85 packs / 3 lengendary cards? really blizzard?

I’m at 3 legendaries from 80 packs. Getting close to your record…

I got 5 from 62 packs. Guess I was lucky.

An update…

It has been about a month since the expansion came out, and am now sitting on 3,450 more gold than when it started… 44060 gold,16,420 dust, and 158 on the Rewards track…

100% collection, only buying the $80 bundle and the United in Stormwind Tavern Pass, and playing the game. I’d argue that you could buy the $60 bundle and do the same, if you want the cosmetics…

Not flexing, like some say, just showing my experience, so if your goal is to get 100% of each expansion, the method I use above works…

I gambled and i lost, wah wah wah. that’s all i read here. you are actually opening a near perfect average, deal with it.

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i ve been playing for years and i never pulled less than 3 legendaries in 60 packs
thats why all these threads are really hard to believe for me

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