Aman'Thul Vs surgurus

Proud of something meaningless? :grinning: That sounds… interesting.

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He is strongest. He can manipulate time whenever he wants also he was the first to awaken, wisest of them all.

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Yes I’m sure you find everything I say very interesting and fulfilling proud of you for accepting my greatness.

Probably not, given the way the whole Order thing works, but that’s not the point. This is: since when has this kind of power been the mightiest in the Warcraft universe? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If anything, some Death stuff probably would be, as declared or prophesied on a few occasions, although apparently balance has been maintained in the end.

Another counterexample: Aman’Thul’s protégé on Azeroth, i.e. Nozdormu, wasn’t even the strongest of his kind or their leader.

Yeah, the oldest, as I’ve also written, and their ‘daddy’ of sorts, what of it?

Boris Spassky, for example, is the oldest living world champion in chess, doesn’t at all mean he’s the best right now, especially at his venerable age.

So, still no argument to back this claim up, sorry.

On the other hand, from what I’ve heard, there’ve been hint that Azeroth is potentially the strongest ever — although she hasn’t hatched from the planet yet… And I suppose I could dig up some lore to support it.

In other words, you’re proud of having nothing intelligent to say here. Well, this seems to be rather trendy nowadays. :grinning: People are proud of many things they should or used to be ashamed of — including their stupidity, even…

Yeah, I know, repeating myself yet again.

Well that’s disappointing to hear you say not sure how I will go on after your crushing words.

What are you trying to achieve with this?

The sole reason for anyone to vote is the rewards. It doesn’t prove anything on whether or not Aman’thul or Sargeras … or whoever else is a more interesting Titan or the evil vs good mumbo jumbo that people try to jump on here.

Since, i’m not a lore nerd i can tell you that i voted for Sargeras because it was implied that he would get the most votes. And that is okay!

This vote is there to get packs, nothing more. No underlying message, no nothing.

There is nothing being proven by what you vote. Only the rewards matter.

It’s like you are trying to argue between 2 choices of:

Getting spit in the face or not getting spit in the face, and then going out of your way to claim that the ones that picked the 2nd option are sheep.

There is nothing that you gain from voting Aman’thul.

Only thing you “gain” is losing out on some in-game packs.

Hopefully you are just a troll, because if you aren’t you might have room temperature iq.


:rofl: Another one, presuming to have decided everything for everyone.

Another one of those types… This time coming to a ‘lore-nerd’ thread to inform everyone of their cluelessness.

Another example of primatic behaviour.

What they can’t possibly perceive or comprehend, they project to a ‘cognitive zero’, and what they cannot understand — they could also try to mock or attack, among other stock options. And yeah, in a sense, that’s another self-repetition:

All that talk, only to say basically nothing in the end.


Enjoy your 5 packs sir


Look, this isn’t complicated. It’s just a matter of understanding one simple fact:

Most Hearthstone players haven’t cared about any of the World of Warcraft lore very much. What they remember fondly is Warcraft 3 lore. All of your “lore nerdery” is something that didn’t even exist in the minds of the vast majority of voters.

I didn’t play WoW. I literally have no idea who Aman’Thul is. A copied and pasted his name from above just now. I understand that I could spend 5 minutes and read a wiki article on him (it? idk) and find out more about him but… I’d rather not.

The whole “Warcraft 3” thing is also why any expansion with Arthas in it sells like hotcakes.

If you want to look at this majority as exhibiting

then that seems more than a little elitist but I mean look who I’m replying to here. The point is that it was entirely predictable, if you couldn’t guess that you were outnumbered by smoothbrains or however you look at them then you weren’t trying very hard to guess correctly.

This Aman’thul vs Sargeras thing, it was never going to be a duel. Everyone knew Aman’thul would get butchered.

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It’s over. Sargeras wins.

Packs already delivered.

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:sheep: won. Feels good to have three more packs for next expansion.


I just see :sheep: with full diapers that are filled with “happiness” - :poop:. They feel the urge to come here and spread their “happiness”.

Aman’Thul undeniable strongest titan. Happy that i voted for him. The End.

Going to get Golden Aman’Thul from these 5 packs!

You also did feel the urge to come here and spread insults to people for taking a Titan to vote.

So we are atleast on the same level. Have a nice day.

Please don’t cry. Word of advice, be a sheep and not a loser.

Please rename to The crier, because that’s all you do on these forums. :sheep:

Me being a :sheep:but enjoying the profits of being a :sheep:


I just express my anger at RNG sometimes (which is what forums are for), but you are just a troll.
Also my name> your name.

Atleast it’s a big effort troll.

It’s the pinacle of the forums entertainment.