel like you are a Blizz employee trying to make this sound less bad. Not gonna work.


This is a giant middle finger and I am not interested in the changes. Any of them. Runestones are a horrible, greedy, BAAAD plan, and are enough for me to find something else to do with my free time.

I don’t want or need stupid cartoon pictures, so you aren’t giving us anything “free” with the track.

The rate of xp gains is horrible.

The top of the track is 2k xp and you are awarded 10xp for a top four finish. That’s insanity.

Q: Can I earn Runestones in-game?

A: No, there are no plans to earn Runestones in-game.

Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2! - Hearthstone (


blizzard does not pay me. i am just excited when i hear news of cool stuff coming to HS.
Although, i wish they would pay me in gold or in a gift of a Diamond Y’shaarj portrait

There isnt. Also in the post that you’re oh so trying to defend. Maybe you should actually… read it?


you seem to be the only one that think pay walls are cool… but to each their own. i bet you liked diablo immortal too right? i mean comon TWO paid battle pass in A SINGLE GAME? you dont see the greed? not only do they make money from skin bundles perks and battle passes already. they just want more and more lol. but dont offer anything meaningful. there a reason it used to take me 1 second to get into a match and now its sometime up to one minute!!! their playerbase is leaving


Already seen them not impressed.


I do not play Diablo Immortal. my father does sometimes when he is not at work and at the computer TYVM.
Plus, i don;t think that ALL purchases in game and through the shop will only be payable in Runestones.

What of this garbage is possibly exciting? Paying more money out of pocket for a free to play game? Or perhaps losing a competitive edge in the game?