Patch 32.0.1 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out today. Please select the relevant topic below for further details.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Hearthstone] Verdant Dreamsaber’s attack animation doesn’t play multiple times anymore.
- [Hearthstone] Blessing of the Wisp (and some other hero powers) now should correctly scale with Prophet Velen’s effect.
- [Hearthstone] Minions shuffled into deck by Raza the Resealed should have correct stats now.
- [Hearthstone] Briarspawn Drake’s interaction with the Freezing Trap was adjusted.
- [Hearthstone] Drakkari Enchanter was booted out of the Core.
- [Hearthstone] Minions which have “Summoned when drawn” now retain Dark Gifts when Discovered by Nightmare Lord Xavius.
- [Hearthstone] Created Signature cards with the Sweet Dreams Dark Gift are now playable.
- [Hearthstone] Hamuul Runetotem is not revealed anymore when drawn.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue with Sandbox Scoundrel’s effect.
- [Hearthstone] Frost Tyrant is now correctly summoned into play when drawn by Nightmare Lord Xavius’ Battlecry.
- [Hearthstone] Jumpscare is not revealing the shuffled cards to the opponent in History Tile anymore.
- [Hearthstone] Using Tradeable with The Black Knight now cost mana.
- [Hearthstone] Shaladrassil is correctly putting the cards generated into hand in a random order.
- [Hearthstone] Druid cards are correctly counted for the in-game event.
- [Hearthstone] Corrected Soulbreaker’s effect with Falric in play.
- [Hearthstone] You get the copy of the card when you play Mimicry and overdraw a card for your opponent.
- [Wild] Hemet, Jungle Hunter now should correctly destroy all cards, including the Barrel of Sludge.
- [Battlegrounds] Box Cars (Snake Eyes’ Buddy) is back.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue with Clairvoyance when used in Cosmic Duality anomaly with Manastorm.
- [Battlegrounds] All Patched Up is now consistent with evolving Hero effects when selected as a second hero power.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue causing players client to hang under certain conditions.
- [Battlegrounds] Batty Terrorguard’s effect is now consistent with Temporal Tampering.
Battlegrounds Anomalies and Hero & Minion Type Availability
Below is a list of Heroes that won’t be available or will have restrictions when a certain Anomaly is active. These restrictions will also persist through re-rolls.
Note: All Anomalies can be found in our official Card Library here.
- Double Header - Not Available: Queen Azshara, Fungalmancer Flurgl.
- Eleventh Hour - Not Available: Alexstrasza.
- Elven Elite - Not Available: Pirates + Lord Barov, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Forest Warden Omu, Infinite Toki, Galakrond, Jim Raynor.
- Factory Line - Not Available: N’Zoth.
- Gladiator’s Spoils - Not Available: Trade Prince Gallywix.
- Golden Arrow - Not Available: Rock Master Voone
- Golganneth Tempest - Not Available: Guff Runetotem, Heistbaron Togwaggle.
- Grapnel of the Titans - Not Available: Guff Runetotem.
- Instant Warband - Not Available: Alexstrasza.
- Match Fixing - Not Available: A.F. Kay, Alexstrasza, Guff Runetotem.
- Mimiron’s Clockwork Stadium - Not Available: Jim Raynor, Fungalmancer Flurgl, Guff Runetotem, Elise Starseeker, Professor Putricide.
- Money Match - Not Available: Guff Runetotem.
- No Face, No Case - Not Available: Galakrond.
- Overseer’s Orb - Not Available: E.T.C., Band Manager, Nozdormu.
- Path of the Treasure Seeker - Not Available: Arch-Villain Rafaam
- Planar Alignment - Not Available: Trade Prince Gallywix, Fungalmancer Flurgl, Queen Azshara.
- Scout’s Honor - Not Available: Arch-Villain Rafaam.
- Secrets of Norgannon - Not Available: Alexstrasza, Guff Runetotem.
- Tavern Special - Not Available: Guff Runetotem, Artanis, Lord Jaraxxus, A. F. Kay.
- The Golden Arena - Not Available: Queen Azshara, Jim Raynor.
- The Yogg-iseum - Not Available: Queen Azshara, Galakrond.
- Treasure Hoard - Not Available: Zerek, Master Cloner.
Battlegrounds Anomalies Appearance Rate Changes
Note: All Anomalies can be found in our official Card Library here.
Removed Anomalies
Line in the Sand
Rising Current
Uncompensated Upset
Magic Shop
Decreased appearance rates
Bring Home the Bacon
Elven Elite
Increased appearance rates
Money Match
Denathrius’ Anima Reserves
Anomalous Wisdomball
Grapnel of the Titans
Battlegrounds Hero Armor Changes
Note: All Heroes can be found in our official Card Library here. The list below only outlines the changes.
- Tamsin Roame: 15 Armor at high ranks, 12 Armor in Duos.
- Xyrella: 12 Armor at high ranks.
- C’Thun: 20 Armor at high ranks, 17 Armor in Duos.
- Guff Runetotem: 6 Armor at high ranks, 3 Armor in Duos.
- Deathwing: 15 Armor at high ranks, 12 Armor in Duos.
- Cariel Roame: 16 Armor at high ranks, 13 Armor in Duos.
- Fungalmancer Flurgl: 10 Armor at high ranks, 10 Armor at lower ranks, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Professor Putricide: 19 Armor at high ranks, 17 Armor in Duos.
- Sylvanas Windrunner: 20 Armor at high ranks, 18 Armor in Duos.
- The Jailer: 19 Armor at high ranks, 16 Armor in Duos.
- Alexstrasza: 5 Armor at high ranks, 3 Armor in Duos.
- Rakanishu: 19 Armor at high ranks, 16 Armor in Duos.
- Death Speaker Blackthorn: 18 Armor at high ranks, 15 Armor in Duos.
- Overlord Saurfang: 20 Armor at high ranks, 17 Armor in Duos.
- Aranna Starseeker: 12 Armor at high ranks, 10 Armor in Duos.
- A. F. Kay: 18 Armor at high ranks, 15 Armor in Duos.
- King Mukla: 13 Armor at high ranks, 10 Armor in Duos.
- E.T.C., Band Manager: 14 Armor at high ranks, 11 Armor in Duos.
- Doctor Holli’dae: 10 Armor at high ranks, 10 Armor in Duos.
- Marin the Manager: 12 Armor at high ranks, 10 Armor in Duos.
Reminder: 32.0 Known Issues thread is located here.