Oh look, Star Guardians in Hearthstone now…original.
how much did they pay you to say that?
I just don’t get Blizzard… i really hate that they force people to spend money. I have bought some cosmetics… because i wanted. Now with this pay to win BS i will quit playing this game…
So you’re saying you don’t have to spend real life money we can use Runestones instead… for instance only 1500 Runestones for the battleground battlepass OR you could pay $14.99 and skip the Runestones… Yet 1500 Runestones is wait for it… $14.99.
It use to be you could grind quests out and get enough gold to buy things, a true free to play environment but that is no longer the case. Sure it took longer but that is the point of F2P. Now you can grind all you want and basically just get packs for that. The pictures showing what you can buy with each currency is hilarious. I love how $ is listed for only some but Runestones for everything then under that,
“Q: Can I earn Runestones in-game?
A: No, there are no plans to earn Runestones in-game.”.
How dense do you think your player population is, or is it you truly just don’t care anymore? Yeah it’s gonna be a no from me dog.
Same for me… hundreds of hours played and now this paywall bs is killing the game. Not for me thanks.
Its insane watching a company turn into a microtransaction company.
This is the start of the downfall for Blizz. Full send to the 9th layer
was fun during the last years - hope you find good customers that pay …
It’s completely dumb ?
You have choice between paying directly or against runic dust…
Which can only be obtained by buying them.
They are full drunk or what ?
After completing 99% of the achievements, Blizzard comes up with “Play class x 4000 times” and “Play class x 300 golds” for all classes. That would be ok, considering the cards played in 400 hours of play. But that’s no fun starting from zero.
runestones should also be able to be earned without money or for 200 gold that can be exchanged for 300 runestones.
Enjoy playing against only other paying players since I won’t be back until this change has been reverted.
I thought Blizzard couldn’t get worse after what they did these last few years, naive of me.
So now if you just want the 4 heroes choice you need to pay 15€ ?
What a joke.
I was thinking about playing BG again this season after a long break, i guess i made my decision.
I’ve played hearth since launch, spent hundreds on cards for constructed and switched to BG a while ago. Was happy to buy the new season pass, played a few games and constantly frozen at rope burn. Management pushed monetization so hard you launched an unplayable game. I’ve seen enough of this activision trash to know what this is, uninstalled and won’t be back. Good run original dev team you guys did a great job and the community will miss your game, you deserved better.
Came back to HS specifically for Battlegrounds few weeks ago. I disliked having to earn and pay gold to unlock the option to select from 4 heroes instead of 2, but I did it anyway. Now that the only option is to pay cash I feel demoralised to the point I no longer want to play the game…
Have fun, bye
Everything that’s already been said. you ruined your most popular game mode well done. looks like everyone here and that i know is on the same page.
its constructive criticism, they make enough money through other games why ruin the one f2p fan base they have.
The worst decision on this patch is the choice to remove the ability to earn the BG season pass with gameplay. This is a huge F U to BG players.
It’s not only good enough that we pour hours into your game buying cosmetics, but now we have to pay to even be on the same playing field as others?
This pay to win decision is a joke. If you want to have a BG specific currency fine, but we need to be able to reasonably earn it in game with in game activities so we can earn the season pass.
I hope this is a disaster for Blizzard and the hearthstone team, because thinking this is right for your players is disgusting.
Remember back in the 2000’s everyone hated EA for their ludicrous monetisation? Congrats to Blizz for overtaking EA.
I know this update has lost me and my partner.
Driven me away from WoW, from Diablo and now Hearthstone. All that’s left is for them to bugger up SC.
(sigh) It’s a good update overall, but that P2W addition completely overshadows it.
If it goes back to being earnable, I’ll return.
then take away the micro transactions and make it a subscription. oh wait there’s already totally f2p games exactly like this out there so they market it as f2p and lock features and make you pay for them. there’s plenty of other games like this out there that legit cost nothing to advance and play. most of them only sell cosmetics to get extra money so yeah.
Tying the heroes to the season pass is a bad idea, let that be available for gold only.
If you want everything else to be tied together, that’s fine as long as its cosmetic.
You’re just going to push people away from playing charging $15 unless you want to be at a disadvantage.
what kind of gold do you want to pay from wow or diablo?There is no gold in this game, there is no way to get it.There are only runestones and $.I also want to pay with resources from starcraft, I spend a lot of time on their extraction, but I think they will not agree.
You’re a funny troll, but a very sad one