Patch 32.0 is now live; below are some of the bugs we’re currently tracking - this thread will be updated throughout the patch, thus make sure you keep an eye on it.
[Highlight][Pre-Release Tavern Brawl] We’re seeing some issues with the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl for players who are still on Patch 31.6. We’re working on solutions for affected players, and suggest making sure you’re on Patch 32.0 before starting a Brawl run.
[Highlight][Battlegrounds] Hero Rerolls are temporarily disabled.
Im happy to see , that the Malorne duplication is a bug. Was pretty disappointed when i pulled him out of my golden pack and thought that signatures might not protect duplicate pulls. Hope u guys manage to fix it soon
When I opened the game I got the legendaries from the prepurchase bundle. One of those legendaries was the regular version of malorne the waywatcher, off which i already have the signature version from the mega bundle. Am i wrong or am I not supposed to be able to get the same card twice? If so feel free to delete this.
issue with inviting friend to battlgrounds duos. we’re both online and i can’t even bring up the invite friend when i click on his name in the friend’s list. it was just working and then i switched over to pc and the option disappeared. switched back to phone and it doesn’t even show me anymore.
is there a rank thing that prevents us from queueing together? my rr is at 4500 and his is at 200.
I was able to play the Brawl on IPad before the nerfs went live, and was given Great Dark Beyond/Perils in Paradise packs as rewards. Hope there’s going to be a plan to convert those to Emerald dream packs
First time on the forum, first of all, it’s really bad to navigate, anyway, I don’t know where I should post this but there is something that bothers me too much in Battleground with Hurans or Spell generator builds, if you get 10 card in the end of turn or during the battle, and you should get something from the anomaly or from Marin’s trinket, you just don’t get it and it loses all purpose.
The solution is very simple, add a Temporary Hand place ( Only for anomaly rewards or Marin’s trinket’s rewards ) or transform the card in a “spell” from the naga that disappears if you don’t use it this turn. This way it won’t be frustrating
And I didn’t see it anywhere but the three new heroes are no longer showing in games, don’t know why, if there are some temporary fix being done, tell us in the game like you do for card change