Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

Games? Read their announcement, even them don’t call it that way :

And then a little later on that same announcement, the lies :

It’s fine to make a subscription based game, but a hidden subscription system on a game mode (not a game, just a mode), but yet keeping the denomination of free to play? It’s called scam, and should be penalized by law.

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Between this and the horrific state of Standard, Battlenet and Hearthstone are uninstalled from both my PC and phone. I’m not going to support horrible game design and greedy monetisation. A real pity because Battlegrounds was a lot of fun.


BG is now fully Pay-to-Win game mode.
No matter how many hours you play to collect so called rewards, you will never be on the same level as someone you pays real money.
Mind as well just drop the pretentious ‘free to play’ act and just charge players for playing the game, huh?


PTW was the reason I stopped enjoying the original Hearthstone. At least that had an option to buy packs with the in game currency. This is 100% PTW. If it let you pick from 4 heroes indefinitely I might consider forking over $10. This is just a season pass which will require you to buy it over and over again. I am not ready to pay a subscription for Hearthstone. It has been fun and the developers made a great game but good things never last. I have plenty of other games in my backlog that need playing.

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Das ist wirklich schade, ich wäre auch bereit 4k Gold pro Saison zu bezahlen, aber PtW ist nur traurig.

Was ist nur aus Blizzard geworden.

Battlegrounds was the only reason I still play Hearthstone. Thanks to these changes, primarily the $15 price tag on having 4 heroes, I’m done with Hearthstone.


This is the first time ive ever written in complaining, as I feel theres way too much of that these days, but after 18 odd years of playing blizzard games I wanted to weigh in.

Its clear that since Activision, more and more youve used strategic consultants to optimise your cash revenue through pay mechanics. This is fine as long as youre putting the game first however most of your recent decisions have been money first at the detriment of the game and the player base. For example people were happy to pay for cosmetics and farm gold to unlock 4 heroes (im sure many also paid), but to now make it compulsory to exchange real money to get 4 hero choices, not only puts F2P at a disadvantage but also makes the game less fun, as you have less chance of getting heroes you enjoy. How is this putting the game and the player base first.

The first question that should always be asked when making a strategic decision is “how does this make the game better and more fun, then ask, how is it profitable?”. If you cant achieve both than thats not the right decision.


1 word, bye. your monitizeing a mode that that is simply there for fun, and it is very fun. nothing you do in that mode has any other outcome on your strength outside of that specific game. its a mode where you can log in for a minute have fun and not worry about falling behind cause you cant get to rank 1 every month. if your monetizing BGS the game is already uninstalled in my eyes. bye

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why were you playing then? we always knew it was going to be monetized eventually …

false hope i guess. they had held it to a good standard for years.

Anyone who believes this…I have a bridge to sell you.

That was a day one feature, and they have repeatedly lied about major fixes (the coin fix has been a constant lie that they have never implemented).

I could have bezos, musk, buffet money combined and I would still tell them where they could stick their runestones. This company is evil, disgusting, and exploitive and doesn’t deserve a dime form anyone until they clean house.

Translation: don’t ask questions, just consoom product, then get excited for more products!

There really is no depth this company won’t sink to.

Shame on you for trying to guilt people into staying with a company that has this track record. It’s exploitive at best and manipulative at worst. It’s one thing to debate the merits of the positions, but the outright manipulative nonsense is nearly on the level of the abusive tactics this company has used. Then to spam it is even worse.

Bad form.

Maybe, just maybe because they lied and said the game is F2P. But the pro company crowd accidentally leaks some of the minutes from recent the actiblizz board meeting.

From the people who think the company is entitled to our money and business, as usual.

Every time people call out the devs and this for their nonsense and at times criminal conduct, it’s the same tiresome, hysterical, entitled nonsense from the pro company posters.

Amen! Every forum, social media outlet, review for this game, etc… Literally everywhere. Make sure to let your elected officials know this is the same lootbox crap they are now trying to skirt around.

LOL, clearly not, based on their lack of actual thought that’s gone into it of late.

*blindly defending the company


and it includes:

this failed model is in the ghosttown that is HoTS

the failed monetization is in diablow immoral paymore mortals! (one of the lowest reviewed games on several major sites)


If they had any goodwill after the workplace scandals, the diablow nonsense, and years of these kinds of moves…it was only from those who would still buy their products even if they announced they were really a front for a cult trying to end the world.



Those who act as spokespersons or representatives for the company would like it very much if the forums became an echo chamber of everyone singing hollow praise for the devs and the company, no matter how terrible their games got. Ignore the scandals, ignore the lead who livestreamed /posted exploits that players got banned for (even if it was unintentional), ignore the workplace harassment, etc. Just consoom product, then get excited for more product. And be sure to not be the first one to stop clapping!


Considering how you feel, it’s strange that you’re here.

Why do you haunt these forums?

If my posting “Code of Conduct” is trolling, then so is this post!

The whole thing for this BG 2 is to make you pay for Bonus effects. I hate the change they did to Battlegrounds. Again Blizzard proves itself out to be for your dollar and not to give bonus to players for just loving the game. Blizzard is just gimmie gimmie gimmie ~ for what a bonus to get to play with a paid for hero Skin. Honestly it is not earning it anymore it is if you can afford to buy what they offer. Oh wait … you do get a random silly looking emote I completely forgot about that . That is to show all others you graduated for one of your earned emotes to the free one that looks all star eyed. Wow well done player you get this for free.


Fastest way to complete rewards track is…

A) Do all weekly quests &

B) Concede EVERY game once you make top 4

What a stupid design… no bonus or rewards for making 1st place?? Other than meaningless “rank”?

Well done Blizzard :wink:


Turns out its incredibly boring and getting more fast phased and less fum with each patch. Now has quests that is broken as well as heroes which makes it unplayable if you get the correct hero and quest. P2W to get more heroes to choose from and increasing your chances of not getting a trash hero. I will not play anymore thats for sure. This was the last blizzard game I have given up on now. Quit the rest years ago… blizz lost its touch 2012.

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When pro company posters admit to trolling and mods refuse to action them, you know they are being protected. Now, look at all the “hidden due to flag” posts around here by people pointing out the company’s nonsense. I don’t support violating coc, but they should be held accountable equally. But the pro company crowd gets to do everything including post hate speech, threats, and abuse the report system with multiple accounts (and have those reports stand) and the mods do nothing.

But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t flag their posts, especially when they admit they are violating coc with off topic troll posts.

Of course! Remember, THIS is what they mean by “it’s still F2P guise!”


The new design strategy for every actiblizz game.

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What about the people whose money you STOLE that purchased a Tavern Pass just a month ago when the new expansion came out? At minimum they should have gotten this first one grandfathered (btw, other than the extra choice of heroes, the rest is crap and completely irrelevant to the game itself).


Yeah, it’s not fun anymore… uninstalled today. Bye Blizzard


Alternate title,
Announcing: The Death of Battlegrounds

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You know, with that, you could buy Blizzard, and change things :wink:

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