Fresh Account: Having fun!

You can totally do competitive F2P if you just focus on a few classes.

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Well, with your persistent encouragement, which I really appreciate, I will definitely check them out and consider trying to figure out the best way to maximize my Standard collection in F2P aspect.

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Being f2p is a game itself, I’m not but I try to manage my resources only buying the tavern passes and I have like 80% of the legendaries in standard. The game has become a lot cheaper through the years.

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Oh, wow that is awesome! I’ve looked at the tavern pass; I assume you use it get gold faster with XP bonuses and go beyond rank 100 for all the bonus gold?

Also, does your shop say “shop closed” often? or Not let you join any of the Solo Adventures? I still haven’t been able to load my Curse of Naxxramas lol. xD

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I am so bad at arena. Drafting is an art in itself as well.

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This is very true.

I just celebrated 3 years of sobriety recently. There are says when my brain tries to tell me otherwise but I’ve learned to tell myself to shut up lol.


I’m not sure how how purchasing the old adventures works, sorry I can’t help there.

The shop is closed pretty regularly for short windows. To be fully honest I don’t check it too often.

Hi, just sent you a friend request. Besides, might you be interested in the recruiting thing? Perhaps I could give it a try and also finally get that Morgl portrait for the collection (even though nowadays you can just buy it with gold), while we’re at it.

If you’re interested in Mercenaries in particular, I could give you a lot of advice on how to progress. Besides that, I’va also played Classic, but I dunno how interesting that could be to you.

As Swampface said, it might be worth trying to reach customer support and exchange Naxxaramas for packs available in standard or save the gold for the next miniset.
If I were you I’d first buy the miniset that releases next week for 2000 gold then start buying packs of every expansion in the following order: Castle Nathria → Sunken City → United in Stormwind → Alterac Valley → Forged in the Barrens, until you get a legendary for each set.

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My mom learned of my new hobby and Zelled me $100. I got the tavern pass and 60 packs; 15 Nathria, 15 Sunken, 15 Stormwind, and 15 Alterac. Also, turned out that when I made my account so long ago, but never played, there were 40 free packs waiting for me to claim.

That was one hell of a opening of cards. However, I was tired so I can’t remember what legendary cards I got. When I claimed the free cards I was given some free legendary cards, which has lost me in which are which.

With all of that said, I threw together a deck I found on the web called Aggro Druid and it won me my first game.

Then I threw together a custom deck on my own to complete a quest to summon Dragon cards, and while I did not win, it was a very intense and close game. Several vital errors I made in playing cards in the wrong order, and also the other opponent seemed to play a deck that felt very methodical in its strategy. Reallly fun games I played.


Get a grasp on what style you like to play and if you want I can give any pointers on what decks you might like.


Yeah, definitely! I will seek more of your advice after I explore some more. To be honest though I wouldn’t mind a write up (wall-of-text) of all your advice for the different styles (or main styles if it is too much to get into) here in this post.

Well it basically depends on how quickly you like to close out your games, first there are the aggro decks that aim to drop threats from the get-go, apply pressure and try to close out the game as quickly as possible. Examples are imp warlock, aggro druid, face hunter, murloc shaman. Midrange are decks that aim to have their swing turns a little bit later, like beast hunter, naga priest, miracle rogue, evolve shaman and enrage warrior. Finally there are control decks that try to stall and remove as much as possible until they get to their late win conditions, like quest priest, ramp druid, control warrior, big spell mage, thief rogue, relic DH etc. There are more things to consider, like how much do you like randomness in your game and the number of legendaries in your deck that determines how expensive it is.

What deck did they give you for free?

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Thanks for the info, I’ll look into all of those play styles and see if there are any decent decks I could use if I got the cards, or similar cards, to make one.
What websites would you recommend going to look for deck lists?

For the free deck I got to choose from any of the classes and I chose Demon Hunter; it gave me a starter version of that up to level 10, and then that same choice of Demon Hunter gave another deck called Abyssal Assault.

ps If I am seeking classic cards, is there a mode that offers these as rewards?

Check HSreplay for the best decks driven by data. I think DH is a great class to start, the only legendaries you really need are Xymox and Kurtrus Demon Render, and occasionally you should craft Jace, Lady Stheno and maybe Xhilag.
IIRC you can level up with the classes and unlock classic cards in any mode that let’s you play as that class, even against the AI. At least that’s how it used to work before they introduced the core set.

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I think this is the best attitude I have seen in quite some time, TBH.

Dont go full “tryhard” right off the bat as a new player. Take some time and experiment for yourself to find what YOU enjoy playing. Then find a competitive deck that fits you.

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Oh sweet I will check out that website asap and see if there are any decks I can make, and get inspired.

Good news! I got Kurtrus, Jace, Stheno, and Xhilag! I don’t have Xymox yet though.

Thanks for sharing! I will make sure to level up my classes.

Thanks! And I certainly will explore a bit. I try to not go hard in games in terms of attitude, because if I expect something like winning, then it may bring out the worst in me and make me feel disappointed. I really just enjoy how this gameplay feels; it is exciting. My collection is getting there slowly but steadily enough.

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That’s great! Then if you enjoy the deck and want to make it competitive the only thing I’d really suggest you to craft is the relic package.

There’s a very interesting DH legendary coming up in next miniset that might warrant the 2000 gold. That is, only if you expect to use some other cards from the 35-card set. I play all classes so it’s a no-brainer for me.

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What is the relic package? Is it the 3rd deck variation of Demon Hunter called The Relic Vault?

Also yeah, I am def going to work on saving as much gold for all upcoming mini sets. And if I somehow manage to get extra then I will buy the Sunken mini set too.

I checked out HSReplay and it looks awesome! Thanks for the recommendation.

The relic package consist of Xymox, 2 relic vaults and 2 of each of the 3 relics. They should remain relevant for the next 18 months, so I’d say it’s a safe craft.

About the minisets, they stop being sold after a while (don’t remember how long), so don’t sleep on them.

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