Aman'Thul Vs surgurus

I’d ask for data to back up the ‘most’ part, but that’d be mighty boring. Let’s spice this up instead: ha, are you even sure those players (two separate links, although to the same sample) you refer to are old enough to have ever seen WC3, let alone read its manual with the lore? I could expresss my disapproval at how substantial parts of it have been ‘retconned’, but I’m not sure if there’d be many here who’d appreciate. 'I dunno and don’t care 'bout nuthing, gimme two packs and a deck code! :flushed: :sheep:

Me neither, by the way. I do remember WC3 and its manual, though. Not sure if it’d make you so willing to side with Sargeras.

Yes, you could, and it’s your choice to do so or not, but it’s occasionally not that bad, for example, to get some background to the characters and stories that you play with in this game, too, if you ask me.

:grinning: Yeah, especially Shadowlands.

Take a look at this (could find the video on the official channel, but what of it):

‘A fitting end’ :rofl:, as per Yogg-Saron’s quote from Mercs (lemme add a sarcasm marker for those who couldn’t detect it via text), but that’s another story.

If you’re really interested, I think I’ve expressed my positions about all of this — the Titans, the vote… Arthas’s story, even (by the way, while digging this up I found a reminder that you’re his fan) — quite openly in my posts, do I really have to repeat any of it?

:rofl: I’d nominate this for the ‘Best and Most Solicited Advice from Sheep’, but can’t be bothered.

:rofl: ‘We’re gonna be rich!’ — except with six measly packs, yay!

Look. I dunno where you’re from, but 6 is considered pretty good, ok?

Good enough to ‘swim’ in, as per the particular pic of your choice? :grinning:

Aww, the poorly concealed salt from those who chose wrong instead of playing it smart.

Pretty hilarious TBH.

Maybe next time dont go off-meta if you want max rewards.

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Its OK. You made the wrong choice and are full of :salt:

Maybe next time you will make the right choice.

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Stay mad. Maybe next time follow the crowd if you want full rewards, instead of trying to go rogue and hoping to change the communities general consensus to suit your agenda.

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I know you are mad because i am not a :sheep:

It is okay, swamp-face.

But was it worth…selling your soul to the dark side? :thinking:

:rofl: Just kidding. I find this whole thread a lot of fun.

Even in a silly lil game, I still like to follow my heart, even if it means coming up short, and Sargeras is definitely a no-no.

Although, if I remember correctly from original lore, he was one of the good guys who just ended up going a little coocoo :crazy_face:

Oh well, none of that matters now…you just can’t just go around stabbing planets with giant swords.

Oh wait, never mind…what sword? :wink:

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Refreshing to see someone else having fun here, especially with a game… which should be the whole point of it, shouldn’t it? :roll_eyes:

A bit of an extremist, as noted, for example, in my little graphomaniac opus above.

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This whole comment feels like a fever dream.

Misquoting is a violation of the forum code of conduct.

Just had to look up exactly what that meant (heard the term but never knew for sure…)

Ok then, have a nice day!! :smiley: