Announcing Battlegrounds Season 2!

I would, but I won’t post details here. In the event it ever happens. But players would be happy.


Climbing ranks is tough this patch, I’m gonna stop hyper-focusing on the quest reward and try for one of the smaller quicker ones, see if that works. Hearthstone is in a place right now where turn-7 tier-4 can get punished depending on the “lobby meta”, and low-tier wonders are always cool to see.

At this point, I can think of no game that deserves a (soft) price tag more than HS, personal opinion on current state notwithstanding, the effort & output is there. Wasn’t expecting another big minion revamps either, good stuff.

Why don’t you ask gamers first ? Your choices and then the announcements are so desapointing this last year… It’s so visible you don’t care about us… I play since the beggining, it’s the game I’ve spent the most money on in my life, and each of your last choices makes me regret it a little more… What a pity…


Final season for the battleground!

Every the one to much runestoned to play anymores.

Well they did. Im out to… Live long and prosper (not you blizzard i hope microsoft dismantles you from ground up starting with Activision.)


Wait, you want blizzard to acrually use their time improving the game instead of figureing out more ways to squeeze money out of us ? :joy::joy: we’ve been begging for years and what did we get “runestones”


This is 100% true. Its the main reason i came here. Hero select shoukd just be 4 standard and leave it at that. The pass should be 10$

LITERALLY!! Like can I use my coins for the 4 heroes again??

Thanks Blizzard for ruining a game I truly loved. 1) It was free and if you WANTED to put money in it, you could, for extra cosmetic things or rewards. Taking away the ability to buy 4 heroes with 1500 coins isn’t right. You’ve now unbalanced the game because now it is a pay to win game. It won’t be about how you set yourself up and learn the moves and cards, it’s gonna be about if you give us money, we’ll make you a winner.

Change it back, the reward track is cool! Don’t ruin it with having us pay for our 4 heroes perk. Do better, Blizzard.

I think quests in the normal mode were already a fun-killer mechanic personally. Now I’m concerned to see them on BG, they already look a bit broken.

The quests have made things a mess. It’s hard to call any hero the best selection pre-turn 4. Some of these quests hurt heroes more than anything. T4 is way too late to start working on a quest. You have to spend 3 turns hoping that whatever you’ve put together will work with any of the quest options.

Not only do I see more folks conceding at the hero select these days, but now I see a lot concede on T4 as well. And since there are zero incentives to achieve and maintain a high MMR/Rank, there are zero reasons to sit through a BG you don’t like. I do it myself. It’s the reason my rank didn’t hit 4k until like 2 days ago.

There are some that don’t appreciate that method. I get it. Blame Activizzard. They’ve created this problem.

Did they ever return 4 heroes to being a gold purchase instead of a cash purchase?

I’m guessing not and that I can keep Bnet uninstalled.


Follow me lol every patch i post about it. And how the gane will stay uninstalled till that change is reverted


Hi, when season 2 ending?

Jai réinstaller l’application la semaine dernière apres 1an de pause.

Je joue principalement au mode champs de bataille et je payait avec pièces le pass. Évidemment cela ne pouvais pas durer. Le systeme du pass en lui même, j’ai rien a dire, mais sérieusement je trouve que les recompenses ne sont pas assez nombreuses. 4 récompense par page et seulement 1 seul “gratuit” je trouve ça minime.
L’ajout des quêtes au tour 4 me plait. Le fait des fois de devoir changer un peu la stratégie donne du défi.

Et surtout, et je pense que c’est le pire, les mega latences du jeu !!! Mon dieu, des fois je ne voit pas le combat. J’ai tout mes serviteurs et la seconde d’après tout disparait d’un coup et c’est le coup final. Le début du tour n’est pas mieux. Parfois ça coupe aussi sans raison particulière et quand je relance je retrouve ma partie. Jusqu’à present cela ne m’as pas fait perdre mais cela reste pénible. J’ai tout optimisé sur mon téléphone pour que l’application tourne au mieux rien n’y fait.