85 packs / 3 lengendary cards? really blizzard?

As long as you keep fueling this terrible business model don’t expect value for your money.


150 garantees only 3 legendaries

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An update on how my pack opening went…
Started with…
40,610 gold & 35,510 dust

$80 bundle + 51 packs with gold… It was supposed to be an even 50, but I got click happy…
136 packs in total, and opened 6 Legendary cards…
Dusted all duplicates and golden cards, and some will cringe, but even the golden legendary ones. I have OCD issues, if they all can’t be golden, none of them will. I can always look at the gifs online. Why can’t the cards just look cool anyways? I also hate paginating through more pages then I have to while making decks…
Crafted the rest minus 3 Legendary cards, would have been 2, but I can’t decide what one is better. I’ll end up crafting another and the last two I’ll get on the track…
BAM! 100%

Ended with…
35,510 gold & 13,525 dust

It’s not gambling if you can craft missing cards, just good management of resources…

150 packs and still missing 40 cards from full collection.

Will be last time I pre-order


200 Packs, all Legendaries, 40% of them are golden (3 Legendaries got by crafting tbh).

Im satisfied :grin:

“good management of ressources”
Listen… I don’t wanna start a fight here, but you already have the ressources banked from years of playing + you save a lot of ressources by still getting the bundle.
At this point it’s just compounding; a thing anyone would do if they had the ressources in the first place. Sorry to break it to u, but not everyone has god like assets laying around handy neither does it legitimate telling people who just got unlucky it is just about their mindsets. Nah, they just got unlucky bro.


Getting unlucky doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also be trying to maximise your resources over time (eg: through nerfs) so you do have the reserves to craft what you do need if a pack opening goes unlucky.

I have 30k dust (+ more on the button) but I don’t usually go about spending 20k dust on only the new expansion like Brandon, I still craft cards I’m missing from the older sets from time to time.

I have also been playing since 2017. Multiple times I have only got 3 legs in the first 80,85 packs. So just as bad luck.

But where is your gold? For me, the “F2P” packs have evened out the legendary drop rate from the “only 3 in 80” to 7 in 145.

My worst was probably Ashes of Outland where I only opened 8 legs in 212+ packs.

My best is this expansion, already 13 opened in 163 regular packs (+1 from golden packs +2 pre-order), I decided to stop opening for now and earn some packs.

You’re good, no ill will.
We were all new once, just starting to build our collection, and I’ve had just as bad “luck”. I’m just stressing that you need to look at the whole picture. They are literally throwing Legendary cards at us compared to when I started. When I open packs, I’m more worried about how many unique Epic cards I get.

I struggled at first, but I think the journey itself is fun. Like every game, you play the game, and numbers go up. I’m just sharing the data and giving people, who feel down on their luck, some tips…

Same for me. Even worse stats: 33 packs, 1 legendary. Fkin 90 dust… how can I compete with this sjit. Excuse my language, but it is terrible. I don’t even want to buy more and cannot draft anything with this.

I’m out. No fun this way. Was very looking forward to this expansion but there is no way I can get the cards I want without a gazillion money

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Thiss. This exactly.

Spending €130 every 4 months on a game is a lot of money for some. There is no appealing €20 bundle. If you want to play the game on a decent level you apparently have to buy your way into it.


33 packs for legendary is not bad i had legend in my 40 pack.

So, people are experiencing the issue that I actively avoided.

If you think they were gonna give you good packs to open in the bundles, you’re delusional. They score a big purchase and then keep you needing to buy much more to progress your collection. Now you’re invested (whatever you spent on pre-order) and will either be stuck with little, or you spend more on the hunt.

I’ve opened 8x Stormwind packs. Got my first Legendary on pack 7. 2x golden common, 1x golden rare and 1x epic. I can now use dust to craft whatever I need from the set. Unless you are a completionist, why chase random chances with your wallet? Anyone who’s been around for a while should have what they need for crafting.

Plus, whatever the meta evolves into, you can guarantee an entire set will not be involved.

I only buy the Tavern Pass for cash. I will buy the Battleground Perks with gold.


This exactly.
Plus they put these big influencers on the big screen, provide them with mega bundles or whatever they’re called and you only see the sparkles and flashes and laughter as they open wonderful packs. You then decide to try your luck and then reality hits when after a terrible opening session you’re not even halfway to a full collection.
When you look at a bundle like that first you think it’s a great deal then you realize it’s actually a scam. Horrible value for your money.


Not to mention YouTubers will avoid unfavorable matchups and only show you when they win with wonky decks that are impossible in a normal game. I would say that 80% of cards are obsolete by now.


Is it sad I read your post with a Russian accent in my head?

Wow! As a new player (Barrens was my first expansion)…how the h*ll did you accumulate all that gold and dust? I struggled to get 10k gold for the mini expansion and 80 packs for Stormwind and I only have 420 dust… I dream of having your numbers :rofl:

Yeap. Corporate murica and marketing 101

or be a full time lifeless streamer and play 7+ win arenas 24/7/365 which is quite unlikely for far majority of people. Especially when my opponent gets tickatus and most of us get like armor vendor

Sorry to break you but it is still gambling as those cards are lootboxes and if you do not draw the wanted card you only getting back 10-20% of your worth.
Legends of Runeterra is only Gambling for half of their free playable things but the other half is directly getting what you want.
In Hearthstone to be able to buy the guarenteed card you need to spent 50€ because you get only up to a quarter of unwanted cards. In LoR you only need to spent 5€ to get a Legendary and still have enough currency for an epic, a rare and two commons and all of your choice.