85 packs / 3 lengendary cards? really blizzard?

That’s what you get when supporting filthy criminals at blizzard

The past few expansions have had a $20 bundle come out soon after the expansion release.

Definitely playing over a long period of time and saving duplicates for nerfs. Here’s my guide: [Video] How to get Max Dust from Nerfs!

I just saw on Twitter a picture of a streamer that got 3 normal legendarys and 1 golden legendary and a grey one from ONE pack. How ridiculous.

If opening packs was the only way to get cards, I’d agree with you, but you get free packs through gold, and you can craft anything you need. I don’t know where you play Blackjack, but I’ve never been able to craft an Ace, and the dealer isn’t throwing chips at me the longer I play… If I’m lucky, I can get some free crab legs, lol…


Anyone else notice Actizzard weeded out half the “current content” packs from the season reward track and replaced them with “Standard packs” that don’t count toward your leggo count from the Stormwind release and don’t count cards from it when giving you duplicates either, lowering your chances at epics and leggos even more? Yay for hype that fell flat… again.

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May be Shopped, though.

In Russia the forum reads you with Amerrrican accent.

I think I got 2, although I may have gotten 3 I can’t remember.

45 Packs, only got 1 Legendary.

And due to the extremely low roll. I’ve straight up quit Hearthstone (been playing since before Nax). Uninstalled, unsubscribed from everything HS. I bought the PASS (still on level 11) and it will never get completed, to as I’m not going to get roped into HS. Money wasted = lesson learned.

I opened a ticket about, but that fell on deaf ears. They basically told me to go to a forum. So here I am, adding my 1 cent worth of a comment.

United in Stormwind expansion has made it that you are EXTREMELY reliant on having legendaries (just look at the card list).

Good luck to the rest of you.

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Streamer… There’s your key word. It’s all targeted to those that provide HS exposure. If you F2P, then you get the LOWEST ROLLS possible.

Well you are only 5 more packs away from a second legendary. Because there is a guarenteed legendary in the first ten packs of an expansion and after that all 40 Packs.

Really? But it is a disgusting gambling company :money_mouth_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: Harming children with the most repulsive gambling techniques…

That’s advertisment/promotion for you.

Yesterday, I saw a hustler in the city. The old “find the queen” in the 3 face down cards scam. They always have a buddy in the crowd, who miraculously always finds the queen, and “wins”. It looks so easy! Then regular person tries, and never wins. Reminds you of anything?


I thought this already. But I didn’t mention it somewhere. It’s just advertisement so ppl buy packs and tries out their luck.
But the thing that quit me from playing is matchmaking. Too much mages and priests. I quit for some weeks but on vacation I want to game a bit and hearthstone is the only game i know that doesn’t use much data. (I always buy a internet bundle for a week)
I am a loot player. Maybe when I get some nice loot I come back to the game for longer. Don’t care ranking much. Just loot.

That is why I recommend Legends of Runeterra to others.

This is probably the best thing i read on this forums lol

I got 6 in 67 packs. Guess it’;s about luck. Usually I get 3 maybe 4. Also it’s the first expansion were I got the good ones, warlock quest, mage quest, hunter quest and 3 other legendries I don’t really recall , one of them I think was the paladin legendary.

In RL you can buy the cards directly you want too instead of being forced to open packs. The difference is, you do not loose nearly all worth of the cards only because you have more of them then you need.
Here if you do not get what you want you are forced to either keep it, or have to sell it way under worth.
If for example you do not got the Legendary card, it does not matter if the card is good or bad you are either forced to keep her or sell her for only 25% of what you need to buy a card. It is up for luck if you draw the cards you need or has to put more tries in it.


3 out of 85 is actually a lot better then most iOS games provide for legendary category gains.

There are many games out there that will give you far less for the actual far more money you might spend.

Hearthstone isn’t that bad for grinding believe it or not. That aside they aren’t the fairest out there either.

If you want to try another card game where the grind isn’t that bad I recommend GWENT Witcher card game. Far easier to grind, prices are far cheaper with larger pay out and it seems to be a bit more diverse with deck choices than a game like hearthstone.

The latest expansion with the quest lines is probably one of the worst cases of balance I’ve ever witnessed… especially for a game that already has a track record this is just embarrassing to log into 9 out of 10 players using demon seed quest line, and losing the very diversity a CCG game should be proud of.

Another one that bit the dust and fell in bliz trap. Dont play this lame game. Activision is killing it.

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